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Call to Order

Posted on Sun Jun 12th, 2011 @ 5:16am by Captain Anna Johnson & Captain Jackson Hawkins & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commander Krang Darkmoon & Commander Basil Hart & Commander Raven Adams & Lieutenant Commander Garrett Foster & Lieutenant Emmett Arjax Sc.D / D.A.S.

1,645 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Start
Location: Conference Room

Anna had sent out a message to all department heads to meet in the main conference room as instructed by the Commanding officer. She finished up her own cup of coffee, washed the mug and set it back beside the pot of coffee that was in her office. A few minutes later she was heading toward the conference room to meet up with the rest of the senior staff.

Captain Jackson Hawkins strolled into the conference room and made his way to the front of the space, waiting for his senior staff to trickle in.

Raven was feeling a lot better now that the doctor had eradicated the virus. She'd been so busy cleaning up several messes caused by the virus that she had yet to meet the new Commanding Officer. She walked up to him and bowed. "Hi, I'm Raven Adams."

"Commander." Hawk acknowledged. "Please have a seat..." This likely wasn't going to be the same sort of staff meeting to which the crew was accustomed. In fact, Hawk was not interested in the crew's input other than factual data. The base had been neglected and Hawk was not going to accept that sort of treatment.

Raven got herself a glass of prune juice and took a seat.

Krang strolled in, munching on a fresh carrot. He was not in the mood for a bunch of small talk, so he quietly walked over and took his normal seat.

Like any normal person, Hawk was somewhat caught off guard by a 400 pound gorilla strolling into the room...

Krang noticed the "typical" look of someone seeing him for the first time. He barred his teeth in an approximation of a smile and waved to the new Captain.

"Welcome ummm.... Commander." Hawk forced a smile, but was unsure of the circus Typhon was turning out to be.

Raven couldn't help chuckling. She tried to hide it behind her glass. This was going to be an interesting meeting.

Hawkins turned his narrow gaze to Raven, not appreciating the snicker.

One of the COMM panels on the wall began beeping and one of the screens popped on with the image of a dirty Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleburg. "Sorry I'm late, the notification of a meeting just arrived here on Exeter."

"As soon as you can make it Colonel..." Hawkins nodded towards the panel and then returned his attention to the room.

Anna moved over and took her seat as well and waited for the meeting to begin.

Hawk glanced over at Anna, curious that it was apparently acceptable for the Colonel to report from the field. It was something he wouldn't tolerate.

Skylar entered the room. He sat next to Raven, and nodded to the group.

Professor Kellan stumbled into the meeting room looking lost, "Now this isn't my lab, Is it?"

Hawk, normally a patient man, was quickly becoming frustrated with the absent minded professor. "Please have a seat Lieutenant Kellan..." The long laborious sigh marked the Captain's understanding of his day.

Kellan shuffles to his seat. "Could I perhaps get a touch of brandy? Its good for the constitution you know."

"To the contrary, it is my knowledge that most forms of Alcohol are, in fact, a poison, and thusly, hazardous to one's constitution." Skylar said, dryly.

"It's a good thing you're in this meeting Lieutenant. You obviously need an earful of what I'm about to offer." Hawk shook his head in disappointment.

"He needs an earful of something." Skylar whispered to Raven.

"He needs a reality check," she whispered back.

"Causational Reality is a condition best studied in the laboratory setting." Kellan stated knowledgeably.

"Causational Reality is best studied when one is not senile." Skylar noted.

Hawk arched an eyebrow at the Vulcan. Though inductive reasoning was, in theory, a form of logic, in this case it wasn't exactly logical. Hawkins looked at the chronometer. "I think we better get started. Any objections?"

Just then the Captain's yeoman stuck her head into the room. "Captain, I just got a message from sickbay. The doctor begs your pardon, but he's in the middle of surgery and will be unable to attend the meeting."

"That's fine yeoman." Hawk's response was flat. He hated being interrupted. "So, where was I?" Hawk paused for a moment. "Oh yes, objections?"

"Objection, Leading" Kellan said.

Skylar stood up, walked over to Kellan, and vulcan nerve-pinched him. "Let us begin." Skylar said, retaking his seat.

"Commander Darkmoon, please take Lieutenant Commander Skyler into custody on the charge of battery." Hawk gritted his teeth and shook his head in frustration. "Get this man out of my sight!" To say that Hawk was displeased was an understatement. He walked over to Lieutenant Kellan. "Sickbay, prepare for incoming medical transport. Computer, transport Lieutenant Kellan to sickbay." Captain Hawk walked over to the weapons locker and pulled a phaser and slipped in onto his hip. "Now, does anyone else want to run amuck?"

Krang sat a moment too long and stared at the Captain. "Battery? Are you serious, Sir?"

"I'm damned serious Commander. You will escort this man to the brig immediately, or you will join him for insubordination. Do I make myself clear?!" Hawk barked. The Captain's face turned almost as red as his uniform as he yelled.

Skylar stood. "I appear to have to cancel on Dinner, lady Raven." He nodded to Krang. "Shall we go?"

Raven was torn between watching the Captain's meltdown and watching Skylar. She made mental notes of the series of events. The rules of the game just changed dramatically. She smiled benignly at the Captain while sending mental support to Skylar.

Several things took place at the same time. Krang was a blur of movement. His chair clattered to the floor. He vaulted over the table and landed in front of the Captain. His eyes were shining coals and he was visibly trembling with the effort to hold back. The roar that tore from his throat was nothing short of primal. A moment later he took a deep breath and growled, "Mind your tone or I will mind it for you."

Standing toe to toe with the beast of a Chief of Security Officer, Hawk appeared un-phased. "Obey my orders the first time Commander, and you will not need to worry about my tone." Hawk's voice was stern, direct, and almost about to break with anger. The Captain moved away from Krang and looked out into the room. "And that goes for anyone else. I don't know what type of operation the last commanding officer was running around here, but his day is done. Welcome to a new day aboard Typhon Station." Hawk paused to glance back at Krang. "So as I stated before; please take Lieutenant Commander Skylar into custody and lock him in the brig. If you have further objections about my order, I will be more than happy to hear them after the meeting."

Krang wheeled on Skyler. "Go!" he shouted, pointing toward the door.

"That seems quite logical, yes." Skylar said, nodding. He decided he was not going to press the issue, and leave.

Anna was currently sitting about a foot back from the table seeing as in order to land in front of the Captain he had to also land near her and she knew better than to be there when he landed. For now she sat stunned, she hadn't realized just how out of hand the crew had gotten.

Hawk, after watching Krang leave with Skylar, glanced over at Anna and then back to the rest of the crew. "We obviously have a severe problem with concepts like 'the chain of command' and 'following orders'." He walked back to his chair and sat down at the head of the conference table. "To that end Captain Johnson, I would like a list of potential candidates for Chief of Science, Chief of Engineering, and Chief of Security." Hawk looked at his executive officer stone faced. "Is there anyone else in this room who feels that they lack the proper understanding of the chain of command and following orders? I would like to get this nonsense out of the way as quickly as possible."

Anna's mouth dropped open but she sat there silent. She was afraid to say anything for fear of being added to his "list" and that was a place she did not want to be right now.

"My expectations are not complicated to understand nor difficult to meet. I expect that the chain of command be followed. I expect that in following the chain of command, legal orders from superior officers are followed without question to the best of your ability. I expect you to take responsibility for the performance of your department. I expect you to want to grow as an officer and take your duty seriously. These items seem to be fairly straight forward and in-line with common sense. However, apparently understanding these concepts is more complicated than I thought. So, let me clear a few things up. Drinking on the job... Unacceptable. Wandering around like a bloomin idiot... Unacceptable. Committing battery against a fellow officer... Unacceptable. Jumping in the face of a superior officer and threatening them... Unacceptable." Hawk gritted his teeth and sighed, his scowl never receding. "Discipline will be strictly enforced." Hawk stood from his chair and looked out at the empty chairs shaking his head. "You are dismissed."

Raven stood and saluted Hawk. "Nice first meeting, Captain. Good day." She nodded to Anna and walked out of the room.


Captain Jackson Hawkins
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Captain Anna Johnson
Executive Officer
Starbase Typhon

Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Skylar
Chief Engineer
Starbase Typhon

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Emmett Kellan
Chief Science Officer
Starbase Typhon

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleburg
CO, 21st Marines
SB Typhon (on assignment)


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