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Keep Your Friends Close; Keep Those Sneaky Spies Closer

Posted on Sat Jun 11th, 2011 @ 4:35pm by Captain Jackson Hawkins & Commander Raven Adams

931 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Start
Location: CO's Office

Hawk had summoned Commander Adams to a personal meeting with him in his Office. Not only did he intend to get to know the Intelligence Officer, he intended to utilize her skills beyond the scope of her current duties.

Raven walked into the outer office and nodded to the yeoman. "I'm here to see Captain Hawkins."

"Ummm..." An older gentleman searched through his stack of PADDs. "I can't seem to find it but uh... Go ahead."

Raven walked past him and glanced at the desk. She quickly spotted the appropriate PADD and tapped it lightly. "Try that one," she said as she walked past him and rang the chime on the Captain's door.

"Enter!" Hawk called from his desk. He stood, picking up his glass of water, and moved towards the sitting area.

Raven walked in and nodded to the Captain. "You asked to see me?"

"Please Commander, have a seat." Hawk took a drink of his water. "Would you care for anything?"

"Why do I have the feeling I'm going ot need a good, stiff drink?" she said, chuckling. "No, thank you, sir." She took a seat and waited for the Captain to tell her what he wanted.

"You likely feel that way Commander because it's a strong possibility." Hawk smiled. "Is there a reason you haven't opted for a Command position?"

"Because there are always people better suited to command than I," she said simply. "Anna, Krang," she smiled, "you. Besides, I deal in intelligence and investigations. I do research, Captain."

Hawk smiled. "Well do a little research on the second officer position, because I intend to make you the second officer of Typhon."

"You what?" That was the last thing she expected to hear. The are you nuts? remained unsaid.

"I think it's time for you to explore your capacity." Hawk continued.

"Why?" she asked bluntly.

Hawk grinned slightly. "Because I intend to challenge all of my officers to grow beyond their current position. The only way I improve as a commanding officer is to improve the officers in my command."

"Yes, and what is the real reason? Sir."

"Commander, are you suggesting that I have ulterior motives?" Hawk grinned wryly.

Raven grinned back. "Yes, sir, I am."

"Well then Commander, in your professional opinion, what would you believe to be my motives?"

Raven's grin broadened. "You either want to keep me close because you don't trust me, or you want to keep me so busy with station business that I can't do my job. The question is, why don't you trust Intel?"

"Now Commander, I am offering you a position with more authority. How does that boil down to a trust issue?" Hawk furrowed his brow, pretending to be confused as he took another drink of water.

"I'd respect you more if you played it straight with me, Captain. I might even respond in kind," she said calmly. He was good, but he wasn't hard to read. She didn't even have to rely on her Betazed abilities.

"Well then, let's lay it out there." Hawk nodded, grinning a bit. "I don't have a problem with Intel. And, I don't trust you. So you're right on one count and wrong on another." He stood, grabbing his glass and walking back over to the picture of water, refilling his glass. "I hear rumor of your involvement in activities that are... Let's just say less than ethical."

"My employment before joining Starfleet doesn't come into this conversation, Captain. "And, for the record, I was a Merchant Trader. Check my record."

"Commander, everything comes into this conversation." Hawk took a drink. "And what's in the record isn't exactly the full story is it?" He retook his seat. "But let us assume I'm wrong. Let us assume you are an exemplary officer. If both of those were true, then you wouldn't be as suspicious as you've been."

"I work in Intelligence. Suspicion is in the job description." She eyed him carefully for a moment. "As to my former occupation, many would list freedom fighter in my former job description. It all depends on which side you were on."

"It always depends Commander. Which, knowing Intel as I do, makes me believe you are hedging your bets. Your comment was very telling. So let's get down to brass tacks. Either you are the officer indicated in your record, prime for a grant of more responsibility, or you are what the rumors indicate. It doesn't matter which is true. Both are sufficient reason to keep you close." Hawk took another few sips from the glass of water.

"And your comment about Intel makes me believe you have scant regard for my profession, Captain. So, here we stand, ten paces apart, watching each other's next move." She chuckled. "Okay. I'll take you up on your offer. But don't be surprised when you find that you really don't know as much as you think you do."

Hawk nodded. "Perhaps. But remember Commander, both of us are here for a reason."

"As we're both members of Starfleet, should it not be for the same reason, Captain?" she asked cryptically. "Is there anything else you need from me at present?"

"No Commander. Report to Captain Johnson tomorrow morning for your first duty review."

Duty review? She was afraid this new responsibility was going to get tedious. She bowed to the Captain and went back to her office to make a few necessary changes in the duty roster.


Captain Jackson Hawkins
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon


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