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A pound of cure

Posted on Sun Jun 12th, 2011 @ 10:57am by Commander Basil Hart & Captain Anna Johnson

737 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Start
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Six hours after viral outbreak


The Minstrel and Joan of Arc were relaxing quietly on their tables for the moment as Basil worked on an antivirus to combat the outbreak that had spread across the station.

Straining to focus his tired eyes through the lenses of his electron microscope, he manipulated molecular strands of RNA into recognizable and familiar patterns, but they kept breaking their molecular bonds. He swore. "Just stick together, willya? I know you don't want to die, but I have a station to make sane!" He ran a few more sequences and got a stable result. "That's more like it," he said with satisfaction. "Computer: scan the current sample in the microscope, and synthesize both aerosol and liquid forms for mass distribution. Calculate the dosage needed to counteract effects and cure the disease, then produce and prepare for station-wide aerosol distribution."

The computer responded after a few moments. "Analysis complete. Synthesis will take approximately ten minutes."

"Good. Computer, synthesize two intravenous doses for immediate distribution, and transfer to hypospray."

The replicator hummed to life, and two hypos appeared. He grabbed them and set to work. Injecting the captain first, then the "minstrel", he sat and waited.

Anna blinked her eyes open and reached up to rub her head which was aching badly. She turned and looked at Basil and blinked a few times trying to focus. "What is going on?" She asked.

Jana stirred on the bed next to her but continued to sleep for now.

Basil smiled. You had a bout with a nasty little bug, that's all. How are you feeling, Captain Johnson?"

"Like someone is tap dancing on my head." Anna answered. "What kind of bug was it?" She asked.

"It was a mutated variant of the Psi 2000 Virus first encountered a century ago. This one actually cause hallucinations at an earlier stage in the pathology of the virus, but the hallucinations were based on people the victims wished they could become. I've already got a cure ready to dispense throughout the station in aerosol form, but now that you're back, I'll leave it up to you to give the order."

"Go ahead and make sure any ships that have docked or were docked recently are notified as well." Anna said, "So who exactly was I acting like?" Anna asked almost afraid to ask.

Basil smiled. "Joan of Arc. But not to worry, The inquisition didn't find you guilty of witchcraft."

Anna reached up and felt her hair, "At least I didn't get as far as cutting my hair." She with a sigh. "Do we know how many people got infected?" She asked.

"All of them, except for me and Krang. Something in his simian genetic structure made him immune. He did an excellent job of keeping things under control while I worked on a cure. I'll have an aerosol form being synthesized right now, and it should be ready for distribution in a few minutes. You might want to stay here until people return to normal, captain."

Anna smiled, "Thanks Doctor Hart. I'm glad we figured out something was wrong before you got sick too."

"Me, too. I saw what was happening, and took precautions." He sighed. "Something tells me this station needs a refresher in decontamination protocols for all inbound traffic, among other things."

Anna nodded, "Top of my list when I get back to the office." She said. "Can you do me a favor and tell Commander Darkmoon I'm awake and would like to see him please?"

"I will, Ma'am."

The computer interrupted him. "Aerosol formula is prepared for disbursal at a concentration of point six seven parts per million. Awaiting orders."

Basil nodded to the captain. "Initiate disbursal, computer."

The computer chirped compliance, and a faint hissing was heard.

"Disbursal complete."

The next minute or two were fairly anticlimactic, as contrite calls came in from all over the station, requesting permission to return top duty. Basil looked at the captain. "Well, ma'am, it looks like we'll be getting back to normal. Commander Darkmoon is in the command center, holding down the fort. I see no reason why you shouldn't be cleared to return to duty. You can probably see him there rather than me calling him away from his duties."

"Thank you doctor." Anna said as she got to her feet and headed to the command center.


Captain Anna Johnson
Executive Officer

Commander Basil Hart
Chief Medical Officer


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