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Operation, Civlian SNAFU Pt 2

Posted on Sun Jun 12th, 2011 @ 5:46am by Master Sergeant John Deal & Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp [Wilhelm]

1,841 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Start
Location: Exeter, Forward Operating Base, Training Center
Timeline: Current


John smiled back at the Sergeant and watched as the trainees stood. Holding out his hand, one of his support staff handed him a standard grenade launcher. "NOW! ITS TIME FOR THE SHELL LESS GRENADE LAUNCHER. DOES ANYONE KNOW WHY WE WOULD USE THIS?"

Otto seen what he thought as one of the brighter men in the group speak up. "In case we cant throw a grenade that far Sergeant?" the Corporal said.

John looked to the Corporal and smiled. "Yes, and its also for the more deadlier grenades. The ones I have ready to be fired have a death wave of over ninety meters. Wound radius of almost two hundred. A normal grenade, unless to got it from Sergeant Pyro next to me, only has one of about fifteen meters. These are easy to aim with today's sensors, since it tells you how much of an angle to have on the weapons." Slinging the weapon, John looked around. "Now its time for a test. You're going to break into six different units, with even amounts of personnel and you're going to attack a bunker that we've created. Questions?"

Otto did his best to hide his grin from the compliment and took out his combat tricorder. Touching a couple buttons he primed the arty and grenade simulators. He also brought the automatic defences for the bunker to "Stand to" mode. "Ready when you are Master Sergeant." Otto said taking off his black beret with a skull sigil and putting on his combat helmet.

John looked over, keeping his duty cap on. "Sergeant, you're going to take the squads one by one. I'll be playing OP4. Don't do any of the fighting yourself, let them have the fun." Smiling he looked at his 'staff' and nodded. They grabbed weapons and started moving out. "And Sergeant, I'll be ready in twenty minutes."

Otto nodded with a smile "Yes Master Sergeant. Second Lieutenant take your first group out." Otto said then put on a bright orange and yellow vest over his armor. "If any of you EDF folks just happen to take a 'accidental' shot at me your gonna have a very pain-filled experience ahead of you. One other thing troops... Those defence turrets are rigged for standard Marine drills. One in every five shots randomly is live so keep those heads down! Lieutenant. Move them out sir."

***** Bunker*****

John and his two men looked down as the EDF troopers began to move, and watched the first group break off. Smiling lightly to himself, he grabbed a Corporals weapon, armed with a scope. They weren't being very careful, thinking that the drill hadn't started just yet. Making sure the weapon was on a heavy stun, he fired twice. The lieutenant that was leading the first group dropped first, being stuck in the head. The second shot hit Otto in the vest, lighting it up. "Alright men, when they get close enough, bring the rain."


Otto was fuming and wanted to proactively take part but would not...for now...However Otto seen the groups Platoon Sergeant take immediate charge. Otto judged by the look of the old Sergeant he's been around the block or two. Otto seen the Sergeant load a high heat, smoke round into his grenade launcher. "All troops pop smoke NOW!!!" The Sergeant ordered then shot a round then arced up and poped in front of the bunker soon followed by more smoke grenades creating a thick cloud around the bunker. "Get out of this killfield and ASSAULT boys! Flamethrowers READY!" Otto nodded appreciatively at the old sergeant.


John smiled as the flame throwers got unpacked quickly, and then the tips lit up. If they got close enough to send that in here, everyone would be dead. He knew what they were doing and nodded to his right. The Sergeant smiled back and slid a mortar simulator into the mortar tube and let fly. The whistle bugged John, hating the sound of the weapon every time it got used. He blocked the noise from his mind as he aimed with his own weapon this time, and popped off two shots, hitting two of the lesser men holding flame throwers. They were lucky hits, but it was better than shooting Otto again.


Otto heard the highly identifieable muffled thump of a mortar and telltale whistle of round heading down range and immediately hit the ground. The sergeant in charge of the EDF troops heard the same thing heard the same thing and ordered his troops to cover. With a bang the round went off in front of the troops as a short round and Otto knew the next would either be on target or to long. Taking a proactive approach Otto unslung his RPG launcher. "Show those buggers to shoot a referee..." Otto selected an appropriate simulated warhead and put it on the laucher. The sergeant seen what Otto was up to thought it a good idea and ordered his troops to make ready. Taking a quick look over the lip of a trench, Otto figured out his shot and dipped back down. After a couple seconds Otto got into a kneeling position, popped out of the trench and fired and ducked back down. Otto seen several phaser blasts go over the top of him just as he fired and went back down. The RPG accelerated towards the bunker and hit square in the middle of a firing port with a flash. Otto heard several other rockets fired then an "URRAHH!!!" of a charge to get closer still.


John smiled and ducked low, laying flat on the ground. "Play dead," he ordered his men as the last of the rampage finished. "No one fire just yet, I want the Sergeant to think he took us out." One of the men refused to answer, and he was laying on his back. The stun energy of the RPG's had actually hit one of his men. "When they get close, unleash hell. Leave Otto alone, I don't think he likes being shot at."


Otto picked himself up out of the trench and started running forward with the EDF troops. After a few steps he realized the bunker wasnt firing at them, which to Otto seemed very unlikely. Otto smelled a rat he thought. Otto brought up his grenade launcher and loaded a special concealment shell and fired. The grenade arced up and landed in front of the bunker, and with a pop, blew out a large cloud of white smoke and little pops of light all through the cloud. Otto smiled, "Targetting scanners have a hell of a time seeing through that lit up cloud." Otto thought then continued "A little bit of smoke, phosphorus, to screw up thermal imagers, and some very tiny photon packets to act as miniature flares to screw up optics." For good measure Otto fired two more rounds to expand the cloud. The EDF sergeant, taking the queue split is group up some to hit both flanks while the rest went up the middle.


John smiled as he saw the flashes, and the smoke. "Childs play," he muttered as he called the men back to another door that opened into a hiding spot for just these instances. It had three choices, but John wasn't going to let them get that far. "Put mines out there, prox setting. They open the door or come over the window, they get fragged." His remaining men smiled and set out to start setting the mines. "Place them in concealable area's. They shouldn't be too easy to spot." He watched one man set it on the ceiling and couldn't help but laugh. "That's almost perfect."


Otto watched as the EDF troops plunged into the smokescreen and found themselves up against the concrete walls of the bunker. The EDF sergeant led his troops around the back to the rear entrance and watched as a corporal started wiring the door to explode. A minute later the call went out, "FIRE IN THE HOLE!! FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!" Then "WHAMMM!!!" as the door exploded. for good measure the men threw in some stun grenades and waited for the flash.

John didn't see or hear any of the explosions. In his little closet like space, he waited, listening for the breach to happen. He wasn't going to send anyone out, and he hoped that nothing had happened to his men. Checking his ear bud, he listened. "Otto, you still alive out there?"

"Ohh yes sir." Otto said with a smile. Otto seen that the old EDF Sergeant knew that something was up as there was nil fire coming out of that door. The old Sergeant 3 of the youngest privates. "Go on in kids. Make sure to throw stunners ahead of you." The three unlucky privates nodded uncertainly and stepped into the bunker within a couple of seconds "WHAMMM!!!" The private in the rear came back out. "Sergeant...sir...booby traps..." The old sergeant looked at Otto. Otto responded with a shrug shoulder and a tough luck look. " we go keep those damn eyes peeled."

John felt the explosives go, and knew what was next. Cutting the lights in the room before the smoke and energy cleared, he stood in complete darkness. He hoped he could get the drop on the men, but knew that Otto wasn't going to make it easy. "Next time, you don't take part," John muttered mostly to himself. "If there is even a next time." Cocking the weapon he waited, keeping one eye closed, and patiently waiting for the end to hit.

Otto watched the EDF troops pour into bunker. He could hear the sounds of weapons fire and hand to hand combat. He wondered how the old Master Sergeant was doing and hoping the ramped up adrenaline in there wouldn't kill anyone....

John was in a mock knife fight with an unlucky private that had rushed into the room and won quickly. Dropping the kid, he tossed the knife through the open door and picked up a rifle he found on the floor and began to open fire. He didn't care who he hit, he was firing for effect, not accuracy.

The old Sergeant seen his front men drop from close in rifle fire and immediately took cover along with some others. "Got a little present for you..." The Sergeant said and took a stunner grenade, armed it, and tossed it into the main part of the bunker. "When it blows, mad dash charge in..."

John saw the grenade, and went to kick it back into the other area when it went off. His head was ringing, ears were useless, then he felt several low power stuns strike him in various areas, effectively 'killing him' for the simulation.

Otto seen and heard the commotion inside then pure silence. "I think they killed each other. Guess that ends that exercise."


Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp
32 Squad, 181st Marine Raiders

Master Sergeant John Deal
First Sergeant
181 Marines


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Comments (1)

By Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg on Sun Jun 12th, 2011 @ 8:55am

John wrong unit lol, 21st Marines for you, Otto is attached to the 21st from a different unit..