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Find me Birds

Posted on Mon Jun 13th, 2011 @ 8:08am by Lieutenant Commander Tara Neniphim & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Master Sergeant John Deal

718 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Start
Location: Exeter, Forward Operating Base, Traning Center, and Armory
Timeline: Current


Tara sighed as she looked down at her screen trying to connect to the Master Sergeant and the Colonel so she could see if they had found anything. She was hoping that the Defense Force would uncover at least one more armory, but her hopes we're high.

Wilhelm clicked on the screen wearing non standard jet black fatigues and a black painted face, loud engine noises could be heard in the background. With half a shout Wilhelm said, "How can I help you Commander?"

Tara leaned back a little as the sounds came in, the rumble of track vehicles, and engines running. "Colonel!" she half shouted. "The area with the shuttles you claimed worked, didn't. I was wondering if perhaps you've found another barracks or area that's holding out on me!"

John jumped into the conversation half way through her yelling, and started turning down the volume. "I haven't Commander, but I can always look around the training area after the testing is done. That should be about four hours from now."

Wilhelm said. "Well I guess there must have been a leak of the preservative ATMO from the hangar I got some guys running through a records archive there maybe they can help you out?"

"I've already looked them over for weaponry and vehicles I can set up the EDF with. They don't have squat in there. What does the Gladius have in orbit?" John looked at the split screen and smiled. He knew Wilhelm wouldn't take that as a deal, but it was something that could work.

Wilhelm answered, "Well there's actually not much left. A few extra light vehicles and some extra supplies. Most of the equipment we have now was on there and they're basicly just sticking around for the extra hangar space and their bombardment drones. There is another convoy scheduled to arrive in 22 hours carrying a couple arty pieces and vehicles which I did have slated for the EDF along with a few tons of assorted small and medium arms."

Tara leaned back in her chair and sighed. There wasn't anything for her to train these new pilots on. "Alright, you have a couple of the origonal EDF, from before they were disbanded right?" She wanted to see if the old timers would have any answers what so ever. "Because I'm sure a good Combat unit wouldn't just hide all of their stuff in one place, I'd want it spread out a little."

"But there's a problem with that idea Ma'am," John said looking at the half of the screen that belonged to the pilot. "Some of those older guys didn't even remember the one that we already found sitting up there in the mountains. I don't have a lot of hope that another bunker will just pop out of someone's memories. I think you're going to have to fly high and do scans if you want to make sure that we haven't found the only bunker."

"Well there's about 20 assorted volunteers from that era though we've interrogated them and none were of command rank. The last one of those passed away last year." Wilhelm looked off screen for a second as loud gunfire could be heard from his end. "I've just sent new orders to the Gladius to begin a intensive topographical and subterranian scan of everything within 500 klicks of the city. Hopefully between them and you we can find something."

Tara cussed a little when she heard this, thinking it all bad news. "Alright Colonel. Then I'm going to run a few low orbitals myself and try to find a strong hold for the Dominion. I've got some bombers that have been crying to me about no action. To keep out of the way of the Gladius, I'll be doing a thousands klicks, and if I find anything that doesn't have a ton of civilians, permission to carpet bomb Sir."

"Granted." Wilhelm said flatly.

"Thank you Colonel, if theres nothing else, I'll be going." Tara was eager, hoping that she would find something of use.

"Very well. We're about to our destination as well." Wilhelm said with pings off of armor in the background. "Hacklebuurg out."


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleburg
CO, 21st Marines

Master Sergeant John Deal
First Sergeant, 21st Marines

Lieutenant Commander Tara Neniphim
Wing Commander


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