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Let Them Come

Posted on Sun Jun 12th, 2011 @ 12:34pm by Khiy Tal'ehrihn

856 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Start
Location: Promenade
Timeline: current


Khiy couldn't help but think of the security officers wandering the halls as some sort of pack of dogs searching for their next victim. He had seen three shops this morning alone shut down after a visit from Starfleet's finest and it didn't look like they were going to let up on their witch hunt any time soon.

~One more nail in the coffin.~ He thought as he continued on his way to the office.

It was his first day back on station since almost a month ago and he was surprised to see the changes that seemed to happen overnight. Apparently this new Captain to the station was already making waves by putting the brakes on anything that could be misconstrued as a breach of Starfleet law and regulation. It seemed odd to Khiy to do something like this at a time when the stations economy was at its all time low.

For the last few months commerce on the Typhon had slowed to a halt. It seemed as though if you weren't considered a necessity, like food vendors or clothing, it was likely your operation would go bankrupt. While news like this was devastating to the owners, it was good news for Khiy who was quick to capitalise on their desperation. He would offer to short term bank roll their shops for a percentage of their business ownership, sometimes a majority stake. Many were happy to accept the terms; unlike one Andorian owner with a rather wickedly curved sword...him, not so much. The odd sentimental owner aside, he had acquired a number of new companies and a large percentage of sales from others. So much so, in fact, that Khiy was thinking about starting up a new umbrella company to manage them. There was certainly space on the station for a new financier.

Khiy's business, TGT, wasn't feeling much of the pinch at all. Many of the smaller freight companies were the first to go with their high operation costs and low demand. He was by no means the only freighter service on the station, but he was by far the largest. Goods of all sorts were now being brought on station on a weekly basis by his ships. Soon, if business was to pick up again like he suspected, he had the capacity to make daily runs as he now had a fleet of freighters. He would likely need to purchase more space on the station to accommodate the new volume, but with all the vacancies it shouldn't be a problem when the time comes.

With the additional credits he was making on the station and notwithstanding the staggering success of his expansion off station, He found himself in a position to finally expand his TGT Defence project in a big way. He had just brokered a deal with the Klingon government for the purchase of three new Birds of Prey; a K'vort and two B'rel's. Having made trading deals in the past for their military, they were prepared to make TGT an offer on their purchase that would make a Ferengi weep. He would take possession next week, after they had undergone a minor refit and a new paint scheme; Pearl white save the red TGT Defence logo. It was a vanity to be sure, but one that he could now afford.

The biggest story for Khiy wasn't so much his business as it was the way he ran it; clean. There was still the odd run off station that never made it to the books, but even those were airtight. Everything on the station was legal, even his new subsidiary holdings had to clean up to regulations spec as part of his bailout. A few years ago he aimed to go legit and it seemed like it was almost time to make good on his goal.

~Let them come.~ He thought as he passed by another group of security officers, likely on their way to shut down another shop. He had nothing to hide on the station.

Not everything was running perfectly, however. He had been on and off the station regularly for the last few months. First, by personally getting his expansion running smoothly and then he spent a number of weeks brokering the deal for his new ships in Klingon territory. With all of the time away he had spoken little to Miral, his fault by admission. He missed her company. Still, with so much time apart she had probably forgotten of him. She was the ambassador after all and that meant she likely had little time for a man who seemed perpetually absent.

~Perhaps I'll send her a bottle of Romulan Ale latter today with an apology note~. He thought as he arrived at his office. He unlocked its doors and stepped inside the reception area. The lights activated based up on his movement and brightly illuminated the rooms. His eyes rested on the bright red TGT,/i> sign on the wall. ~Besides, it's a beautiful day to start anew.~


Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Trans Galactic Trading


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