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Deep Fried Regulation Violations

Posted on Sun Jun 12th, 2011 @ 9:51am by Hensel Rubin & Commander Krang Darkmoon

427 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Start
Location: Crabby Bob's Crab Shack

Hensel nodded to his second-to-last customer of the day. "Your velorian crab, and chips, sir." He said to the man.

The man nodded. "Thanks, Bob."

Krang and five security officers appeared in the door way. "Hansel Rubin?" he called in a voice that told everyone in the room he was not to be trifled with.

"Ah, lads. I see you have finally come to take advantage of my five percent insert random authority figure here discount." Hensel said, nodding. "What'll it be? Velorian Crab? Denebian slime devil? Perhaps something from home you want fried?"

"We have received a tip that your supplies might not have been obtained through standard channels. There is no records of your Velorian crab having passed customs. There is also discussion of a metric ton of unlicensed twinkies."

"Well, I just bought them off of a merchant on the promenade. I assumed the paperwork was all filled out, and what have you." Hensel said. "I take it that you'll not be wanting to try my new deep fried Silurian mud slugs, then."

"Unless you're able to produce your clearance forms from a duly authorized customs official, I'm afraid you'll need to close the restaurant and come with us."

"Well, that's just *Yiddish expletive deleted* bull crap, right there." Hensel said. "But then, you are the four hundred pound gorilla, with a phaser, and four security guards."

He pointed to the door, and nodded to the customers. "Shady joe, crazy Will, out. Store's closed."

"But we haven't finished eating yet." One of them said.

"Don't look at me." Hensel said, and nodded to the security guards.

Krang tapped his commbadge, "Darkmoon to Environmental Services, we're going to need a biological disposal unit at 'Crabby Bob's Crab Shack'. The restaurant is being closed for import violations."

He turned to Hansen and said, "Take him to the brig." then he turned to the others, "We're done here fellas, we have 5 other shops to hit on this level."

Hensel scowled, as he followed the Security guard out.

30 Minutes Later

Aeshia scowled, as Hensel was shoved into the brig cell. It was starting to get cramped.

Skylar was asleep.

"Captain Rude Man?" Aeshia asked Hensel.

He shook his head.

"Extralegal velorian crabs, and off-label twinkies." Hensel said with a scowl.

"Serves you right." Aeshia said, with a shrug.

"What are you in here for?" Hensel asked.

"Pouring brandy over Captain Meanie head's head." Aeshia said.

"What a waste of Brandy."


Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief Security Officer

Skylar, Hensel, and Aeshia
Residents, Brig Cell 84.


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