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May The Circle Be Unbroken...

Posted on Fri Jun 10th, 2011 @ 1:33pm by Captain Jackson Hawkins & Captain Anna Johnson
Edited on on Sat Jun 11th, 2011 @ 1:43am

1,161 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Start
Location: Command Center
Timeline: After Anna is cured

Captain Jackson Hawkins sat in the center chair on the bridge of the USS Runnymede, savoring the last few moments as the commanding officer. For the past three years the Runnymede had been his home and life. The thought of giving her up wasn't pleasant, but Admiral Lancaster wasn't someone with whom Hawk wanted to argue. The orders were clear, report to Starbase 347 and take command immediately. No last minute luxury cruise for Hawkins, just a new life behind a desk.

Hawk, as he had been called since his days in the foxholes fighting the Dominion, stood from his chair and stepped down from the platform onto the navigation deck. He watched as the Runnymede fell from warp into sub-light speed. Starbase 347 loomed in the distance, ominous yet inviting like the sea-creatures of old tempting sailors with their song in order to run their ships upon the jagged rocks.

A few moments passed as the Runnymede continued its approach. Hawk released a labored sigh and turned to the communications officer. "Open a channel." The Captain made his way back to his chair for what he assumed would be the final time.

Ensign Conner sat at the com station on Typhon as the signal came in and she tapped in the commands and responded, "Starship Runnymede this is Starbase Typhon go ahead," she responded.

"We are requesting permission to dock." Hawk crossed his legs and entered a few general commands into the ships system via his armrest interface.

"Permission granted sending flight pattern for docking." Conner replied.

The navigation officer turned back towards Hawk. "Flight pattern recieved Captain."

Hawk nodded. "Take us in..."

Slowly, the Runnymede crept into the docking ring and connected with the docking port. As the navigation officer powered down the ships engines, Hawk again stood holding a PADD, nodded to his Executive Officer, and then made his way to the turbo-lift. Following a short ride in the lift, Hawk exited and made his way down the corridor to the main walk between the base and the ship. Looking out across the bridge between his worlds, Hawk took a deep breath and walked across into his new responsibilities.

Anna sat at the command center making sure everything was in order for the new commanding officer. She was glad to finally have someone on command that would actually be on the station with her even if they didn't give command to her.

Half expecting to be met at the airlock, Hawk paused, glanced around, and seeing no welcome party, made his way to the stations command center. Upon entering the command center, he was a bit taken aback. It was certainly different from the bridge of the Runnymede.

Anna looked up "Captain on the deck." She said as everyone came to attention.

Hawk nodded as he moved to the center of the command center. "By order of Starfleet Command: I, Captain Jackson Hawkins, here by take command of this station effective 0900 hours. Please note the transfer in the log. Computer, transfer all Hawkins security codes from USS Runnymede to Starbase Typhon and activate." After the brief formal transition, Hawk looked back towards Captain Johnson. "At ease everyone..." He smiled warmly. "Captain Johnson. It's a pleasure." He walked over to shake her hand, but he was also testing her to be sure.

Anna took the offered hand, "Thank you sir it's a pleasure to meet you as well. I will welcome the assistance that is for sure." Anna said

"Captain, if we could adjourn to my office, I'd like to begin discussing with you the immediate changes I will be making in station operations." Hawk looked around, still somewhat unfamiliar with the layout of the station and not exactly sure where his office was actually located.

"Your office is this way sir." Anna said, "Your yeoman is already at the desk awaiting your arrival." She added when the stepped in there was actually a small outer office for the yeoman that would lead to the Commanding officer's office. The yeoman came to her feet immediately as the two of them walked through the doors.

Hawk, nodding at the yeoman as they passed, extended his arm allowing Anna to enter the office before him. Upon entering the office, Hawk was impressed. The office was much larger than his ready room aboard the Runnymede, and far more luxuriously appointed. Instead of taking the formal approach, Hawk took a seat on the sofa and crossed his legs. "Please Captain, make yourself comfortable."

Anna moved over to take a seat nearby and studied Hawk for a moment, "What can I do for you?" Anna asked.

"Captain, Starbase Typhon is floundering. Through no fault of your own, you have been left in the lurch, trying to run this station. I have been tasked with bringing Typhon from a struggling starbase into a premier facility by which all other Starfleet instillation are measured." Hawk paused for a moment. "To that end, I will be personally observing the head of each department to determine their proficiency and efficiency. I will be focusing heavily on the research and development side of our operations. In the meantime, I will need you to continue to focus on daily operations so that we can make maximum use of our resources."

"I can do that sir. Part of the issues of late was one of the ships brought a virus on board. It was a mutation of the Psi 2000 virus and was causing hallucinations. Being in close contact with many of the captains I was one of the first to contract it. The cure has been dispersed and the ships that have recently docked have been notified. During that time however, much of the work fell behind. I'm not trying to make excuses I'm just letting you know." Anna said.

Hawk nodded. "Sounds to me like we need to get with medical and engineering to review our bio-hazard protocols. I will be making this one of my other priorities. Frankly Captain, I have full confidence in your ability to make sure the basics are taken care of while I focus on the problem areas. Once we get the starbase up to snuff, I will be able to take the majority of the burden off your shoulders."

Anna nodded, "I will be glad to continuing helping anyway you need me to sir." She said.

"To that end Captain, I will need you to arrange a brief meeting with the department heads in a half-hour." Hawk stood and moved over to the replicator, ordering himself a glass of water.

"I will have it set up in the conference room next door sir. Do you want me to have refreshments available?" Anna asked. She wasn't sure if he would or not and didn't want to assume.

Hawk shook his head in the negative. "It won't be necessary. The conversation will be limited."


Captain Jackson Hawkins
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Captain Anna Johnson
Executive Officer
Starbase Typhon


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