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When the 21st Comes Marching Home...

Posted on Mon Jun 20th, 2011 @ 10:11am by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Master Sergeant John Deal & Lieutenant Commander Tara Neniphim & Commander Krang Darkmoon

969 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Start
Location: Aurora, Planet Exeter
Timeline: 0215 local


As soon as the Runnymede arrived in orbit over Exeter Wilhelm directed them into a firing position over the city of Aurora for there orbital bombardment.This brought the ship into formation with the giant hulk of the Marine Assault Ship Gladius and nimble form of the USS Valhalla. Wilhelm noticed the Gladius completed their annihilation of the city center with a tell tale red glow from the city.

Beaming down, Wilhelm got all his officers and senior NCO's together to break the news to them at Firebase Zulu. Wathing patiently, Wilhelm seen all the Battalion and Company CO's come marching in along with representatives from from the Air Element including Tara, who looked like a woman on a mission and John who came up beside him looking like he had a typical stunner hangover.

"Ladies and Gentlemen." Wilhelm started, looking at the anxious faces, "We are to pack up and head immediately back to Starbase Typhon." he stated and seen a great amount of mixed emotions some relieved some angry others just worn out looking on. "....Orders came down last night. Hence why most of you observered the bombardment drones pounding the daylights out of the city center here. Personnally, I wanted them to surrender but the time does not permit. The other attack on the Industrial Sector is still on except for diminished support from our Regiment. First, Arty CO's, you are to support the opening phases of the attack and support it for three hours then start packing up."

"Second, the original three squadrons of Razors are to immediately start packing up, stow your gear on the Gladius then depart independently for Typhon. Commander Neniphim's Wing is to support the attack until we depart basing off the Runnymede and Gladius for rearming and refueling. When we depart you'll be flying shotgun for the Gladius since it is slower then the other ships."

"Of the ground units," Wilhelm continued, "...Our heavy infantry of the First and the specialists of the Third will begin packing up there equipment and will start loading onto the Gladius while the light troops of the Second will cover the withdrawal and will be the last to leave."

"Our equipment and ammo stockpiles are also to be packed up but only of our Tier One weapon systems and ammo. Tier 2 and 3 grade equipment is to be transfered to the EDF along with the bulk of our medical supplies and equipment. Troops from the EDF will be arriving within the hour to take over what we will be leaving behind. Shuttles will begin landing within the next two hours when the EDF's attack starts. Also, nothing is to be loaded onboard the Runnymede and the Valhalla. As they are the faster ships they will have priority on our wounded and any that will be brought in during the attack. Questions or concerns anyone?"

John was swearing under his breath, trying not to lose his temper. "Colonel, the orders just came down and we already have to move out? Thats fine and dandy, but impossible. We have more gear than what can be moved in what, three hours?"

"Exactly what I told them Sergeant. However, they are way more stubborn then what I gave them credit for. That's why its been decided to give most of are stockpiles to the EDF except for the really good stuff. They also wanted to just park in orbit, take us on and leave. Leave the EDF with gaps in their lines all over the place. At least we got to slag the city center so no worries there."

"What about a thousand klicks outside of the city? I was doing some high surface scans and there are seven or eight divisions out that way. They tried to shoot me down when I came in." She seemed disgruntled that her attack runs were called short. "And my men have already left the Gladius and are stationed near the Runnymeade. If we're needed, we'll be right there."

"Very good. The Runnymede will have to divert and pound those guys and see if we can discourage them a little bit. One other thing Master Sergeant." Wilhelm said turning to John, "Round up any truck or bulk transport carrier you can and get them loaded and moved to this field about a half mile from here." Wilhelm said indicating and area on the map. "Make use of the site to site transporter too, I'm gonna have the Gladius set down there and we'll burn the candle at both ends on her."

John nodded and started to stand. "Normal weaponry, or should I see if Otto has anything with a big enough boom to create the next Hiroshima?"

Wilhelm chuckled, "Just use standard explosives to clear the area and when the Gladius lands we start loading like posessed souls. I wouldn't go to Otto, anything he has for that kinda job usually involves a lot of flames. Wouldnt want to set this continent on fire now would we."

The pack up and loading process went better than expected. The last boots of the 21st were off the ground and only 45 minutes behind schedule.

The Gladius had left orbit already with its fighter escort. The Valhalla departed the system next and finally the Runnymede was preparing to leave.

[Bridge - Runnymede]

"That's it, Sir. Everything shows green to depart." an Ensign reported from somewhere behind Krang.

"Let's get this show on the road then." he replied. "Helm, lay in a course for Typhon, Maximum warp. Engage when ready."

"Aye, Sir. Estimate arrival at Typhon in 5 hours, 34 minutes."

"Excellent. We might make Captain Hawks' deadline after all."


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
Marine Commanding Officer

Master Sergeant John Deal

Lieutenant Commander Tara Neniphim

Commander Krang Darkmoon
Officer in Charge
U.S.S. Runnymede


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