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Reports and Plans

Posted on Wed Apr 6th, 2011 @ 10:13pm by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Master Sergeant John Deal

1,120 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: Training Camp Alpha
Timeline: current


Wilhlem looked on as Marines ran their Exeter Defence Force counterparts through their paces at this tucked away and heavily wooded little camp. Wilhelm set the camp up to give the EDF some bare bones training instead of just giving them a rifle and saying: "Go to work." Wilhelm heard the growl of engines nearby and smiled at the sound of 80 year old tanks, apcs, and infantry fighting vehicles hard at work training. Then a new sound was added as a Wyvern touched down on the nearby landing pad cut of the wood. Wilhelm started to walk over as he saw the Marines contained within disembark.

John left the Wyvern last, letting the rest of the force leave first. Slinging his weapon he stepped down off the ramp andsmiled as the Colonel waved him over. It hadn't been the easiest of missions, and from the sound of the ancient machenary cranking out rounds and rolling over things, they would be leaving the area soon. "Colonel, what can I do for you?"

"Just a sec Sergeant.." Wilhelm looked over and seen Otto angling slyly towards the Armory, "OTTO!! You keep away from that new crate of M309's you hear!!" Wilhelm shouted and seen Otto just shrug with a smile and kept walking, "Pyromaniac..." Wilhelm said with a smile and turned back to John "Well John I see everyone made it through more or less intact. What's your report?" Wilhelm said leading the Master Sergeant towards the mess tent.

"Well we went through what I'd affectionatly call the slave quarters and freed several people who have been taken to safety. Also, I found a small force of locals that are doing house to house fighting, and should be moving in here pretty soon for some training and proper orders." As they entered the mess tent, John picked up a biscuit and a slice of ham, knawing on the bread first.

"We also dealt a rather large blow to the local Breen forces, I glassed close to three city blocks. Otto was past the line of fire, and our last air group was used to help in a napalm strike." Taking a bite of ham, he almost moaned in pleasure. "This beats the hell out of ration cubes."

"Don't it?" Wilhelm said with a smile dumping a little salsa on his ham before carving off a bit. "Well, tomorrow morning, Third Battalion is going to move into what's left of the Warehouse District and wipe out the rest of Breen forces in that area. The EDF is moving two undertrained but armed to the teeth battalions into the adjacent Industrial area tomorrow as well. I advised them to wait for when we have more available resources but they insisted. So Third is going to move into a supporting role for them to prevent it from becoming a Battle of Stalingrad or Tehran..." Wilhelm said with a slip of his German accent.

"I have a few mortar men that wouldn't mind going with them Colonel," John said taking another bite of his ham. "But we'll need some air support for them as well. What do we have left?"

"On paper, two squadrons of Razors for all roles. Realisticly, one full squadron, the rest were either shot down or in need of serious repairs. However, Third's mortarmen plus the full might of the Regimental artillery plus what we salvaged from the old bunker will assist in the attack. However thats not what I got planned for you. Everone involved in liberating those civvies will get a 24 Hour pass to rest up. Then I want you to spend a couple days whipping some of these EDF troops into shape."

"So you want me to play Drill Sergeant with a bunch of home grown wanna be hero's?" John asked sounding repulsed. "Why can't Otto do it? Or even one of the Corporals?"

"Actually very good point....sorry John." Wilhelm said then continued, "Well I do have another job that needs some doing. We're going to need some scouting and target designating done in the Industrial sector prior to the assault but it'll leave you with very little bounce back time."

"So either go play Frakken Idiot Searching for Target, or Drill Sergeant," John said looking at the man. "I'm not much of a fister, so I'll train the home grown hero's."

"Well you'll get a couple of days off the front. I'm also gonna be moving units around and assembling them for our next big push...." Wilhelm let the last part hang.

"I think I prefer playing Drill Sergeant Colonel. If you'll bring back the ones going with the Third, I can whip them into shape in a couple of hours."

Wilhelm takes out a PADD and starts writing orders, "Both have two infantry companies and I'll get them here as quick as I can. Their Armored companies would take to long to move. Try to give them a couple hour catnap before they have to rollout at 0530."

John nodded and looked over the padd as it was handed over. "I can get them into somewhat of a fighting order before turning them out. It's going to be a long couple of days for them tho." Scrolling down he chuckled. "On the third day they move out, they'll be tired but trained to the best of my abilities."

"Good, I'll get them moved out of their assembly area and here quick. Grab whatever personnel you need..." Wilhelm said and seen a young second lieutenant and look over the crowd and headed straight to him.

"Sir." The lieutenant said to Wilhelm then nodded to John, "Master Sergeant." Then the young man handed Wilhelm a PADD, "Sir. Priority communique from Earth sir." Wilhelm grabbed the PADD then dismissed the lieutenant. Wilhelm entered in his command codes and accessed the information. Scanning quick, Wilhelm's eyes widened. "Sorry Sergeant, a new problem just popped up." Wilhelm looked over to a sentry guarding the doorway "Corporal! Get Sergeant Krupp and his men to the barracks briefing room in one half hour." Looking back to John "Good luck wiping them wanna be's into soldiers." Wilhelm got up, picked up the PADD and walked out. For a brief couple of seconds the front of the PADD was shown to John and said "PROJECT ENLIGHTENED CURTAIN --- EYES ONLY"

"Well that looks like fun," John muttered as the Colonel walked away. "Corporal Guntold! Get those Infantry Companies in a line as soon as they get here. Once they do, we have 52 hours to get them into fighting form! Then they're being sent out to the front line."

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
CO, 21st Marines

Master Sergeant John Deal
First Sergeant, 21st Marines


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