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Can it really be as bad as it's reported to be?

Posted on Mon Jun 13th, 2011 @ 4:19pm by Miral Annhwi & Captain Jackson Hawkins

1,618 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Start
Timeline: Current


Miral sat in the Romulan Embassy on Typhon reading reports of the changes since the new Captain arrived.

Some of them made her chuckle. Others reminded her of martial law on Romulus. She wasn't sure if she should be concerned or amused. But, an overriding curiosity made her request an appointment with teh new Captain.

As the Romulan Ambassador, she should pay him a visit. A brief visit.

When the time came for her appointment she presneted herself to the Captain's Yeoman. She bowed to the Yeoman, palms together. "Greetings, I am Ambassador Annhwi. I have an appointment with the Captain."

The yeoman, somewhat frantic, nodded. "He's expecting you. Please go in Ambassador..."

"thank you," she said politely, adding a mental I think.

She walked into the office and paused to look around the room. She wasn't sure what she expected, but the man she saw seated on the sofa was not it.

She walked closer and bowed formally. "Greetings, Captain. I am Ambassador Miral Annhwi. I bring you greetings from Romulus."

Hawk stood, bowed slightly, and then approached the Ambassador, extending his hand. "On behalf of the Federation, I graciously accept greetings from Romulus. On my own behalf it is a pleasure to have the honor to greet you as the Romulan representative."

Miral bowed slightly in return and shook his hand. "I have heard ... much about you, Captain. How are you finding the Starbase so far?"

"To be direct Ambassador, I am finding the transition challenging. This facility was not up to the standards Starfleet demands. Bringing the crew into alignment is difficult, but absolutely necessary." Hawk motioned for the Ambassador to sit at her leisure. "But these minor headaches are merely growing pains Ambassador. Typical of new commands."

Miral sat gracefully in a chair opposite the Captain. "Yes. I have seen many new commands in my time, both in the Federation and the Romulan Star Empire," she said serenely. Sometimes the changes had been for the good. Other times the end result was far worse. She was not sure on which side this command would fall.

"After seeing the Empire in action Ambassador, I have a hard time believing the Romulan military being any more accommodating than I have been." He smiled and returned to his seat, pouring himself a glass of water. "Would you care for something Ambassador?"

"I am quite fond of your pomegranate juice," she said. Miral smiled softly. "If half of what I have heard of you is true, then you are indeed similar to a number of Romulan Commanders." She raised an eyebrow and looked at the Captain. "I am not sure it is something of which you should be proud."

Hawk walked over to the replicator and ordered the Ambassador a pomegranate juice. "Really Ambassador?" The Captain was a bit surprised. "I found, that if nothing else, Romulan Commanders were efficient and effective." He returned with a the pomegranate juice and handed it gently to the Ambassador.

"If you believe in peace through intimidation," she said, taking the glass with a smile of thanks. "Both your history and mine are rife with examples of its pitfalls and ramifications." She took a sip of her drink. "I do not make a moral judgment, Captain as the history of my people would make such a statement hypocritical."

"I don't know what to say Ambassador... You are... unique." Hawk moved to retake his seat across from the Ambassador.

"Is that not a trait to be valued in an Ambassador, Captain?"

Hawk nodded in affirmation. "There is great value to being unique. I am just personally more familiar with the tactics of these Commanders you seem to refer to in a manner that indicates... less than approval?"

"Let's just say that I was a Sub Commander before I became an Ambassador. I have seen such actions from both sides, Captain. I value both justice and mercy."

"It has been my experience that the military sacrifices justice and mercy for themselves to ensure it for others." Hawk took a drink of his water.

Miral laughed. The sound was harsh. "You don't know Romulan culture. Nor, apparently, do you know your own." She took a sip of her drink, watching the Captain coolly. He was not what she had expected. He would fit in on Romulus far better than she did. She would watch this Captain, see where his new policies took him. Yes, there had been a noted lack of discipline of late, with the Commodore spending more time off the station than on, but this man was going too far in the other direction.

Knowing humans as she did, it would not take long for someone to take exception to the Captain's heavy hand. It would definitely be amusing to observe. Life on the station had become a bit too dull. Perhaps it was time for a storm to clean out the debris. The thought made ehr smile. "Where are you from, Captain?" she asked politely.

Hawk took exception to the Ambassadors' lecture, but he had already questioned her loyalty to her culture. "I grew-up a Starfleet brat Ambassador, bouncing with my parents from one assignment to the next. So I'm intimately aware of how the military operates. I'm also aware that duty means putting the needs of the whole ahead of the needs of the individual."

"My reference was to the Romulan military, and the Tal'Shiar. My experience with Starfleet is ... limited. I was talking extremes. You went from martial law to Surak. It is quite an interesting leap."

"An interesting leap Ambassador, but a valid one. Unfortunately, the needs of the majority sometimes demand the sacrifice of the minority. It is a byproduct of communal living."

"And now we a commune? Does this mean you've met Ms. Dameron?" Miral asked.

"I have..." Hawk replied flatly.

"She is ... yes," was all Miral could think to say in response.

Hawk smiled. "Perhaps we have found some common ground after all Ambassador."

She had to chuckle at that. "Perhaps we have at that." She raised her glass in a toast. "To common ground, Captain."

Raising his glass in a toast, Hawk nodded. "To an always growing friendship."

Miral inclined her head in agreement and took a drink. "So, Captain, what shall we discuss now? The weather? Although, being on a starbase there isn't any."

"Changing the subject Ambassador?" Hawk grinned.

"Of course. Why go back to a disagreement when we can find more common ground elsewhere?"

Hawk nodded. "Well in that case Ambassador, have you any thoughts on the different venues on the concourse deck?"

"The ones that are left?"

"Noted Ambassador..." The Captain wasn't exactly pleased with being instructed by this woman via suggestion.

She raised an eyebrow. "To answer your question, Captain, I must first know if you refer to the former venues, the current venues or what I theorize to be what's left after the purge?" Her tone was sober, without inflection.

"Let's go with what's currently there..." Hawk suggested, avoiding the confrontation.

Miral smiled knowingly. "Whatever you wish, Captain." She took another sip of her drink. "I find the current assortment of shops to be pedantic. It lacks color and variety. But, I must say there are a number of shops I am pleased to see gone. One in particular that fried anything and everything."

"I hear rumor that a new restaurant just opened, a Creole/Cajun place called the Oceana. The owner is apparently a chef and former critic." The Captain finished his glass of water and smiled. "So perhaps there is hope on the horizon."

"I do not believe I am familiar with Creole/Cajun cuisine. What is it?"

Hawk grinned. "It's generally spicy, generally seafood related, and generally with a great deal of rice and vegetables."

"Fascinating. I will make a point of visiting this place. I must admit, Terrans have a remarkable variety of native dishes."

"Perhaps we could stroll down there now. I'm sure we could get a table..." Hawk knew that owners generally bumped reservations for the station commander.

It would be interesting to see how this particular Captain interacted with the civilian population. "All right," she said.

Hawk stood, and motioned his arm towards the door, allowing the Ambassador the honor of leading.

Miral walked out of his office and waited for him to precede her as he was the one who knew the location of this restaurant.

Hawk walked over to the master turbolift. "The entire area was bustling with people. I hope they're not over capacity."

"What is the capacity?" Miral asked.

"Of this particular establishment?" Hawk pondered. "I would guess about one hundred, one hundred twenty..." When they arrived to the concourse deck, Hawk was shocked to find the majority of the shops empty. "Odd..."


"Expected?" Hawk quizzed. "I'm not exactly sure what you mean." He looked around from empty shop to empty shop.

"From the reports I've read, many of the former occupants are in your brig for minor infractions. Others left the station rather than face arrest." She waved her hand at the mostly-empty shops. "Martial Law in action, Captain."

Hawk looked confused. "I didn't order martial law. I asked that security enforce the laws on the books, but..."

"Every law on the books, Captain. No matter how frivolous or how outdated. Or so I have been told." She shrugged elegantly. "But I am an Ambassador. I only know what is reported to me. Perhaps you should re-examine the issue yourself."

The Captain's right eyebrow arched higher. "Mastering following orders. Failing to master common sense..."

"So it would seem."


Captain Jackson Hawkins
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Miral Tal'Aura Annhwi (PNPC)
Romulan Ambassador
Starbase Typhon


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