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It's always something

Posted on Fri Mar 11th, 2011 @ 11:26am by Commander Krang Darkmoon & Captain Anna Johnson

683 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Anna's Office
Timeline: Current


Krang made his way up to the Ops deck. He had several PADDs in his hands and was visibly aggravated. People were quickly skittering out of his path.

He stood outside Anna's office and took a deep breath and let it out slowly, then pressed the chime requesting permission to enter.

"Enter," Anna said then sipped her coffee. Her good mood from her date with Krang now gone thanks to the tea lady's rant about her gift being cheap. ~I think as much as I have studied Japanese culture I would know an authentic tea set when I saw it.~ She grumbled in her mind then looked up to see who was on the other side of the door.

The door slid open and Krang stepped through. "I've got a bit of a weird situation brewing." he commented and handed her the PADD with the report on it. "Seems there is a counterfeit products ring that has set up shop on the station. It's hard to pin down where it's coming from because the range of products involved seems to be almost completely random."

Anna looked at the report and realization hit her. "I can probably take you to the shop. I paid for an authentic Japanese tea set for the tea lady and she came in her angry with me for thinking a cheap knock off was my idea of an apology." Anna said, "They may have done a bait and switch." She suggested, "We will just have to find a way to prove it if they did."

"It would help a lot to have a central location. It's probably a front for the larger operation too." he said with a nod.

"I'm guessing they didn't know I was the XO here since I'm ranked as a captain. Do you want to go in uniform or in civilian clothes to investigate?" Anna asked.

"Looking the way I look, a change of clothes would fail to act as an adequate disguise. I think the uniform will have to suffice."

"I'm guessing they are new enough the didn't know who I was. I can't imagine them scamming the XO of the station on purpose. That would get them in trouble too fast." Anna said as she sent a message to the yeoman to let her know she was stepping out on business. "I'll lead the way."

"Sounds good. I'll meet you there tonight at 1930." Krang said with a nod, making the note in the schedule he carried with him.

"Very well though I haven't told you where it is yet." Anna said with a smile.

"I'm a step ahead of you. I cross referenced your credit expenditure over the last week, with a search for the appropriate item and found 'Universal Importers' on level 3 of the Promenade." he said, turning the PADD so Anna could see the information.

"Should I be worried that you can track where I spend my money that fast?" Anna asked.

"Not unless you're trying to hide something." he replied, only half joking.

"Not when it comes to purchases anyway. If I didn't want a record I would make sure to use latinum anyway." Anna said joking back.

"There is always that, although large out lays of latinum can be tracked too."

Anna shrugged, "There is nothing I buy or am involved in that I am ashamed of." She said. "Only my childhood could be used to haunt me and that wasn't exactly my fault."

"Guess I picked a sore topic to tease about. I apologize."

Anna shook her head, "Not exactly a sore subject just fact." Anna said.
"I'll meet you there this evening." She added with a smile, "I had a nice time last night."

"Me too." Krang answered. Then he remembered something. "Oh. Here's that recording I promised for you and Jana." he said, retrieving a data crystal from his pocket.

Anna smiled and took it, "Thanks, I'll have to play it later."

"Very good. Meet you later." he said and turned to leave.


Captain Anna Johnson
Executive Officer

Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief of Security


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