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The Bumbling Stumbling Professor

Posted on Sat Jun 11th, 2011 @ 3:51pm by Lieutenant Emmett Arjax Sc.D / D.A.S. & Captain Jackson Hawkins

260 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Start
Location: CO's Office Complex
Timeline: Current

Emmett made his way to the office of the station commander. Upon entering the antechamber he encountered a nondescript short plump man that looked very much out of his element, the man was clearly a temp. " Is he free?" Emmett asked the hopelessly lost man. Not getting an answer he strolled over and knocked. waiting ever so patiently for a response.

Hawk walked to the door, and it slid open as he approached. He glanced Emmett up and down and motioned for him to enter. Immediately following, Hawk leaned out and barked at the yeoman. "Replace yourself!"

Emmett walked into the office and took a seat his glasses askew on his face.
"Professor Emmett Kellan Sc.D, Applied Sciences." Emmett said.

"Ah yes... Lieutenant Kellan. Welcome aboard." Hawk nodded.

"Well yes, but I have apparently misplaced my lab." Emmett said.

Hawk arched his eyebrow, slightly confused. "I believe Captain Johnson is better equipped to ahhh..."

"I see so you have lost my lab as well?" Emmett asked.

Laughing at himself slightly Hawkings grinned. "I am not yet as familiar with the station as I should be. All that will change, but as I said, Captain Johnson will be more knowledgeable about the location of your lab."

"Could you at least point me to the exit then." he said as he juggled more padds.

Hawk furrowed his brow and pointed towards the exit.

The professor bumbled his way out the door.

Captain Jackson Hawkins
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Emmett Kellan Sc.D / D.A.S.
Chief Science Officer
Starbase Typhon


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