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Don't Let Me Break Down Here...

Posted on Sun Jun 12th, 2011 @ 5:17am by Captain Jackson Hawkins

268 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Start
Location: CO's Office
Timeline: Immediately Following the Staff Meeting

Hawk stormed past his yeoman who attempted desperately to hand him a stack of PADDs, entering his office. "Computer, seal the doors."

As calmly as possible, Hawk walked over to his desk and removed the phaser from his hip, setting it gently upon the glass tabletop. The Captain extended his right hand, reaching for his glass of water. While bringing the water to his mouth, his hand began to shake.

The traumatic meeting he had with his senior staff troubled him deeply, and then there was Krang. As Hawk relived the incident with his Chief Security Officer, the tremor in his hand began to intensify. The water in the glass jostled about, creating giant sloshes that nearly toppled over the rim. When Hawk closed his eyes to steady himself, all he could see was a flash of gnashing teeth and fur.

"NO!" Hawk yelled at the top of his lungs as he threw the glass of water, only hearing it smash against the bulkhead as he brought his hands to cover his face. He realized he should have been scared, but he was more angry with himself for even coming to the realization.

The Captain plopped down onto the couch, rubbing his eyes and temples alternatively. "If I make it out of this assignment alive, I'm going to have to murder Admiral Lancaster for handing me this assignment in purgatory."

He tried desperately to relax, bringing his pulse and breathing into a reasonable range. The efforts were proving to be fruitless. "Computer, dim lights and begin Hawkins Audio File - Relaxation 3."


Captain Jackson Hawkins
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon


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