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Slave Pens Part Two

Posted on Sat Mar 12th, 2011 @ 2:29am by Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp [Wilhelm] & 1st Lieutenant Tony Way & Master Sergeant John Deal

1,656 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Warehouse District, Aurora, Planet Exeter
Timeline: current


Otto heard some briefs pops and cries of pain behind him and his marines as they advanced cautiously but quickly to the next objective. "Glad I packed provimity grenades." Otto said and kept the marines going at a leap frog pace. Otto switched the HUD on his helmet to a map quick to see how much farther they had to go. "Only 500 meters kids. T'Mpel talk to me man." Otto said into his COMM. "Got alot of tangos up ahead at another nondescript warehouse. Tipping the scale on the ESM though." Otto began spreading out his marines to check out the area.

Otto and another marine went into warehouse across the lot from their targe and took a look. "Whooa....That's alot of mercs and commandos..." Otto muttered underneath his macrobinoculars. "Well looks like we're going to have to make a diversion to get in. All marines report on enemy strength." Otto said and after a couple of minutes Otto realized there was a full battalion out there, mostly near his postion though. "To close to the target to call in arty or air....Old fashioned way it is." Otto said then hit his COMM "Sergeant Deal we have a battalion-sized problem but I think we have a little plan. My forces will cause as much racket as possible and your men can enter in through the back. Just give us a half hour prep time." Otto said looking at his bag high explosive tricks.

Tony heard the message and wanted to help.. "Sergeant Krupp, what can I do to help?"

"Well Lieutenant if you and your men will breach with the Master Sergeant you could probably get some good shots. My marines are gonna be running hell for leather and your cameraman is a little on the thick side. Good luck. Krupp out." Otto said into his COMM

Tony acknowledged the message and gathered a few of his Marines. They numbered Ten in all. He switched to the command channel to get a hold of Deal.

"Deal, I have Ten effective. Where do you need us?"

-^-Find an effective way... to be effective,-^- John said as he watched the battalion shuffle around its self. -^-Krupp, you've got a green light. Once the running starts, my boys'll be coming the other way. For the love of god, make sure you know what you're shooting before you fire.-^- He looked behind him. His men weren't high in numbers, but they were going to do the job. -^-Count from ten. Once you hit one, hit em and scoot.-^-

Tony had picked up a few more Marines on the way to the warehouse. They had moved slowly through a dry creekbed and a low row of maintenance buildings. He was checking his path carefully to avoid being detected by merc op's. He got to a point where they would have to move in the open, he stopped and told his men to prepare for assault. He did a head count and had Sixteen Marines, not enough to provide a good assault but enough to murder anyone moving accrossed the field trying to re-enforce the enemies position.... All they needed now was the go sign.

Otto looked over at the RPG gunner next to him and nodded. Otto watched he fitted a Shatter anti-personnel warhead to the weapon, Otto checked to make sure he had a fresh power pack and the safety was on full auto. "Alright Raiders, time to earn our pay. Continuous fire until they charge us. On the count, 10...9...." Otto said and could feel adrenaline start seeping into his blood. "Damn I love this..." Otto thought briefly. "4...3....Take aim....FIRE!!!" Otto said then let loose on some mercs nearest him. Out of the corner of his eye he seen the Shatter fly out and detonate over a 40 yard area covered with mercs. Otto sighted in another merc looking around wildly and fired. "A squad taking on a battalion...Only in the Marines...." Otto mumbled and kept firing and heard the crack of T'Mpel sniper rifle and the RPG gunner fired again.

Otto looked quickly and seen some Commandos start running toward his position when a Pulse SAW opened up taking them in the flank and cutting them down. "Maintain fire for another 30 secs then withdraw to second positions. Get ready with those party poppers!"

Tony heard it kick off with a dull thud then a crash of continuous explosions, The field accrossed from his position vomited Commandos heading straight for the sound of the fire.... His men waited for his order, Tony yelled as the mercs were thirty yards out and fully exposed to the Marines.... The deadly work began as Marine auto rifles and grenades flew. Commandos hit the ground their advance completely stalled. Marine gunners were taking a heavy toll.. "Get a few gas shells out there, wind is behind us" A Marine started lobbing gas shells that would make grown men gag, unable to return fire. They had caught them good Tony thought, a murderous ambush that was totally unplanned, The luck of warfare..

Otto was going at a dead run with a bunch pissed off mercs and commandos on his tail. He pulled a photon grenade off his web gear and pitched it over his shoulder. He then took cover behind a nearby corner as the photon grenade went off in a large explosion behind him. With a chuckle Otto ran full tilt across a square to their secondary positions.

As the Marines began to reach their secondary positions, men in green and camo uniforms seemed to unfold from the wood work. John had an anti-personnel rocket launcher on his shoulder. "Back Blast Area Clear!" he called, dropping to his knee and firing the explosive round. He watched as the jaws of the Jem Ha'Dar dropped, and some tried to scatter before the round connected with one mercs head, exploding. He dropped the launcher, and began to fir his carbine, tagging those that ahd dodged to the side. His men made quick work out of the first platoon that came their way. "Fall back!" he called, trying to leap frog with Otto. -^-Otto, it's your turn. Lets give them something to learn from. You too Tony.-^-

Otto and his men took up positions behind a low duracrete wall and started aimed fire as Deal and his men scrambled past them, Otto hit his COMM, "Lt. Tony check out that warehouse they were guarding, I think we got the enemy's full attention. Scans showed there was a power source in there with some force fields......Might be some more penned up civvies. Krupp out." Otto said and seen a large block of mercs and Commandos form up on the other side of the square amongst the buildings. "Always wanted to see this..." Otto said then hit a detonator. A big explosion blasted out one side of a building near the mercs. It seemed to wobble momentarily then began tipping toward the destroyed side. The building tipped over and hit the building beside it which to began tipping. "Nothing like a good game of Dominoes..." Otto said with a smile and watched as the buildings tipped over and crushed everything beneath them.

Tony Acknowledged the warehouse request, His Marines had taken out close to Fifty mercs in the field and sent them retreating into the wood line gagging. He waved Two fire teams to enter the warehouse... A few short blasts were heard. A set of large rear cargo doors opened by Sergeant Myer, one of the fire team leaders.. He clipped and open channel to Tony. "Sir we have rescued several Exeter Planetary officials. All in all about Twenty. Three of them have been torchered and we need a medic in here quick, one door was mined and I have a Marine down."

"Check last Myers set up a defense were rolling in your back door.. " Tony saw a Corpsman running for the doors as he spoke and waved his men to the buildings in small teams.

Tony saw the Marine as soon as he entered the warehouse, bad leg wound. But he would survive if they could get him stable. All three medics were working on him now so his chances were very good.

"Otto, we have friendlies, 2-0, say again 20. Good position and field of fire also."

"Good L T." Otto said over his rifle sights. "My men have a set of transport enhacers with us and we'll try to peel around to you. Have to be a big flanker left end run. Sergeant Deal. Do we have permission to peel off to assist?"

John listened to the comm and sighed. This was goign the way he wanted, but at the same time, he didn't want to baby sit. -^-Otto, do what you need to do. Both of you have permission to do what needs to be done.-^- He ducked as a rocket exploded behind him, a lazy shot by the reserves that were slowley moving forward. "Men, get ready to fire," he said looking to his left and right. "I want grenades and rockets in ten seconds on their position."

Otto waited for the barrage from Deal's marine's and told his Raiders "We'll have covering fire in bout five seconds. All Raiders to slide into a left hook to Lt. Tony's position." Otto ordered then thought "Chain of command Sergeant...." Otto seen Deal's marines open up and didnt even watch "MOVE RAIDERS!" Otto shouted as the ran straight to the left of their position for about 500 meters "Leap frog advance..." Otto ordered and then hit his COMM to Lieutenant Way. "We're enroute sir. Going to be about 20 minutes..."


Master Sergeant John Deal
Battalion First Sergeant
Starbase Typhon

Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp
32 Squad, 181st Raider Regiment

First Lieutenant Tony Way
FNN Special Reporter
Starbase Typhon


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