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Raven Hood and the Sorceress

Posted on Thu Jun 9th, 2011 @ 5:30pm by Commander Raven Adams

510 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Arboretum
Timeline: Current


Raven Hood sat in the largest tree in the arboretum. She wasn't sure what happened to the rest of Sherwood or her band, but the voice called Computer assured her it existed. Somewhere, anyway. She had yet to see it in this strange place Computer called Typhon.

She was fortunate to have found the mystical Computer at all. Raven wondered if she were some sort of witch or sorceress to know so much. But whatever she was, Raven was grateful to her for leading her here to the only woods available. Although they weren't as vast as her own beloved forest, they gave her food, shelter and a place to hide.

When the forest grew quiet, Raven decided it was safe to try and contact the sorceress. "Computer," she said quietly. "Are you there?"

"Working," the voice replied.

Was that a good thing? Raven wondered. Or would the sorceress be angry if she were disturbed? Only one way to find out. "Where are my men? Little John, Friar Tuck, Alan-a-Dale?"

"They are not currently on the starbase."

Where were they? Surely they or one of the townsfolk would have sent her a message? Never before had been so lost and alone. Not even during the Crusades. Could the Sheriff have finally succeeded in killing them all? "What about the Sheriff of Nottingham? Prince John?"

"There is no one by that name on the starbase," the computer droned.

Again with this starbase. What did Computer call it? Typhon. Raven still didn't know what a Typhon was. Probably the name of the strange city she passed on her way here.

She would have to explore this city that was larger than Jerusalem and London combined, but not now. It was too dangerous to venture out of the woods while so many strange people were roaming about. Later, she would have to leave her arboretum to find out, but not now. Now, she needed to have some peace and relative quiet. The peace she could only find in the woods. And maybe time to ask the sorceress more questions.

Raven heard voices and slipped deeper into the branches of the tree. A couple walked under her tree, talking and laughing. It was an odd thing to see, seeing that the Sheriff hated it when people were happy. It was a sure fire way to increase taxes. When they passed she dropped silently to the ground to warn them. But, before she could move forward, she heard more voices and quickly climbed back into the tree. Until she knew what was going on, she needed to stay out of sight. She yawned. Maybe she should get some sleep first. Dawn would come soon enough. Then, she promised herself, she would find out more about this strange city. Raven settled into the crook of a branch where she would be safe and out of site and slowly drifted off to sleep.


Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon


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