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Something is Afoot on Typhon

Posted on Fri Mar 11th, 2011 @ 11:48pm by Captain Anna Johnson

316 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Various
Tags: Anyone that wants to run into her

Anna had met a few of the captains on the docked ships on the station. She had been by Engineering to check on the progress of the work being done now she sat in her office trying to clear her head.

She was having 'visions' ones that told her it was her mission to protect the station. She had to find the prince and make sure that he stayed alive until his coronation. Further than that she couldn't for the life of her figure out why she was wearing the strange clothing she was and moved to the replicator for get proper armor and set out to find Prince Charles.

Even more strange was her surroundings. Was this some kind of trick of the devil to keep her from her goal? That was something she would have to figure out at a later time.

Now wearing her proper clothing she left the office in search of the prince to let him know it was her duty to ensure he was protected. The war was at hand and she would make sure that she wasn't sent her visions in vain. Whatever it took Prince Charles would be made king.

She stepped through the doors into the outer office and her eyes widened more. ~Is this still part of the vision?~ She wondered. She closed her eyes and focused then opened them once more. It all seemed strange and yet familiar at the same time. She knew she was where she was suppose to be and knew her way around. Yet it didn't fit into what her mind was telling her should be.

Shaking that off she moved forward in search of anyone that would be loyal to her cause and be ready to fight in the battle that lay ahead. One more glance around and she headed toward the Promenade.

Captain Anna Johnson
Executive Officer
Starbase Typhon


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