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An Offer You Can't Refuse

Posted on Sat Jun 11th, 2011 @ 11:50am by Captain Jackson Hawkins & Commander Krang Darkmoon

768 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Start
Location: CO's Office


Captain Hawkins sat behind his desk after summoning Commander Darkmoon to his office. He enjoyed his glass of water as he reviewed Darkmoon's personnel file.

Krang was not real happy about being 'summoned' while he was trying to break up a minor brawl at the 'Dew Drop Inn'. He wanted to focus on his work, not the whims of a new Captain that was trying to impress the staff with the stick up his arse.

It took another seven minutes to get the situation under control, but he had bested to the three Nausicans.

He detoured to his office to grab a mug of coffee and a new carrot. He had dropped the other one during the brawl.

It was a long turbolift ride up to deck one, and when he arrived, he crossed ops and pressed the chime on the Captain's door.

"Enter." Hawk called from behind his desk, refreshing his water with a few cubes of ice.

Krang walked in and tried his best to stand up straight. "Krang Darkmoon reporting as ordered, Sir."

Hawk smiled. "Make yourself comfortable Commander." He picked up his glass from the desk. "Water?"

Krang sat down and held up his coffee mug, "Thanks, but I just poured this cup of coffee on the way here."

"Couldn't ever get into the stuff myself." Hawk frowned for a brief moment as he moved over to sit across from Krang. "Commander, I have been reviewing your personnel file. I am under the impression that your skills are being under utilized."

The thought 'It's about time' rushed through Krang's mind and it took physical effort to keep it from coming out his mouth. Instead he merely said, "Oh? How's that?"

"Commander, you have been a Department Head for several years, and I make it a policy to force my Department Heads to grow as officers. I do not see you being challenged by the day to day tasks of Security and for me, that is unacceptable." Hawk took a small drink of his water and then sat the glass on the coffee table before him. "Is there a reason Commander, why you have not pursued a command track?"

"I guess red's just not really my color." Krang answered and gave what passed for a small laugh.

"Well since that is all that is holding you back Commander, consider today to be your lucky day. As of twenty minutes ago, I filed a report with Admiral Burke assigning you as the new Officer in Charge of the USS Runnymede. This assignment is in addition to your duties aboard the Typhon." Hawk paused to gauge the reaction.

Krang had just taken a bite of carrot and barely managed to keep from choking on it. He swallowed hard and said, "I'm sorry, what?"

Hawk stood smiling, and extended his hand towards Krang. "Congratulations Commander. I have full faith in your ability to rise to the occasion."

Krang shook the offered hand and cleared his throat. "I do have two questions, Sir. What exactly does an Officer in Charge do and does this mean I have to wear red now?"

After laughing to himself for a moment, Hawk sat and responded. "Effectively the Officer in Charge is the de facto Executive Officer. He is responsible for the preparedness and day to day operations of the ship. I believe you are well suited."

"And exactly what did I do that led you to believe I would be suited to that?" Krang wondered.

"Let's just say I don't put up with nonsense and I get the impression that you don't either." Hawk smiled.

"You're right, I don't, and that's part of the reason I'm was still an 'oh-four' when I got here, Sir. I was shocked by the promotion to Commander and really don't think I am the best choice for a First Officer."

"Well then it's a good thing that decision isn't up to you." Hawk smiled. "And as far as your uniform color palate, that's not changing. Though I'm glad you have some humility."

"Very well then. I will perform to the best of my abilities." Krang said with a nod of his head.

Hawk nodded. "I expect nothing less Commander..."

In his mind, Krang stuck his tongue out at the Captain, but outwardly he just took another sip from his now cold mug and said nothing.

"Do you have anything for me Commander?"

"No, Sir. Nothing of significance."

Hawkins stood. "Well if there is nothing else Commander, you are dismissed."


Captain Jackson Hawkins
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief of Security
Starbase Typhon


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