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Tea and Cranky

Posted on Fri Mar 4th, 2011 @ 5:17am by Captain Anna Johnson

751 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: XO's Office

Over the last few days things were looking a bit brighter for Anna. She wasn't as depressed, she had a new friend she was enjoying spending some time with and she was back to a normal schedule at work. She hadn't touched any alcohol since the night Aeshia had tried to help and that was still heavy on her heart but she had done all she could now all she could do was wait and see if she would be forgiven.

Her thoughts then went to Krang. She never would have thought about spending a lot of time with him. His race at a glance so different from her own but she had enjoyed their time together and looked forward to more time with him. She shook her head from her wandering thoughts and reached for the next PADD as she sipped her coffee to see what else she needed to sign off on.

Aeshia scowled, as she approached Anna's office. She pressed the doorbell, and frowned at an Ensign walking past. It was apparently a scary enough look on her face, to deflect conversation.

Anna looked toward the door, "Come in." She said as she added her thumbprint to another PADD and set it aside.

Aeshia entered. She looked at Anna. "Explain." She said. Her voice had an annoyed edge, and was extremely clipped.

"Explain what?" Anna asked.

Aeshia scowled. "You buy cheap, poorly done, chinese knock off tea pot for Aeshia. Why?"

"If it was a knock off I didn't realize it and it wasn't cheap." Anna said. "If all you came here to do was argue then you can go I'm not listening." Anna said and grabbed another PADD.

Aeshia shook her head. She was not sure if she was being dismissed or not. She decided to go for the safe option, and headed for the door.

Anna looked at her, "Why did you come here if it wasn't just to argue?" She asked.

"To ask why you thought the need to bring gift." Aeshia said. "Seems to be argumentative in basis."

"I brought a gift to apologize. I didn't mean to hurt you. I would have never said what I did if I hadn't been drunk and I wanted you to know how I felt about our friendship." Anna answered, "What is argumentative about

"Giving gifts to people is horrible way to apologize." Aeshia said. "Especially when you not know anything about the gift you are buying. At any rate, I understand. There is interesting saying though. A bartender learns most about his client, not how client pays, nor how client acts sober, but what client says when intoxicated."

"Not true." Anna said, "You don't know anything about me and that tea set was the best I could find on the station without having to wait a month to get one from Earth. You should have seen the ones a Ferengi tried to sell me." She added. "I grew up with an abusive father, the more drunk he was the worse I got hurt so when I'm drunk that part of my life comes out. It's why I usually don't get drunk."

"Which is something I not think you were capable of, Captain Johnson." Aeshia said. "You are welcome in tea room. Just do not expect the nicest of receptions. I do have other customers to take care of."

"It's why I've decided not to drink anymore period. I don't want to be like him ever." Anna said a tear making its way down her face. The fact that Aeshia called her Captain Johnson and not Anna lady hurt her as much as what she had said to Aeshia the other night but at least there was some progress.

Aeshia scowled, but nodded. "Very good, Captain Johnson." Aeshia said. "Is there anything else?"

"I don't know you are the one that came to me." Anna said.

"I guess not." Aeshia said, with a shrug. She continued her trip to the door.

Anna sighed and shook her head. ~Why did she even bother coming here?~ Anna thought to herself before grabbing her cup and getting more coffee. ~It will be a while before I step into her shop again if that is the way she still feels.~

Anna took a sip of her coffee before placing the mug on her desk and grabbing the next PADD. It was going to be a long day.

Captain Anna Johnson
Executive Officer
Starbase Typhon

Aeshia Dew
Tea Lady
Starbase Typhon


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