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Walking the Wards

Posted on Mon Feb 14th, 2011 @ 10:52am by Commodore Edward Fannin

558 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: 2nd Emergency Recovery Area
Timeline: Current


Fannin entered the ward set up in the outer ring of the Station. The smell reminded him of his place in the battle many years ago. He knew most of the Men and Women here would never make it back to full duty due to the nature of their wounds... Many of the wounded were Fleet from the drone attacks while en-route to Exeter. Most of the cases very bad. The medical team was first rate and worked by the motto "If they make it this far, their gonna live".

It was true. Edward had been monitoring the casualty rate of patients after their arrival to the station, it was a remarkable 99.9 save rate. He was told by fleet that the care given at the station was record setting.

All morning long he walked from bed to bed. He talked with them and helped them to get messages out to loved ones. He had been at it for some time when he realized there wasn't one complaint from these mangled crewmen. In fact most wished to get back to work as soon as possible, most to Exeter in fact. Another thing in common was pure hatred of the Breen... I statement heard several times over.

The burn ward was the worst. Not many to talk too in there. Most sedated for their comfort. Fannin was told as soon as they were fit to transport they would be shipped home to Earth for reconstructive treatment. The thought of a long trip reminded him of the pain. But that was years ago. He talked with a cheerful young Commander who was taking care of the ward. She was most optimistic of their return to full duty, but it was going to be a long time. Regeneration therapy was indeed amazing..

He finally got to a Marine ward which sounded like a bar fight in progress. They were watching some video dancers from back home as he walked in. A senior officer called the room to attention. The marines stood bolted upright at the command. Fannin walked to the front of the room. Looking out over a hundred Marines he spoke...

"Corporal Timothy Atkins, step forward and report." Fannin turned to the Marine Sergeant in a dress uniform behind him...

A young Corporal, arm in a sling came forward and stood at attention.

Fannin held a document, and read from it slowly...

"By order of the Starfleet Marines Private Akin's, Dominic , R. is promoted to Sergeant Star Fleet Marines. His devotion to duty and honor saved the lives of many Marines while deployed to the Planet Exeter attached to the 21st Marine Regiment. While his unit came under attack from overwhelming odds, Your Brother held his position while others could be evacuated. He continued this fight until he was killed in action. By order of the Commanding General, Star Fleet Marine Corp. I present you with the Star Fleet Medal of Honor. Awarded to your Brother for his actions that night on Exeter."

Fannin handed the open case to Corporal Adkins. Who excepted the award with a salute. The ceremony over Fannin talked with the Marines and found that most of them had been decorated for acts of bravery on Exeter. He wasn't surprised either. They were Marines after all.


Commodore Edward Fannin
Commander Task Force 42
Star Base Typhon


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