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So this is a carnival?

Posted on Wed Mar 9th, 2011 @ 8:07am by Commander Krang Darkmoon & Captain Anna Johnson

2,164 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Holodeck
Timeline: Current


Krang followed Anna down the corridor to holodeck 5. He waited quietly as she input the program setting and then stepped in when the huge doors opened.

The sights and sounds were a bit overwhelming. "So this is a carnival?" he asked.

Anna nodded, "This is it, rides, games, food." She said as she led him to the huge rock climbing wall and watched for his reaction.

"This I should be good at. Fancy a race to the top?" he asked, pushing up the sleeves on his shirt.

Anna smiled, "I think I can manage that." Anna said before she stepped up to the wall and got ready to race knowing full well she didn't stand much of a chance.

He looked at the attendant and said, "On your call." and stood near the base of the wall with his hands on the first set of holds.

A bell sounded and Anna started her climb moving quickly but carefully up the wall.

Krang stood his ground, counting to twenty in his head. When he got to twenty, he started climbing.

Anna kept climbing she hadn't noticed that Krang hadn't started climbing yet. She wasn't looking down her eyes were set on the top of the wall and the button that would determine the winner.

Krang jumped past the first several hand holds and started just below Anna. He climbed quickly, but not at top speed. It was a given that he would win, but he wanted to make it at least competitive.

Anna saw him moving up out of the corner of her eye and tried to move more quickly but slipped. The safety ropes caught her and left her hanging in mid air and slowly lowered her to the ground as she watched Krang moving up the wall.

When Krang saw Anna fall, he stopped climbing and let the safety ropes carry him back to the bottom as well. "Good thing we had the safety equipment." he commented, "Are you unhurt?"

Anna blushed a bit, "Nothing hurt but my pride." She said. "Thanks for checking on me but you could have finished the race."

"It's not a race without an opponent. At that point it's just showing off."

Anna laughed a bit. "You want to try again?" She asked.

"Up to you." he said with a shrug. "I could go for something to drink if there's a shop nearby."

"There is a lemonade stand there." Anna said pointing, "Fruit smoothies there. Sodas, coffee, hot chocolate there take your pick." She said with a smile.

"Fruit smoothie? That sounds like it has potential. What is it?"

"You pick the fruit it is blended with ice and milk or some sort of milk substitute if you can't properly digest milk. Strawberry-banana is one of my favorites." Anna said as she led the way to the booth with the smoothies.

"I guess I will go with the milk substitute and leave the bananas to you. I am allergic to both milk and bananas. The strawberry part sounds good though. Maybe some blue berries too?"

"You want a soy mixed berry smoothie then, it has strawberries and blueberries and I think blackberries." Anna said making a mental note of his allergies so she didn't serve him a meal that would make him sick in the future.

"Yes. I think that is what I want." he said with a nod to the person manning the blender. "Do you have any apples for sale?"

The young man placed an apple on the counter as he moved to make the drinks.

Krang picked up the apple and took a large bite. "Mmm." he mumbled, then swallowed. "That's a good one, very sweet."

Anna smiled and took her drink when he returned making sure he gave the right drink to the right person. "Thank you," Anna said as she picked hers up and took a sip. "I may have to try this with coconut milk substituted for the milk sometime." she said.

There was a loud clang of a bell behind them. Krang turned to see people lining up to hit a target with a large hammer. "What's that over there?" he asked pointing at the contraption.

"It's a test your strength game. If you can hit the bottom hard enough to make the ringer go up to the bell you win a prize." Anna said.

"I am beginning to suspect that you chose the available activities with me in mind." he said with a laugh. "Shall I win you a prize?"

Anna had a 'who me?' innocent look about her, "If you want to try I won't object." She said with a laugh.

"I think I shall." he said, setting down his drink and going to get in line. Several people in front of him tried and failed epicly. Finally it was his turn and the employee handed him a large mallet. He swung the hammer hard and it slammed into the target. As the hammer landed, he noticed the employee's foot press a lever under the unit. The slider slowed and stopped, then fell back to the starting point.

He looked at Anna with a surprised look on his face. "Computer, freeze program." he called and suddenly all the noises and movement stopped. He pointed to the man standing next to him and said, "HE CHEATED."

Anna nodded, "It use to cost money to play the games so it was all about profit. Sometimes they are rigged so that you have to hit them not only hard but in just the right place or in this case if he thinks you will make it he puts the odds in his favor." She pointed to the balloon dart throw, "They usually have the balloons under inflated making them harder to pop at that game for example."

"Where there no laws governing the defrauding of customers back then? I would think that people would stop playing the games if the operators were rigging them?" he said confused. Then after a moment he added, "But then again, that never stopped anyone from playing Dabo at Quark's."

Anna nodded, "Most people didn't realize at the time the games were rigged or they were sure they could beat the system." She said. "Computer make the games fair for the rest of this session." She said. There was a chirp and the program started moving again.

Krang watched carefully as the man's foot was suddenly no longer on the small lever and the game reset to the starting position. He raised the hammer again and slammed it down with authority. The weight rose higher and higher, nearing the bell and then slowed, stopped, and fell again without striking the bell. "Wait, I thought.." he sputtered. "How did..?" He looked at Anna confused. "Hold on." he said turning back to the contraption. He slammed the hammer down again with similar results.

"Not as easy as it looks." Anna said. "As I said its not just about how hard you hit it but where you it it. It has to be dead center as well as hard." She said pointing to the target painted on the game.

"I guess brute strength will not win the day." he said putting the hammer down. "Maybe there is some other way to win you a 'prize' that I could try?"

"Try it one more time." Anna said. "Aim the hammer for right here." She said and pointed to where he needed to hit it.

He held the hammer over his head and aimed carefully. The hammer landed with a thud and the slider quickly rose and a moment later the bell rang loud and true. "HA! Got it!" he shouted triumphantly.

Anna smiled, "See I told you it was possible." She watched as the man grabbed the prize to hand it to Krang.

Krang took the prize and turned to Anna. He presented it with a flourish and a half bow, "My Lady."

Anna took it and almost laughed, "A giant monkey," She shook her head, "I did not plan that one." She said taking it, "Thank you."

"My pleasure." he answered. "Now you can have something to keep me in your thoughts."

Anna smiled and blushed ever so slightly. "So do you see anything else you want to try?" She asked.

"I'm open to suggestions."

"Well there is a bungee jump over there. If you want something a little more slow there is a merry-go-round or over there is a paddle wheel boat." Anna said.

Krang notice the sun setting and said, "I guess a trip on the paddle boat might be nice."

Anna nodded and took his hand and led the way to the boat with the monkey in her other arm. It was getting ready to leave as they arrived but they got there just in time. There were a couple of seats at the front of the boat where they could enjoy the view and the breeze as well as the sunset. "So what do you think?" Anna held his hand in her free hand while holding the stuffed monkey in the other.

"I think this is a beautiful settings and I would like to come back here again."

Anna smiled, "I'll make sure to make a note of the one I picked then." Anna said. The sun had set now and the stars were coming out around them as the water splashed on the side of the boat.

Krang heard the music coming from the upper deck and said, "Sound like someone is starting a party."

"There is a place to dance up there actually." Anna answered.

"I never learned to dance. Not really a skill set I get much call for in my line of work."

"I'm not good enough to teach it. I can follow someones lead okay but its not something I have done very often either." Anna said. "The music is nice though."

"It's a style of music I haven't heard before. What time period is this holosim set in?"

"Late twentieth century during the eighties." Anna said. "There was some interesting music during that time period."

"Being 300 years old would explain why I don't recognize it."

Anna nodded, "I like it though. It has a nice sound to it. I can see why it was popular to dance to."

"It beats what passes for music back home, that's for sure." he said with a smile.

"I will have to hear some music from your world sometime." Anna said returning the smile.

"I can't imagine how anyone could like it. It's all pan flutes and drums and chanting. The Nagagi's music is mostly ceremonial in nature."

"I love pan flute music. It's relaxing." Anna said. "Jana listens to a lot of classical type stuff and she has several pan flute artist she listens to when she is sketching or writing sometimes."

"I'll get a data crystal together with several selections for you and Jana." Krang said, attempting to mimic a human smile.

Anna smiled, "Thank you I'm sure it will be something good to add to our musical collection." Anna leaned back in the chair she was in and let out a contented sigh. She was relaxing for the first time in several days.

Hearing Anna's contented sigh, Krang patted her hand and added, "I agree."

Anna looked over at him, "Has it been that stressful for you lately?" She asked.

"I don't guess I would say it's been that stressful. Security is always a bit of a rough ride."

"There are times I wish I had the means to just go somewhere and 'disappear' for a few days. I had a vacation a few weeks ago and it was great. It will be a while before I get any kind of shore leave again." Anna said.

"Disappearing" would sound like fun. I can't remember the last time I actually just took shore leave and just did nothing. There was always a case that needed my attention."

"I can relate. Being XO of a Star base where the CO is also a Task Force Commander you find yourself running things about as often as he does. That makes time off a bit difficult. I don't even want to think about the stack of PADDs that awaits me in the morning." Anna said. "However, that does mean I really should be heading back to my quarters for some sleep." She added as she stood again, "Thank you for such a nice evening." Anna leaned over and kissed Krang on the cheek.

Krang was greatly surprised by the kiss, but didn't object. "Good night. Thanks again for bringing me along."

"We'll have to do it again sometime." Anna said. "Computer end program."
The black and yellow grid came into view. "Good night." She said then walked toward the door.

"Good night." he answered simply and turned to follow.


Captain Anna Johnson
Executive Officer

Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief of Security


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