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Clarification, Spaghetti, and some cheesecake, part 2

Posted on Sat Feb 26th, 2011 @ 5:18pm by Commander Raven Adams

1,347 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Commander Adams' quarters.
Timeline: Current

[Raven Adams' Quarters]


~That was not what you were talking about.~ Skylar thought. ~Sorry. I don't really know what to do about this.~

He frowned. ~I don't even quite understand this. But that's par for the course, I'm guessing.~


~I haven't a clue.~ She stood up and began to pack the food away for later. She left out a slice of cheesecake for Skylar if he wanted it. There were a whole lot of things they needed to discuss but that particular elephant might not be dealt with for a while and right now she didn't feel like playing Mrs. Robinson. Everything was up in the air. She had no idea what they were going to do about the bonding -- if they were going to do anything at all. She glanced over at Skylar. She didn't even know what he expected from this change of events.

~Are you uncomfortable with the concept of being bonded?~ Skylar asked, after a few minutes. His thought process was churning through trying to come up with something to discuss that was pertinent. It was also frequently simply sputtering off, when he looked at Raven. ~It is known to be uncomfortable for some.~

~Betazoids bond, Skylar. It is not peculiar to Vulcans alone.~ How could she explain that she wasn't concerned with the bonding? How could she explain to someone who was new to the concept of romance that bonding wasn't enough?

~I do not...~ Confusion tore through him. ~I do not understand.~ His thought process nearly had fallen apart. ~I wish I did.~

Raven flushed a deep red. By all the prophets, how was she supposed to explain this to him? A grown man she now found herself bonded to? And how could she go on with him not knowing? The simplest way was to sit down, take his hand, place it on her face, and let him read it directly from her mind. So she did just that.

To his surprise, what she shared was nothing he hadn't heard of, in theory. ~I want this too.~ He thought softly. ~I do not understand most of it. But at the same time, it is what I want.~

This was not going to be easy. She looked at Skylar again. ~So, how do we deal with the logistics of this? I mean, we're bonded. Now what?~

~I am uncertain as to... precisely what should occur next. Normally, when two people are bonded, on Vulcan, a ceremony to celebrate this is held. I am uncertain as to whether or not such a public display of affection would be beneficial to our positions, but I understand that it is also of personal importance among most social groups.~ Skylar thought. ~Logistically, it makes sense, but I'm getting rather fond of the lack of logistics this relationship permits.~

~On Vulcan, bonding is enough for two people to be considered married. On Betazed and Bajor, you need a formal ceremony to be wed. So, by your laws we're mated. By mine, we're only half-way there.~ She ran a hand through her hair. ~I am not one for public celebrations, either; but for the rest, this feels... like we're in a sort of limbo. We're bonded, but not married or mated. I don't really know what we are, or where you want to go from here.~

~Forward.~ Skylar thought. ~We don't need a large public celebration. It is not uncommon, I understand, for some such ceremonies to be held in private, to respect the private nature of the two individuals in question, as not everyone is as extravagant as, say, Commodore Fannin, or Lady Damron.~

Raven chuckled. Very few people liked publicity as much as Morgan Damron. Even in her desire for privacy she was public. Raven, on the other hand, preferred to keep a very low profile. Even at public gatherings. ~True. So, what do we do next?~

~Either we can take this at a somewhat slow pace, so as not to extravagantly confuse the rumor mill,~ Skylar thought, ~Or we could try just shrugging off what others think, and do what happens to feel right at the moment.~

Raven began to chuckle. It helped relieve the remaining tension she'd been feeling. This entire situation was so surreal she still wasn't sure what to make of it. ~You obviously don't know me as well as you think if you can ask that. People already think I'm strange. I sleep in a coffin and wear a lot of black.~

~I'm a Vulcan who is prone to eating protein, and secretly takes great entertainment value away from the way people react to the 'proper Vulcan' act.~ Skylar said, with as much of a chuckle. ~However, I do not think you are strange. I think you are fascinating. Among a great deal of other positive adjectives.~

Raven smiled gratefully, although she still found it hard to believe Skylar still wanted to be with her after everything that had happened. ~I happen to like the type of Vulcan you are.~

~I happen to like the person you are.~ Skylar thought. ~And I'm a lot more accepting, and welcoming, than most people think I am capable of being. But then again, you would know that by this point.~

She was still amazed that someone like Skylar could possibly care for her, let alone want to be with her on a permanent basis. ~You are a very special person, Skylar.~ But she still didn't know where they were going next in this roller coaster of a relationship.

~I was thinking the same about you.~ Skylar thought. ~Have you considered what kind of family life you desire?~

Oh yeah. She'd thought about it. ~Yes. What about you?~

~I had not considered it. Then again, I had also not considered the necessity of taking a mate for some time yet. What size family did you have in mind?~ Skylar asked via thought. He had never encountered the necessity of such a question before, yet now, he considered it vitally important.

Raven could feel her cheeks growing warm. ~Two or three kids. I've never been a proponent of having just one child.~ She'd always wanted to get married and raise a family. But until now it had always been the nebulous some day.

~Then that is the direction we should move.~ Skylar said. This felt like the right thing to do. He was tired of doing what logic said should happen. So this was the way his life would go. At least, off duty.

The humor of the situation was not lost on Raven and she smiled. The whole thing had a surreal feel to it. Here they were, two people who barely knew each other talking about children when they weren't even married -- except by Vulcan standards -- and yet, she wouldn't have it any other way. When she was with Skylar she felt like she'd finally found a part of her that was missing and she wasn't about to let that go. Even if there was still a tiny fear that as he got to know her more he'd change his mind.

~I am not going anywhere, Raven.~ Skylar clarified. His mind picking up Raven's doubts.

She was beginning to believe him -- and it made her smile. ~We seem to be talking in circles and not getting very far.~ Except to allay most of her fears, which was a major accomplishment in and of itself. ~Do you want some spaghetti while we figure this out? I hear the cook is pretty amazing.~

~That sounds like a wise plan.~ Skylar thought with a chuckle.

She stood and held out her hand to Skylar. ~Come on. I think better when I'm not hungry.~

Skylar nodded, and smiled. He portioned the Spaghetti between the two plates, and came to the final conclusion that he would not be doing double shifts for the next 6 months as scheduled.


Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Skylar
Chief Engineer
Starbase Typhon


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