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Defending the Homefront

Posted on Mon Jun 20th, 2011 @ 6:53am by Captain Jackson Hawkins & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commander Krang Darkmoon

1,222 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Location: Office of the Commanding Officer
Timeline: Late Afternoon - Day 1


After meeting with his Chief Science Officer and Chief Intelligence Officer, giving them their orders to do a bit of recon, Hawkins summoned Commander Darkmoon and Colonel von Hackleberg. He was certain that he would need the recommendations of his most tactically minded officers.

Wilhelm walked into the Command Center and looked around at the bustling activity. "Hasn't changed a bit..." Wilhelm then walked to the CO's office and seen the yeoman and a Marine guard. Wilhelm smiled inwardly at the guard, knowing he made the position as a adhoc punishment detail. Turning to the yeoman, "I believe I have an appointmen.." The yeoman responded, "Yes you do Colonel go right in."

Captain Hawkins turned to witness Colonel von Hackleberg walking into his office. "Colonel." Hawk nodded in the man's direction. "Can I get you something? We're waiting for Commander Darkmoon. I have a project I'm going to need the two of you to work closely to complete."

"No thank you I'm good sir. What sort of trouble are we going to get into now?"

Laughing a bit, Hawk refreshed his glass of water and moved over to the sofa and took a seat. "Colonel, you aren't an optimist are you?" Hawkins shook his head lightly, took a drink of his water, and then sat the glass of water onto the coffee table. "I'd prefer to hold off on the actual briefing until Commander Darkmoon has arrived. But, in the meantime, I'd like to chat with you about our involvement on Exeter."

"Not a problem sir." Wilhelm moved and took a seat opposite to the Captain. "Exeter was pretty much the standard move in and save the civilians and kick out the overwhelming forces. We took our most serious casualties within the first week establishing an area of operations."

"I see. I think what I was getting at Colonel was questioning our continued involvement. We, per my understanding, are continuing to provide logistical support to the civilian population of Exeter. This would be in line with my general orders. I will want periodic updates on the success of such activities." Hawk looked at the Colonel, knowing that it must be difficult to take orders from someone who is both new to the situation and less willing to provide extensive leeway for his Marine detachment.

"But of course sir. As to our continued involvement it boils down to lack of new orders. I think the 21st just fell between the cracks so we helped build the new EDF so they could defend themselves."

Hawk nodded in agreement. "That would be my assessment as well Colonel. Well I hope you don't see my directions similar to that of Gentleman Johnny Burgoyne. I'm not interested in facilitating some aggrandizement of myself at the sacrifice of the mission. I do however feel that we need a unity of mission. I see it as inappropriate on my behalf and unacceptable on yours, to have a CO that isn't concerned with the broader scope of policy. Leaving you out in the field at Exeter was a mistake. One I am unwilling to repeat I assure you."

"Good. At the end there it was almost a total waste of us being there, and I'll certainly let you know if you start turning into old Gentleman Johnny. In private of course, a baton might be involved." Wilhelm said with a chuckle. "But I totally agree the mission does come first."

"It is good to have you home." Hawk noted. "The guard at the door is a nice addition." The truth be told, he was hoping that the presence of a marine at his door would reduce the likelihood of people storming into his office unannounced.

"Your welcome. It is good to be back in to speak."

"I'm quite sure Colonel. Quite sure..." Hawk took another drink of his water, glancing towards the door waiting for Commander Darkmoon.

"Ohh yes, hot shower does wonders. I almost forgot the access code to release the lock out on the Marine Decks. I wouldn't come down to visit decks 101 through 105 for a little while, still very unorganized. However the Semper Fi Lounge is back in business and open to the public."

Krang walked in, obviously hurrying. As he crossed the threshold, he straightened his tunic and said, "Captain, Colonel." and nodded to both men.

"Welcome Commander. Can I get you something?" Hawk asked, leaning forward from his seat on the sofa.

"Cup of coffee would be appreciated. Thank you, Sir."

Hawk nodded, going to retrieve a cup of coffee for the Commander. "Have a seat Commander." Returning, Hawk handed the cup of coffee to the Commander and returned to his seat. "Well, I wanted to talk with the both of you about some recent developments."

Taking the offered seat and coffee cup Krang got ready for whatever trouble he might be in this time.

"Frankly we've got a unique situation where a Yerdi delegation has requested asylum here on the station. While we're working on determining an asylum grant, I want all sensitive areas of the station secured." Hawk looked to both men.

"Sounds simple enough." Krang answered with a nod.

"Yes, simple, but necessary. We don't know anything extensive about the Yerdi and I don't want to be caught off guard by a security breech." Hawk stood. "And we're going to need escorts for the Yerdi as they travel about the station. We don't know what type of trouble they're in and we don't know who is their friend and who might be their enemy."

Krang took a sip of his coffee then said, "Understandable."

"Commander, I want a plan on my desk as soon as possible. I'm also going to want a full report on the station's battle readiness. We wouldn't want to be caught off guard by what we don't know." Hawk looked at Krang. "Is there anything I'm missing Commander?"

"I can't think of anything you're missing, Sir. Between the Colonel's people and my staff, we should be in pretty good shape. When is the delegation arriving?"

Hawk grinned wryly. "There already here..."

"Thanks for the advanced warning." Krang said with a chuckle, hoping the Captain would notice the humor and not take offense. He tapped his commbadge and said "Darkmoon to security, security plan Delta seven needs to go into effect immediately. I have more details momentarily." A young woman's voice acknowledged the order and he closed the link.

Wilhelm just shrugged "Ce le vie.... " Wilhlem then hit his COMM badge "von Hackleberg to Marine HQ, Theta protocols in effect and step up the Marine Roving Patrol. Coordintate with Station Security. Out." Wilhelm heard and acknowledgement from one of his COMM techs.

"Thank you gentlemen. I cannot stress how important it is that we be vigilant over the next few days. We cannot be certain that the Yerdi were not tracked. I don't want problems creeping up on us." Hawk took another drink of his water.

"Don't worry Captain. My boys and girls are still jittery from combat. They'll notice anything out of the ordinary." Wilhelm said with relish finding a liking to his new CO, "By the way you can call me 'Willi'."


Captain Jason Hawkins
Commanding Officer

Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief Security Officer

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
CO, 21st Marines
SB Typhon


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