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Posted on Tue Mar 15th, 2011 @ 6:16am by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Major Erwin Reynolds [John]

814 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: Old Exeter Home Guard Bunker
Timeline: current


Wilhelm was in the command center of the old bunker they found, and was looking through the big bay windows at the frantic activity below. Wilhelm glanced the old Sergeant he reactivated directing the repairs to the old war machines. Turning to a status console, he waited for the arrival of his two senior commanders.

Reynolds enters stepping over a shattered desk,,, "You called Sir?"

"Yes I did Major." Wilhelm said with a smile and waves his arms, "What do you think of our find?" Motioning to the bunker and eguipment bays.

"Interesting. Seems they were set up here very well. Any open coms to a Breen invasion fleet?"

"No." Wilhelm said with a chuckle, "This was built almost 60 years ago when Exeter was supposed to disarm. This is where they stored all the good stuff." Wilhelm said with a smile, "It's old equipment but a tank is still a tank! Anyways, I called you and our air commander here for a little meeting."

Reynolds pulled up an old wooden chair and set his rifle on the desk. "This is quite a set up they had. We should get some of these arms into the hands of the militia. They could sure use some of this stuff."

"Well I got every armory tech we have up here sorting through equipment. We're also hauling out infantry weapons as fast as we have hands to hold them with bare minimum training." Wilhelm picked up a antique, pristine looking, MAKO plasma rifle. "I'm keeping this one for my personal collection. Still lots of equipment to sort through though but we are getting off topic. How'd did the operation to Sitko go?" Wilhelm asked.

"Very well Sir. The inhabitants were self sufficient woodcutters and lumbermen. They had a few issues with the commandos but nothing serious. They were fairly well armed too.." Reynolds took out a map he had drawn.

"They are watching this area for us here, I'm sure if they see any activity they will start yelling."

"Very good Erwin. I sent a platoon and company of the militia up to hold this pass up to the north where we lost Parino..." Wilhelm paused with a sad look then continued. "....They haven't reported any activitu and the marines are on their way back." Wilhelm then took out an annotated map of the city. "Our positions all along the siege line are holding strong and are being reinforced everyday by the locals, which is up to nearly brigade strength. The flow of civilians and enemy deserters has, for the most part, slowed to a trickle out of the besieged areas. What we're going to plan is to drop the heavy end of the hammer and bring this siege to a close."

"Sounds like a good plan Sir. I have been getting word from the men that a few hangings have taken place in some of the outlying rural areas as locals have found a few of the commandos."

Wilhelm got a brief look of anger on his face, "Understandable but not acceptable. Write up orders to be broadcasted to the populace that if they catch enemy troops they are to hand them over to the nearest Starfleet Marine or Exeter Militia unit. Vigilantes and lynch mobs are not acceptable."

"Yes Sir, Immediately." Reynolds waved over a Mare sergeant who handed him a pad. Erwin began writing the orders as given. The sergeant turned and began setting up some com equipment knowing they would be there for a few minutes. A hologram map screen came to life several seconds later with all outlying marine units displayed. The sergeant looked over at his Colonel. "Sir full com's are up if you care to check it."

Wilhelm looked over the equipment and said into the COMM "All detachments report in by the numbers."

The Sergeant worked with a fury as all Marine land units started checking in.. Their were many. As he keyed them in and verified their location they appeared as a blip on the hologram. Several units were having some issues, so the sergeant had a boost relay set up outside the bunker by a Tall clumsy corporal who appeared to be his assistant.

"All outer marine units, prepare to have your positions taken over by local Militia units and for new movement orders." Wilhelm said into the COMM.

Reynolds looked up...

"All units as you are relieved you are to move to assembly areas one kilometer behind the siege lines for a twenty four hour rest up. You will be joined up with armor and mobile artillery. That is all for now. Out." Wilhelm closed the COMM. "See to it that we get all forces to the assembly areas and under cover. Don't want to show our cards early."


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
CO, 21st Marines

Major Erwin Reynolds
CO, Third Battalion, 21st Marines


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