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Posted on Sun Feb 13th, 2011 @ 6:15am by Lieutenant Commander Tara Neniphim

895 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Space
Timeline: Current


Tara Neniphim sighed as she piloted her Scarab class heavy bomber/fighter. It wasn't built for speed, but to take on small ships by its self. While not maneuverable, it boasted enough power to take on a Defiant class star ship by its self. The weapons were turned off at the moment, but the powerful shields were still on. She hardly turned them off except to land, or dock with another ship. The warp field was burning around her, stars whipping past the hull with a quickness. Her new orders had her going to the Starbase Typhon, a long way away from Juno, and Syots. This wasn't going to be cake, but it was going to be easier to escape her past.

The shuttle flew just like the ancient beetle, slow and steady. This didn't bother the almost three hundred year old woman. It wasn't going to bother her at all. Looking at the small screen before her, she re-read the orders that had been handed to her.

'Starbase Typhon is looking for a Wing Commander. You have shown remarkable diligence in learning new ways to help the Federation. Over the time it has taken for you learn these new skills, the Admirality and the President of the Federation have taken notice. They have decided that working at Starbase Juno, where the majority of your family now resides. With the disappearance of Jai Sun, we have taken you out of harms way. While we do not believe that she will come to hunt you down in any way, we feel that perhaps a change of scenery will be best for all involved.'

"Best for all involved? They just don't want to use the extra Security that it might take to restrain Jai Sun." Again she sighed and made sure her shuttle was on track. She had orders to meet Commodore Fannin as soon as she could, which didn't bother her. Micheal had been a high ranking officer most of her child life, then when he had found her, he had been on the verge of becoming a Rear Admiral. Checking over her Scarab's systems again, she cut the warp drive and looked around. There was an unfinished ship yard, with construction crews all over the place. She may have to help secure that, but that would be light work. Looking above that, Starbase Typhon loomed into view.

Tapping several controls, she minimized the screen so she could look over the whole thing, seeing it rotate and yet stay almost perfectly still. She knew the rotation helped with the artificial gravity, a trick that had been perfected long before warp drives and colonies. She had helped perfect it, her and Syots had at least. She was thinking of the man that she used to call Grand Pa, but couldn't do that any longer. He had forced her to dirty her soul, forced her to kill innocent people that had gotten in his way. She wasn't going to do that any longer.

-^-Starbase Typhon to unknown fighter craft. Slow to one-quarter impulse, and make yourself known. You have fifteen seconds to comply.-^- Tara did so without even acknowledging the man at first. She was counting the seconds, waiting until they were almost over to do as asked. As the seconds inched by, she opened the comm system and smiled.

-^-Typhon, this is Fighter Shi sent over from Juno Fleet. Pilot's name is Tara Misu Neniphim, permission to board.-^- The seconds ticked by, and Tara did some last minute checks in the off chance that the base had been taken over by hostile forces. Her weapons were state of the art, a gift from Uncle Alexi, and some of them even experimental, a gift from her father.

-^- Fighter Shi word is you are clear to land. Call the ball.-^- Tara smiled, and kicked the impulse engines into over drive as she rocketed towards the opening shuttle hatch. This wasn't a problem, of making sure that her fighter had the same amount of yaw to it as the station, or even for her to match the lazy spin. She had trained for it, and done it with Starbase Juno. Slamming on the breaks, and making the port thrusters suddenly light up, she was inches from the bay, and matching the speed, and spin of the base. As she came into the bay, she noticed several people watching,, and others coming up from behind crates and from behind door ways. One had a bloody eye, but that was their own fault.

Pulling the shuttle into a spot, she calmly let the gears down, and then set the shuttle down. She had a second private one that would be coming as soon as the Commodore allowed for it in the bays. This was the Starfleet issued one, the other was coming directly from R&D back at Ankorage. As the rear bay of the shuttle began to open, Tara grabbed the stuffed gray velvet rabbit her father had given her as a two year old, and began moving towards the back. Tucking it under an arm, she grabbed her bags and looked around. "Where's the Commodores office?" she asked one person as she hopped down.


Tara Misu Neniphim
Wing Commander
Starbase Typhon


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