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Pleas of Second Chances

Posted on Sun Jun 12th, 2011 @ 10:27am by Captain Anna Johnson & Captain Jackson Hawkins
Edited on on Sun Jun 12th, 2011 @ 10:34am

683 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Start
Location: Ready Room
Timeline: Before the Runnymede Departs

Anna had been composing the list as requested by the commanding officer but she was hoping it wouldn't be needed. She stepped up to the yeoman's desk and smiled, "Is Captain Hawkins available." Anna asked.

The yeoman, hair wild and frizzy after pulling at it all day. She just waived towards Captain's door, shaking her head in a blank stare.

"Has it been that bad?" Anna asked knowing the stress she herself had been under of late.

"He's a tyrant!" The yeoman went back to fumbling through stacks of PADDs.

Anna sighed, "Try to have a good rest of the day." She said before moving forward and pressing the chime.

"Enter!" Jackson called from his position, laying on his sofa.

Anna stepped in, "You wanted a list of potential replacements for department heads?" she asked holding up a PADD, "But, before I give this to you sir can we talk about this a moment please?"

Jackson leaned up into a standard sitting position. "Please Captain, have a seat." He gently wiped his eyes and poured himself another glass of water. "Water?" Hawk asked the Captain politely.

"No sir," Anna said, "I don't know about the newest Chief Science Officer sir because he has just arrived himself but I would like to speak on behalf of Commander Darkmoon and Commander Skylar sir."

Hawk closed his eyes, rubbed his temples, and nodded for the Captain to continue.

"Both men are excellent at their jobs sir. I honestly think replacing them at this point would be a terrible mistake. They are a benefit to this station and our staff and it would be a shame to loose either of them sir."

"It's a shame they can't behave like it Captain..." Hawk shook his head and reached for his glass of water.

"With all do respect sir, I understand first impressions can go a long way both positive and negative. However, I honestly think that if you look at their records and see them in action you will see that they maybe just need time to adjust to a Commanding Officer who is more hands on. As much as I've tried I've been a bit over my head the last few months with just the paper work alone much less anything else." Anna said.

Hawk continued to shake his head in frustration as he took a sip of his water. "Any officer that is as far gone as the two of them doesn't merit anything beyond being replaced. Let's be honest Anna, if they had any respect for the chain of command these stunts wouldn't have even been considered." He stood finished the glass of water.

"The had never shown me any disrespect. You have a completely different command style than Commodore Fannin did. It will take some getting use to. Put yourself in their place . Especially Commander Darkmoon. He is very thorough in his job. We have had very few crime issues during his service here and those that we have had were handled quickly. Commander Skylar has one of the most organized departments I have ever seen and they work well with Operations which I have been helping to over see as that was my area of expertise before command. Please sir, look at their service records and give them another chance. Anna said.

"You can leave their records, and your list of recommendations. Pleading for them any further will not aide their cause. Your point has been made Captain." Hawk slowly refreshed his glass. "What else is on your mind?"

"That's all I guess for now sir," Anna said setting down the PADD that already had their records on in as well as recommendations just in case it was a lost cause."

Hawk nodded as he laid back down onto his couch, picking up one of the PADDs. "I'll let you know of my decision within the next few hours."

Anna stood and left the office. She hoped she had helped them neither deserved to be removed from the station.


Captain Jackson Hawkins
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Captain Anna Johnson
Executive Officer
Starbase Typhon


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