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Building Frustration

Posted on Sat Mar 19th, 2011 @ 10:03am by Commander Raven Adams

537 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Raven's Quarters
Timeline: Current


Raven spent the day in her quarters working with Edgar, avoiding people in general. She felt like she was slowly going crazy. On the one hand, she was happy because of the way she felt around Skylar. Especially when he held her. It was nice to feel his presence on the starbase, his thoughts as ever present shadows in the back of her mind. On the other hand, she felt like she was in a sort of limbo. They weren't married by Bajoran, Betazoid or even Federation law and their relationship hadn't gone beyond kissing. Great kissing, but kissing nonetheless. She wasn't even sure it would -- unless Skylar went into Pon Farr. That alone would drive her crazy.

"Okay, Edgar. Tell me again about the smuggling ring Darkmoon is investigating. Is there any way it will intersect with Trans Galactic Trading?"

Edgar shook his head. "Negative. Universal Importers on level 3 of the Promenade does not impact Trans Galactic Trading, Morticia Gomez or any interconnected traders."

"Good. Then we'll just let Commander Darkmoon take care of these people. No need to get involved."

Edgar nodded. "Is there more you wish to know?"

"No," she said, stretching her feet over the back of the couch. "Thank you."

Edgar flapped his wings and flew back to his perch.

She wondered what Skylar was doing. And if she'd see him that day. Not likely. For the past few days he'd been far too busy with several starships in need of re pairs. Including one that managed to lose its warp core.

Raven stretched and made herself more comfortable. Maybe she could fall asleep? A nap would be good -- especially as she hadn't been sleeping well.

She couldn't even talk to Khiy. He'd gone away on business and wasn't expected back for a while.

Raven fell into a troubled sleep. Too many things were beyond her control. If only things were simpler, she thought...

She woke up some time later and wondered where she was and why everything looked so odd. This wasn't the forest and it definitely wasn't the castle. Another trick by the Sheriff?

Her clothes were odd, too. She walked into the other room and began to rummage through the odd assortment of clothes. She finally found something close. Black tights, a black poet's shirt and a dark green tunic. It wasn't her usual forest green, but it would do. She found a cloak that matched and walked to the thing that looked like a door out. There was a sword with a dragon hilt on the wall and she helped herself to it. Just in case she ran into trouble.

The door had no latch, which was odd but fit the oddness of this room. As she walked towards it, the door opened before her. "Thank you," she said to whatever spirit was controlling the device. "Can you point me in the direction of Sherwood Forest?"

A light on the wall lit up, pointing down the corridor. "Thank you, spirit," she said. "I hope this isn't an ambush." The light simply blinked, leading her on to what she hoped was familiar territory.


Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
"Robin Hood"
Starbase Typhon


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