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What's going on?

Posted on Thu Apr 7th, 2011 @ 10:33am by Captain Anna Johnson

331 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Various

"Joan" was getting worried. Everything around her was wrong. There was too much magic for her taste and she wasn't sure if it was a test of God or if the Devil was trying to get to her. Sweat broke out on her brow and she reached up to wipe it away.

Anna blinked and looked around. "How did I get here and. . ." She looked down at her clothing, "What am I wearing?" She asked seeing the chain mail and the sword that was at her side. She reached up and felt the sweat on her brow. ~"I hope I'm not getting sick,~ She thought but shook her head and headed back toward her office. In the distance she could have sworn she saw Jana dressed in a mid-evil looking dress playing her guitar and singing as people passed by but Jana never sang in public.

Shaking off that thought she headed toward central command. She stepped into her office and saw a large stack of PADDs there. "How long was I gone?" She wondered before grabbing some coffee and starting on the mountain of paperwork there was on the desk.

Well that was her plan then she remembered the chain mail and took it off and got back into her proper uniform then started on the work. Something strange was going on she wasn't sure what just yet but she didn't like it.

As she worked she thought about stopping by sickbay but she had no real proof of anything. It was the first part of April maybe someone was pulling a prank of some kind on her.

She shivered a bit as the sweat that was on her brow faded away and she continued to work. Her mind was getting fuzzy but she was fighting it. The urge to find Prince Charles and protect him. She had work to do on the station she didn't have time to look for some prince.

Captain Anna Johnson
Executive Officer
Starbase Typhon


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