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Screwed-Up Science

Posted on Mon Dec 14th, 2009 @ 4:15am by Commander Lucas Jackson & Commodore Edward Fannin

589 words; about a 3 minute read

Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: Current

The new Chief Science Officer aboard the Typhon, who had only recently arrived, stormed into the captain's ready room - despite the advice of the officer outside of the door.

"Captain," Lucas Jackson began, "do you have any idea what these contractors are doing down in the science departments?! All of my science labs are full...of workers. Not my workers, BUT THOSE BLASTED BUILDERS! I'm sure they're following all my requests that I made for the department before I arrived, but I can barely walk into one of the rooms...They nearly trample me! Oh...And hello. Nice to meet you." Realizing that he just yelled-out his frustration to his commanding officer, Luke tried to change things to a positive, more respectable note.

Edward stood and was wiping the coffee off the front of his uniform. "Commander Jackson, welcome to Typhon. Please have a seat and let yeoman James get you something to drink." Fannin came out from behind his desk and walked to the head and grabbed a towel to wipe off his face. "I'm sure those contractors are in your way, I met with them this morning and there definitely in a rush to get things done and leave. Some have been here five years."

Jackson, giving a grateful smile, took a cup of chai tea that the yeoman offered. "Well, no offense, but I think five years worth of time is reasonable for a station that will be in operation for 100 plus years. Although, that would depend on whether they had a family to get back to or not. I'm sympathetic for you as well, since you had to meet with the contractors also. Do you have any idea on when things will be cleared least a little bit?" The officer took a sip of his tea and raised an eyebrow in inquiry.

"Yes, as soon as possible. The release of contractors in your department I leave up to you. Go through everything and ensure it's within spec's and tolerance. When you give me the word that Science is ready I'll sign off on it. Then they will be gone I assure you even if I have to order 800 Marines to do it."

Luke gave a small chuckle. Although he had just met his captain, he could already tell that he was going to like him. This was quite a surprise in Jackson's own mind, as he generally is very skeptical of people. "Well, thank you very much. I'll even pull a whip out if I have to." He paused. "Anyways, is there anything you would liked done until the labs are habitable? I am at your service."

Fannin smiled, "No... I think I'm good. I've had my daily scalding. You just get your contractors moving on the project. Use our people to help them - fresh hands could help a lot." Yeoman James busted out laughing at the first comment and left the room...

"Yes, sir...I just need to find my whip," Jackson somewhat repeated, with a smirk. With that, Luke stood up and headed towards the exit. Before leaving the room, he turned around: "Have time with the contractors." He walked out of the room.

Fannin returned to his desk, he bent over to pick up his coffee cup from the deck as Yeoman James returned. "Another cup Sir?"

He gave her the 'Not now look', "Nah, I'm good....


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
USB Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Lucas Jackson
Chief Science Officer
USB Typhon


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