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Tied Up Neatly With A Bow

Posted on Wed Feb 9th, 2011 @ 10:17am by Commander Raven Adams & Captain Anna Johnson & Commander Krang Darkmoon

860 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Various
Timeline: Current


Raven walked out of Trans Galactic Trading and walked leisurely through the promenade looking at various stores. She entered one or two, bought herself some chocolate and a black leather bustier to make it look like she'd been shopping all afternoon. The last thing she wanted was for someone to wonder why she was visiting a shipping company. But if she were visiting a number of places it would look like she was simply shopping.

Finally she dropped off her purchases in her quarters and tapped her combadge. "Adams to Johnson and Darkmoon. Meet me in security in 30 minutes."


Thirty minutes later, Raven walked into the security office, a copy of the data crystal in her hand.

Anna made her way to security hoping that they were about to put an end to the bomb situation.

Krang was sitting in the rafters above his office. This was his favorite hiding spot. No one thought to look up here for him and he could still keep an ear on what was going on in the department. He felt his commbadge buzz indicating that he had an incoming transmission. He tapped it and heard Raven request a meeting. He quickly checked his office, saw that it was clear, and dropped back in and closed the open ceiling tile.

Thirty minutes later Raven and Anna appeared in the outer office, right on time. He sat at his desk, munching a carrot and waited for Petty Officer Rider-Stone to show them in.

Anna nodded to Raven, "You have good news for us I hope." She said as they stepped up to the Petty Officer just outside of Krang's office.

"He's waiting for you." Beth told them. She watched them walk past and shrugged. "Always something important, never 'Hi, Beth' or anything." she thought to herself.

Raven waited until they were in Krang's office to start her explanation. "A man named Martok in Operations had a lucrative side business selling information to anyone with the right amount of latinum," Raven informed them. "The man was killed recently when a deal went bad. Here's the official report." She handed Krang one of the data crystals.

Krang took the offered crystal and inserted it into the desk terminal and accessed the information.

"Martok did, however, keep meticulous records of all his transactions. Including one with a man from OreCo named Toran Melar. Melar, it seems, bought the rights to mine Tiberius IV without going through proper channels. In an effort to mask his illegal activities and get us to stop focusing on the investigation, he hired Breen to plant Romulan mines around Typhon. When that didn't work, he hired the Breen to plant the explosive on the station itself." She handed Krang the other data crystal. "Everything you need is on this crystal."

"I see that." Krang rumbled. "If the source were anyone else, I would feel this explanation was just a little to cut and dry. It's really very convenient that a criminal would just have such damning evidence lying around."

"So how do we go about arresting him then? As well anyone that helped him that is still alive." Anna said.

Raven first addressed Krang. "The man was paranoid. He wanted to make sure no one crossed him by having evidence of his transactions. A foolish mistake. It apparently got him killed. The investigation found no sign of any foul play other than the altercation itself." Then she turned to Anna. "Martok was a member of Starfleet. His quarters were examined after his death to find his nearest relatives. The crystals were found instead. They will stand up in any court as evidence. All you have to do is arrest the man. Then investigate him to see who else was involved."

Anna looked at Krang, "I want you to take a team to pick him up and put him in our brig. Check him make sure as best as you can there is nothing he can use to kill himself to get out of facing the charges. I'll contact command to set up arrangements for a trial." She said.

"Is there anything else you need from me?" Raven asked them.

"Thank you for all the help you have been in this. Thank whoever has been helping you as well." Anna said. "I'll be in touch if we need anything else." Anna said.

Raven nodded. "I will. If there's anything else I can do, let me know." Her part in the investigation was over and it now fell to security to follow through.

She had to admit, she was glad they had the person responsible for the explosions and all the problems associated with it. Now, with things neatly tied up, she was going to relax a bit. "Good luck," she said to Krang and Anna as she left security.

Anna turned to Krang, "What can I do to help?" She asked.

"As soon as I know of something, I'll be sure to let you know." Krang answered.


Captain Anna Johnson
Executive Officer
Starbase Typhon

Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief of Security
Starbase Typhon

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon


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