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Sometimes it's the little things that count, part 2

Posted on Fri Mar 4th, 2011 @ 5:10pm by Commander Raven Adams
Edited on on Fri Mar 4th, 2011 @ 5:12pm

1,158 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Raven Adams Quarters
Timeline: Current

[Raven's Quarters]


"Then I will have to teach you one day," she assured him. "I don't swim a lot, but I do enjoyit from time to time. Mostly, though, I read and listen to music."


"I do similar hobbies, though I doubt we read the same things, or listen to the same music styles." Skylar said with a smirk.

She cocked her head to one side and considered him. "Yeah. I can't see you listening to Bon Jovi or Kansas. I do meditate to classical music."

"I do not use music to meditate. Most of my musical tastes would amuse people. Some how, George Strait is not an 'authentically Vulcan' enough artist to stave off casual onlookers." Skylar said.

"Computer, play George Strait." The sounds of Terran country music filled the room. After a minute she looked at Skylar. "I can live with that."

Skylar quirked an eyebrow, and laughed. "Do you have any craft-related hobbies? I find it interesting, not to actually have one, but to study them, and how they have changed over centuries. Some, not at all, and others, quite vastly."

"I've put together a few dragons and ravens in my atime. I've done some sculpting." She remembered the raven she and Edgar had made out of chocolate. That made her feel a bit awkward. "I'm a pretty boring person, though. I go camping and swimming on the holodeck. I fly. I read. I collect things from time to time. That's about it. Oh, and I like chocolate."

"You fly? As in airplanes, or spacecraft?" Skylar asked. "And I'm aware of your affinity for chocolate."

"Spacecraft. I used to hire out as a pilot before I joined Starfleet."

"Fascinating choice of careers to move in to." Skylar said thoughtfully. "What kind of craft, I wonder. Were they small and fast, or just traditional freighters?"

"Actually, I flew a small ship. It held sufficient cargo, but it wasn't a freighter. It was fast enough to keep me out of trouble." Both with the Orion Syndicate and with the Federation, but that was something she wasn't ready to mention to Skyler -- or anyone -- just yet.

Skylar quirked an eyebrow. "A fascinating choice of words. I had suspected you were trouble, but I considered that a personal matter."

"Oh? What sort of trouble do you consider me? And what sort of personal matter?"

Skylar flashed Raven a nearly-Raven level impish grin. "The fun kind of trouble."

She leaned in to where her nose was an inch from Skylar's. "I think so." she she replied impishly.

Skylar, for some reason, he couldn't quite fathom, kissed her nose. He was getting used to reasons he couldn't quite fathom. Rather enjoying them, in fact.

The gesture made Raven laugh in delight. She rubbed her nose against his and sat back a little. She was both charmed by and frustrated with him. It was an interesting combination.

"So, tell me something about you," she asked.

"I am often found, when off duty, in odd places for Vulcans." Skylar noted. "My body's higher than normal quest for proteins tends to take me into non-vegan cooking establishments."

"You told me you need to eat a lot of proteins," she said. "But that really wasn't what I was asking."

"I am attempting to formulate, what, specifically, you are asking." Skylar said with a chuckle. "The question is rather broad."

"Yes, it is. I guess I'm simply trying to get to know you better. But we don't need to talk," she said, rubbing his hand absentmindedly with hers. "I'm fine with sitting quietly and just enjoying your company."

Skylar chuckled. "That is the rather difficult part about such a relationship." Skylar said. "You are not sure what the other already knows, because of the intensity of telepathic contact. Even some of the less automated skillsets sometimes bleed through."

Raven nodded. "I must admit, I'm still not sure which feelings are yours and which are mine. It makes this a bit awkward at times."

"I can understand the issue." Skylar said. "I am likewise left in a general state of confusion. I have it on fairly good sources that my sense of humor has improved, however."

"A Vulcan with a sense of humor? Fascinating," she teased. "I, on the other hand, have found myself to be... happier. I'm getting strange looks from the people I work with. Not that I wasn't happy before," she hastened to add, "I smile far too often of late."

"I have had to carefully contain such a response as well." Skylar said. "Not always with the best of results." He added with a chuckle.

Raven shook her head. "Yeah. So, we're at an impasse. We keep talking in circles but don't get anywhere."

Skylar smirked. ~We'll get past that, eventually.~ He thought at her, as he kissed her nose.

She quickly kissed him on the lips before sitting back.

Skylar decided he wasn't letting go of her, as he pulled her closer. ~You know, I suddenly have an idea for what we can do for the next 2.4 hours.~

Raven wrapped her arms around his neck and chuckled softly. ~I like the way you think.~

~I kind of figured you would.~ Skylar said with a chuckle.

Raven didn't say anything. She just leaned forward and kissed him again.

Skylar found a fascinating sense of being. holding Raven that close, time was not something he could count. He had no idea, precisely, how long they had been kissing, but he was fairly certain that if anyone needed either of them, they would call.

Raven had never enjoyed the simple act of kissing as much as she did now. Time no longer mattered. Later, she would wonder at it but now she had better things to think about -- or, more accurately not think about.

She broke the kiss long enough to take him by the hand and lead him to the couch where they could sit down and be more comfortable.

He managed to stop himself from kissing her just long enough to get back down on the couch. It was hard to pull off.

Raven lowered her mental shields and reached out to him with her mind, inviting him to share her feelings as she again lost herself in his kiss.

Nestled gently in the space beyond thoughts, reason, speech, and outward sensation, Skylar felt both out of place, and, at the same time, extremely comfortable. Kissing Raven was something, he decided, was going to be, not just an enjoyable past-time, but a very efficient way to keep himself properly refreshed. Relaxing with Raven was curious. It both required energy, and recovered it, at the same time. He filed those thoughts away for further analysis, at a time where such thoughts deserved attention. At current, they did not. Raven did. And, as far as he was concerned, only Raven.


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