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Best Practices

Posted on Mon Jun 20th, 2011 @ 3:27pm by Captain Jackson Hawkins & Captain Anna Johnson

755 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Location: Office of the Commanding Officer
Timeline: Late Afternoon - Day 1

Hawkins was on a roll. He had managed to get Science and Intelligence on the same page and out doing some recon. Security and the Marines would be facilitating station security and preparations for potential problems with the Yerdi. Now it was time to make sure that the daily operations of the station were under control. To satisfy his concerns, Hawk summoned Johnson and Skylar to his office.

With Anna's office being so close to Captain Hawkins she was there shortly after the summons with her typical cup of coffee in hand. The yeoman's desk was empty yet again so she moved over and pressed the chime entering after being told to.

"You wanted to see me Captain?" Anna asked.

"Yes Captain, come in. Have a seat." Hawk moved over to the sofa and took his usual position at its center. "We're waiting on Commander Skylar." The Captain looked at the chronometer. "And you're a bit early."

"I thought you wanted me here as soon as I got the call." Anna answered. "If you need more time I can come back." She added.

Hawk smiled. He certainly had everyone hopping around trying to meet his fairly obvious and simple demands. "Captain, early is fine. I just didn't want to officially begin until Commander Skylar arrives."

Anna nodded, "I can wait then sir." she said as she took a sip of her coffee. Truth was she was still nervous, afraid of doing something wrong that might set him off again.

Skylar entered the room. He held three PADDs in his hands. He nodded to both Captains, and waited permission to sit down. Given his previous encounters with the nutwad the station referred to, simply as 'the hawk', he was not going to assume anything.

"Have a seat Commander..." Hawk noted, motioning towards a chair.

Skylar did as instructed, but said nothing. He had not been asked a question, nor been given permission to speak. He sat. Impassively. Awaiting instruction.

"I am personally dividing up the duties on the station until further notice. Colonel von Hackleberg, and Commander Darkmoon will be reporting directly to me. Commander Adams and Lieutenant Kellan will be ummm... away. I'm going to need the two of you to coordinate all station operations and make sure that things don't fall apart in their absence." Hawk took a drink of his water.

"I am certain that this can be arranged. My staff is rather short, at the moment. A great many, still in medical I'll need your sign-off, to clear triple shifts for all capable staff members." Skylar noted.

Hawk arched his brow. "Commander, get with Commander Hart and see who you can't get put back to duty status. I'll be more than happy to approve rotating shift extensions once you've done that."

"My staff are already on rotating shift extensions." Skylar noted. "According to regulations, when more than 40% of the staff are in the medical bay, it is considered an emergency situation, thus requiring rotating shift extensions."

"I was speaking of course of the addition extensions Commander." Hawk shook his head.

Skylar nodded. "Just clarifying, sir."

~Please don't fight again, please don't fight again,~ Anna thought. "There are some good people in the operations department that can help with some of the engineering duties as well, myself included if there is a large need for that." Anna suggested.

Hawkins agreed. "Captain, now more than ever I will be relying upon you to keep the daily operations off of my desk. This Yerdi situation could become problematic very quickly."

"I can do that and still make sure that Commander Skylar has the help he needs. In the meantime, we can send in a request for more staff for his department."

"I would be content with the ones I have being out of sickbay. They are already trained on how this station's equipment runs best." Skylar noted.

"Did they have an adverse reaction to the illness?" Anna asked, "I was under the impression that the cure was administered throughout the station." She wanted to be sure there wasn't something else that needed to be looked into.

"I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask the two of you to sort out the details on your own. I need to get the rest of the base in line for what proves to be an interesting challenge..." Hawk smiled as he stood. "Dismissed."


Captain Jackson Hawkins
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Captain Anna Johnson
Executive Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Skylar
Chief Engineering Officer
Starbase Typhon


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