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Trying to Make Amends

Posted on Thu Feb 24th, 2011 @ 10:33am by Captain Anna Johnson

539 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: The Tea Room
Timeline: A couple of days after "A Hurt Heart..."

Anna had searched every store in the station until she found what she was looking for after Jana told her what happened the next morning. It was all a haze to her and she needed to make amends. She found a beautiful china tea pot with matching tea cups and had it wrapped along with some chocolates and made her way to the tea room.

She slowly and carefully stepped in to gauge Aeshia's reaction to her being there.

Aeshia looked up at Anna. "Tea? For wearing, or hairstyle?"

"I wasn't going to ask for anything," Anna said, "I brought a peace offering. I don't remember what I did or said just what Jana told me happened." Anna held out the gifts to see if Aeshia would take the offer.

"I not want to hear it." Aeshia said. She turned away, to serve a customer.

Anna sighed, "I was feeling sorry for myself. I was hurting. The only thing I've ever known is my family dynamics and my parents were real good at dishing out hurt and anger where it wasn't deserved." Anna set the gift on the counter. "For what its worth I've decided that drinking is not a good idea for me under any circumstances. I should have known better with my father being. . .well what he was." Anna turned to leave Aeshia and hoped she would be able to forgive her one day.

Aeshia did not acknowledge her. Instead, she went farther away, moving to assist another customer.

The tea pot inside Anna had picked specifically because of its design. It was hand painted. There were two ladies sitting down to tea and Japanese words painted on it loosely translated 'A Good Friend is like Good Mother, they will be there when you need them.' There was also a note on the box in an envelope written by Anna in Japanese as well.

"Aeshia Lady, I know I hurt you the other night and for that I can never forgive myself. When I get depressed I drink, when I drink I get mean and lash out at anyone that shows they care because I don't know how to deal with that. It's not a good reason for what I did but it is why I did it. I am giving up drinking all together and will deal with my hurt in ways that will hopefully not hurt those around me that care. My childhood was a mess and if you want more details about it I will be glad to share them with you because I know I can trust you with those details. You have been a better mother to me than my biological mother ever was and I am truly sorry I hurt you. I just hope you will read this and know that I do consider you like a mother and I am sorry that I hurt you. Love, Anna"

Anna stopped outside the window and looked back at Aeshia a moment a tear falling down her cheek she let out a sigh and walked away.

Aeshia refused to pay attention to the items left behind, continuing to serve her paying customers.

Captain Anna Johnson
Executive Officer

Aeshia Dew
The Tea Lady


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