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Clarification, Spaghetti, and some cheesecake, part 1

Posted on Sat Feb 26th, 2011 @ 4:08pm by Commander Raven Adams

1,160 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Raven Adams' Quarters
Timeline: Current

Skylar had brewed spaghetti sauce, and spaghetti, and had made an appropriate dessert, according to Raven's tastes.

He had then loaded them up into a box, and carried it to Raven's quarters. He didn't ring the doorbell.

~I am here. Do you wish to talk?~ Skylar asked. He had been drawn here, inexplicably, and had known that chocolate and spaghetti were required. He wasn't sure how.

Raven was curled up on the couch. She put the cushion over her head. If Skylar were here, he must be a glutton for punishment.

~Raven, please. I know you are upset, and I am sorry. Please open the door.~ Skylar insisted.

~You have nothing to be sorry for.~

~I have upset you. That is sufficient. You have not eaten in several hours, and I took the time to cook you dinner. Please, open the door, and talk with me.~ Skylar said.

Someone walked past, curious.

Skylar shot the Ensign a dirty look, which apparently shocked them sufficiently to make them move a great deal faster.

~I'm not hungry and quit harassing the crew.~ She'd felt the glare he gave the poor crewman.

He pressed the door chime. ~Raven, this is important. I am not angry with you, I was merely giving you sufficient space. I did not intend to cause you grief.~

He wasn't going away. ~I have space. I have a galaxy full of space and a ship to take me there.~

~Raven, this is important. Please don't push me away. I didn't mean for you to take things the way you did. I assumed you were overwhelmed, and needed space, so I gave it to you. I did not wish to upset you. There is spaghetti, and triple chocolate cheesecake that will go to waste, if you do not open this door, and then, I will be very upset.~ Skylar's thoughts permeated through a wave of annoyance. ~Please, don't shut me out.~

She wasn't ready to face him and have him give her a list of what steps she needed to take to break the bond, but it would have to happen sooner or later. If she didn't let him in, he'd just keep annoying people as they passed him in the corridor. ~Edgar, let him in.~

The raven flew to the door and pushed the button to open it.

Skylar brought the tray in, and placed them on the table. ~I do not wish to break this bond. What gave you that idea?~ He thought, as he decided to skip the spaghetti, and cut her a slice of cheesecake.

Raven didn't have words to answer him, so she sent him a quick burst of information. She was still curled up on the couch with the cushion over her head. It wasn't a very effective method of hiding, but it was the best she could do at the moment.

Skylar placed the cheesecake next to her. ~I am sorry. We appear to be on slightly different frequencies on this issue. I was upset. I neither hate you, nor would I wish any other mate in the world. I thought that was clear through the telepathic link. I would have clarified this sooner, but I thought you needed some space, so I set about a work shift, trying to keep my disappointment from affecting you.~

~Your disappointment in me was quite apparent.~ And not particularly encouraging. She couldn't blame him. He hadn't meant to bond with her. And now he was stuck.

~You are mistaken in your reasoning.~ Skylar countered, hearing background thoughts. ~Had I realized that was what that process was, I would have asked first, but I can think of no one else I would wish to do it with. Just because it was accidental does not mean I am not happy it has happened. I am just disappointed, because it seems like you are not.~

~I am not the one with flawed reasoning,~ she countered. ~You're the one who made it quite clear you didn't want me. You're the one who walked out.~

~I walked out, because I did not wish to upset you. You seemed... unsure, or uncomfortable. I realize now, that this was a mistake. I apologize, and have come to set this right.~ Skylar said, clearly, and concisely. ~You are too important for me to push away.~

Raven sat up and held out her hand. ~I cannot tell which emotions are mine and which are yours. All I felt was you pushing me away.~

~I thought you were pushing me away. I was, briefly, overwhelmed, and I believe I have surpassed this, but I have come across something more important.~ Skylar stated. ~The Athena project can go to hell, for all I care. You are more important than that.~

Skylar took her hand, and waited patiently for her to gather her thoughts to respond.

She wasn't quite sure what to say to that. She pulled gently on his hand until he sat next to her on the couch and kissed him.

Skylar very carefully moved the slice of cheesecake back to the table, so he wouldn't damage it. He then carefully took Raven in his arms, content that she had moved past mentally trying to keep him away.

~You know, I don't entirely know why I was drawn to you, or how we accidentally bonded, just by touch, but I am glad you have fallen into my life, Raven Adams.~ Skylar thought.

~The feeling is most definitely mutual,~ she thought back. They had a lot to talk about, a lot of details to work through; but right now she was focused on the man beside her. She opened her mind to him as she once again leaned forward and kissed him.

~You do that rather well.~ Skylar thought, mid kiss.

~Do what well?~ she asked, momentarily distracted.

~This.~ Skylar thought. He kissed Raven again.

~I hadn't noticed,~ Raven teased. ~It must be you.~

~I certainly wouldn't mind if this were the case. You are the first that I have had the desire to do this with.~ Skylar said with a mental laugh.

~I can't say you're the first, but I'm pretty sure you'll be the last,~ she chuckled.

~I believe I can live with that eventuality.~ Skylar said. ~Though I imagine the road will be interesting.~

That brought her back to reality and she groaned. ~What are we going to do about all this?~

~I was thinking, we should eat it, before it gets cold.~ Skylar said, indicating the spaghetti.

The last thing on her mind was spaghetti. But she sat back with a sigh. ~If you wish.~

~That was not what you were talking about.~ Skylar thought. ~Sorry. I don't really know what to do about this.~

He frowned. ~I don't even quite understand this. But that's par for the course, I'm guessing.~

(To be continued...)

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Skylar
Chief Engineer
Starbase Typhon


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