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Coming Aboard

Posted on Mon Mar 28th, 2011 @ 7:05pm by Lieutenant Commander Tara Neniphim & Commander Basil Hart

1,162 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Sick Bay
Timeline: After "Report, Order, Rinse, Repeat"


After meeting the Commodore, Tara made her way down to the sick bay. She needed to have a check up, and her last psychical was poor. She still had the velvet rabbit under her one arm as she found, then entered the area she needed to be in. Looking around, she smiled at several nurses, looking them up and down. A new home had new potentials. "Doctor?"

"Coming, Coming!" came a cheerful call from the doctor's office. a moment later, he popped his head out. "Ah! Lieutenant Commander Neniphim! I was informed of your arrival on station! Welcome to my humble domain! I am Doctor Basil Hart! Please be seated on the bio-bed." He motioned for her to sit.

Tara hopped up and sat primly on the bio bed. Her stuffed rabbit still under her arm, almost like it was a growth. "How come every one knows where I'm going to be before I know it?"

Basil chuckled. "That, milady, is one of the great mysteries of all time! (That and what part of a chicken the nugget comes from...)" He activated the bio-bed, and ran a Fienberger over her upper torso. Checking the readings, he raised an eyebrow. "Your readings are textbook normal." He looked her in the eye, suddenly serious. "That never happens. Is there anything you would like to tell me about your past medical history? Or perhaps why such an attractive woman looks to be about three hundred or more years younger than her actual age? If you were El-Aurian, I could make allowances. But my readings show all human. Rest assured that this will all be held in strictest confidence, my dear."

"First rule, stop calling me my dear and milady," Tara said, her face going stoney. "Second rule, my past is just that, mine." She wasn't happy about the line of questioning. "There's a few things about me that will astound you, each of which are held in top secret files that only six people can acess at any time." She pulled a padd from her hip and handed it over. "Now it's seven."

Basil raised the other eyebrow as he skimmed over the report. "Very well. This will be treated as strictly confidential. I will encrypt your medical records, and only you and I will know what's going on in your body. I will also attempt to research a process whereby the effects of your condition may be reversed if possible. If there is anything within reason that you require or would like, please let me know, ok, Lieutenant Commander Neniphim?"

"I've been this way longer than most people want to remember. I have the antidote, but I don't want to use it." Smiling, she reached into her bun and pulled out a small throwing knife, and took it down her arm. Blood began to pool, then stopped as she pulled it off with the knife, the cut already healing. "There are certain advantages, but it doesn't work against phase energy, nuclear energy, or any type of energy. I can be killed, it just takes a little bit longer."

Basil took the demonstration in stride. "I suspected as much after looking at your cellular makeup. If you don't want me to research your condition, I'll respect that. Just out of curiosity, where did you obtain the cure?"

"My ex husband gave it to me," she said with a slight smile. "It was a divorce present after several years of living a lie. You can research it all you want. If there's something in there that you can use to help a wounded Marine grow his leg back, or save someone from an unknown type of Cancer, then I'm more than willing to help. But I don't want anyone living the curse I am. No one deserves this."

"I shall, of course, respect your wishes." The crisp English access with which Basil spoke came out a little more distinctly when he was curious or serious, and he was a little of both, right about now. "Well I'll keep mum about it, as long as it poses no threat to the ship or crew. But it sounds like you have several lifetimes of experience at self-mastery, so I won't worry." If you have no more questions, you are dismissed to assume your duties." He extended his hand. "May I keep that cure so I can study it?"

"Only if it's for study Doctor. I don't want you re creating what happened to me." Setting the velvet rabbit to the side, she reached deep down the front of her uniform and pulled out a hypospray vial. "And so help me, if you inject me with this, before I die I will take you with me."

"It's never a good idea to threaten your doctor," Basil said. "I hope that you do not think I would violate my Hippocratic Oath in such a manner. I am not in the business of meddling with the natural order of life like that. I simply want to examine the properties of your "cure" so if there are any more like you out there who DO want to resume a normal lifespan, they might be able to have that option. I would never consider using something like that without your permission. There is also a possibility that This could be used to regenerate tissue on a larger scale than the present dermal re-generators. If I discover anything of use, I will notify you before anyone, since you are in a unique position to offer your opinion on the subject. Now, unless you want me to revise your status to 'unfit for duty', you will calm down and return to your duties, Lieutenant Commander Neniphim." His steely gaze met hers, and he did not flinch. "I am trying to help you, not take advantage of your unique body chemistry."

Tara slid off the bio bed, matching his gaze in intensity. "And I've heard that before Doctor. The man that made me like this said the exact same thing before pretty much trying to make me a god." Grabbing her rabbit, she seemed to calm down some, and become her normal self. "If you find anything, let me know and we'll work to get it sent out fleet wide to help people."

Basil smiled kindly. "All right. I'll grant that others may have taken advantage of you in the past, and I hope to be able to earn your trust. But in the mean time, I'll see what useful information can be extracted from this sample, and let you know what can be done. Dismissed."

Tara nodded and turned to leave. Moving quickly from the medical center, she made her way to her quarters. She didn't know what was going on with her ships, but now she was going to find out.

Commander Basil Hart
Chief Medical Officer,
Star Base Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Tara Neniphim
Wing Commander
Star Base Typhon


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