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Posted on Mon Jun 20th, 2011 @ 3:25pm by Captain Jackson Hawkins & Commander Raven Adams & Lieutenant Emmett Arjax Sc.D / D.A.S.

550 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Location: Office of the Commanding Officer
Timeline: Afternoon of Day 1

Hawk sat at his desk, drinking a glass of water, and waited on Adams and Kellan to arrive. He felt severely disadvantaged, not having sufficient data to fully understand the Yerdi situation. The trick in this situation was to be the best informed. Hawk was certain that the Romulans and Klingons would be sending their own exploratory operations and he didn't fully trust either government to disclose their findings.

Raven had been busy. She'd spent most of her time since the arrival of the Yerdi ship digging up as much information as she could get her hands on -- both in and outside the Federation. There wasn't much.

She'd left Edgar scouring through old records in the off chance she'd missed something. hat she needed was the opportunity to search the Yerdi ship itself for information.

Still not ready, she arrived at the Captain's office. SHe bowed to the Yeoman, who indicated that she should go straight in.

"Hello, Captain," Raven said after being admitted to his office.

"Welcome Commander, we are waiting on Lieutenant Kellan." He paused before moving over to the sofa area. "Can I get you anything Commander?"

"Yerba Mate, please," she said quietly as she took a seat.

Hawk arched an eyebrow, nodding. It was a first he had a request for Yerba Mate. After he replicated the concoction, he moved back over to the sitting area, handing Raven her drink.

Upon reclaiming his seat at the center of the sofa, Hawk continued. "Do you have anything for me Commander?"

"The planet is ruled by a Monarchy. The current Regent has been in power for 60 years. The people do not go offworld and there is almost no intergalactic trading. Any attempts at contact have been spurned. This is the fist Yerdi ship to ever make contact." There were rumors of tyrannical behavior, but they were just rumors, so Raven said nothing

Kellan entered the room, "S'up." he asked.

Hawk stood. "S'up?" He paused. "S'up?! Lieutenant you will use proper decorum when addressing superior officers. Are we understood?"

"Aye sir." Kellan said.

"Have a seat Lieutenant. I was just about to explain to Commander Adams your new assignment." Hawk sat and took another drink of his water.

Kellen took a seat listening intently.

Hawk continued. "I need some information on the Yerdi. Something official. Something verifiable. I want you to go to the Yerdi system and get me some concrete data..."

A slow smile spread across Raven's face. "Officially or unofficially?"

Leaning over and pressing a few buttons to secure the doors and placing a dampening field around his office, Hawk continued. "Unofficially Commander."

Raven understood completely. "Yes, sir. I know just the person for the job, too."

"I will also want you and Kellan to conduct a routine survey mission of the Yerdi system. That should provide us with sufficient data to mount a military campaign if such is needed." Hawk glanced towards Kellan and frowned.

Raven nodded. Information on the planet would be incomplete if they didn't know how it fit into the system.

"Well I will leave the two of you to it." Hawk rose from his position. "Dismissed."


Captain Jackson Hawkins
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer / Second Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Emmett Kellan
Chief Science Officer
Starbase Typhon


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