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Mission Realignment

Posted on Sun Jun 12th, 2011 @ 8:59am by Captain Jackson Hawkins & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commander Krang Darkmoon

1,301 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Start
Location: CO's Office

Captain Hawkins sat on the sofa in his office, looking out into space and enjoying his glass of ice water. He pondered the situation his marines were in, and pondered further the overarching goals and missions of Starfleet in the sector.

Wilhelm beamed into a nearby transporter room from a one man, high warp probe. Making his way quickly to the Command Center, Wilhelm seen crewmen veer immediately out of his way. He guessed the beaten and dirty look didn't make him appeal to them. Probably not the near-miss disruptor burn at the top of his shoulder either. Squaring his dark green beret he hit the chime to the CO's Office. The door opening he entered, stood ram rod straight and delivered a crisp parade ground salute. "Herr Kapitan. Oberst....sorry, Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleburg. Twenty First Marines, commanding." Wilhelm then quickly thought 'Damn probe rides. Shake me up every time...'

"Colonel, welcome back to base." Hawk stood from the sofa and sat his glass of water down onto the coffee table. "Can I get you something? I don't remember field rations being terribly fulfilling."

"I'll just take a good strong cup of coffee. We ran out two days ago, and just got a new shipment when I left."

Hawk walked over to the replicator and ordered the Colonel's drink. After it materialized, Hawk moved over to the Colonel, handing him the drink, and then took a seat across from where the man stood. "Please Colonel, make yourself comfortable."

"Thank you sir." Wilhelm said taking a nearby seat. As he sat down he almost let out a sigh of relief. "Sorry about my appearance. Was a little rushed getting here."

"And I am sorry about the rush Colonel, but I am not comfortable talking about strategic plans over subspace. A lesson I learned serving in many hand to hand combat situations with the Jem'Hadar." Hawk crossed his legs and frowned slightly. "I'm trying to understand the situation on the ground. From my understanding, this operation has taken a great deal of time and has yet to reach a successful conclusion. I need to know what can be done to resolve the situation immediately."

"I agree sir. After almost two months of street to street fighting the capitol city of Aurora is almost completely taken. All that remains is the city center, which has been undersiege for the last month, and the Industrial and Warehouse District. The attack for the latter will commence in just under 48 hours. The offensive to take the center will take place within the week. We were hoping for reinforcements to speed things up but, from the news, other brush fires have sprouted up. However, we are being supplemented by almost a full division of Exeter Defence Force troops which will help nicely just as long the local troops dont bleed themselves out on the first attack. Basicly our problem has evolved into properly outfiting and training the EDF troops. Once that is done along with the capitol taken the EDF should be able to handle the rest of the Breen and Mercs."

"Colonel, I want this situation resolved as quickly as possible. We have become entrenched in a fight that is drain our time and resources. I am prepared to send you back with Commander Darkmoon aboard the Runnymede to commence a full scale orbital assault, collateral damage be damned." Hawk took another sip of his ice water and studied the Marine for any additional information.

"That'll work, Sir, all friendlies have been cleared from the city center a long while ago. It's mostly all rubble now anyways. We just didn't want to assault because we'd be severly outnumbered. In that case sir. I'll have the Marine Assault Ship Gladius begin immediate large scale drone bombardment of the city center. By the time the Runnymede arrives the middle of town will probably be 20 meters more below sea level and the rest of the city can be completely taken easily with the pinpoint accuracy of the starship."

Hawk stood and moved over to his desk, pressing a button on the interface. "Commander Darkmoon, please meet Colonel von Hackleberg and myself at the umbilical to the Runnymede."

"Aye, Sir." was Krang's only response.

"Also sir, one other thing. I'm formally requesting the breaking open of our Tier 3 and 2 Equipment stockpiles to equip the EDF, Along with some personnel support from Marine and Marine Aviation Training Commands. With that the 21st should be able to withdraw from Exeter for other operations once Aurora is fully taken." Wilhelm said getting up and moving slowly towards the door.

Following the Colonel, Hawk continued. "Equipment, yes. I am however skeptical about additional personnel being assigned to this situation. From the reports I've read, it would take years to bring Exeter up to speed." Hawk entered the master turbolift. "Runnymede docking port."

'I'm thinking just a company sized force or so to help train them. Kind of along the lines of the General von Stueben tactic."

"If I recall Colonel, Freidrich Wilhelm von Steuben was just one man that transformed the entire revolutionary army by teaching individuals the basics of order and then teaching them to teach others. So I'm not so sure the reference supports an argument for an entire company..." Hawk paused. "But I understand the argument. Please send me a list of requested personnel and I will be more than happy to push it through."

"Thank you Captain." Wilhelm said as the the turbo lift slowed to a halt.

As they walked down the corridor to Commander Krang, Hawk continued. "I want you and the 21st back home in 48 hours." Hawk looked to both Krang and von Hackleberg. "Understood?"

"Crystal sir." Wilhelm said hoping for a minor miracle through superior firepower.

"We'll be here if I have to drag them." Krang said, giving Wilhelm a dark look.

Wilhelm gave Krang a sly smile sensing a sparring match in the future.

Hawk nodded and escorted the two men down the corridor and to the bridge of the Runnymede.

Entering the bridge Wilhelm looked over to the COMM panel and tech "By your leave Captain." Wilhelm said then went to the COMM station "Get me the MAS Gladius on secure subspace channel..." After a minute Wilhelm came back over to the pair of officers. "The Gladius has begun their bombardment..."

"Very good." Hawk nodded. He moved to the conn and touched the interface. "Computer, recognize Hawkins Alpha-Epsilon-Zulu-Zulu-Four-Eight-Eight."

"Authorization recognized. Welcome Captain Hawkins." The computer announced.

"Computer, recognize Commander Krang Darkmoon as the Officer-in-Charge." Hawkins ordered.

The computer responded. "Confirmed. Commander Krang Darkmoon is now the OIC."

Hawk walked over towards Krang. "She's all yours Commander. Assemble a crew. We'll see you in two days if not sooner."

"I feel like the crew you flew in with should just continue their duties." Krang responded.

"Perfect." Hawkins nodded. "Computer, patch into the Typhon base-wide communication system." The computer took a moment and then noted that the channel was open. "All personnel assigned to USS Runnymede, please report to your stations immediately. Again, all personnel assigned to USS Runnymede, report to your stations immediately." Hawk closed the channel and turned back towards Krang. "Sufficient?"

Krang nodded the best he could. "Should be, but it depends on how many have been reassigned by now. I guess I'll have to run a roll call."

"Most likely. I look forward to progress updates Commander." Hawk nodded towards von Hackleberg. "Colonel." With that, Captain Hawkins made his way off the bridge of the Runnymede and back to station operations.

Wilhelm looked over to Krang. "I think our lives just got more interesting Commander."


Captain Jackson Hawkins
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Commander Krang Darkmoon
Officer In Charge
USS Runnymede

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
CO, 21st Marines
SB Typhon


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