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K'vort-ing to Yerdi space

Posted on Sun Jun 26th, 2011 @ 8:14am by Commander Raven Adams & Lieutenant Emmett Arjax Sc.D / D.A.S. & Khiy Tal'ehrihn

1,334 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Timeline: Current


Raven walked onto the flagship of Trans Galactic Trading dressed in soft black leather pants, a black silk shirt and a black vest. As they weren't being official, she felt it prudent to dress as a civilian. If nothing else, she would be one of Khiy's employees looking for new trading opportunities.

Khiy walked proudly through the hallway of his K'vort class Bird of Prey as he headed to the station dock.

Unlike the ships that shared its heritage, this ship along with his two B'rels underwent a minor refit that, among other things, included painting the interior panels a soft grey and removing the red lighting in favor of a soft white. Khiy felt like this, matched with the ships pearl white exterior, spoke to a demographic sympathetic to the Federations ideals; his target market.

The ship was filled with people, though as he passed the odd crew member he made little in the way of eye contact with them. He had to portray somewhat of an aloof persona. He owned his ships and he wanted to make sure his crew knew that meant them too. In line with that, he was pleased to see the new black TGT uniforms being enforced within the crew. There was some resistance to the idea, but Khiy wanted to push his company to a new level. Besides looking more professional, it would help the crew foster a kind of kinship with each other. In this business that was a much a necessity as warp nacelles.

Once Khiy arrived in the cargo bay picking out Raven wasn't easy amongst the sea of nearly indistinguishable uniformed crew members. Fortunately he spotted her near the access hatch.

"Welcome to the Khellian." He said with arms spread wide at the site of Raven. "Nice choice in colours." He said after giving her a once over.

Raven couldn't help grinning. "I like the uniforms. Nice touch. For this trip, I'm officially in your employ." She had to admit, it would be fun to be working with him again.

"My employ you say? Well, you can join me on the bridge then. I'm sure I can find something for you to do there." He gave her a wide grin. "Are we expecting others?"

"Emmett Kellen, the new Chief Science Officer." She gave him a wide grin. "I'd love to join you on the bridge."

"Should we wait for your associate or head there now?" He asked as he offered his arm to Raven.

"We should head there now," she said. "I want to see what you've done to the bridge." She slipped her hand through his arm. "Warn your people to keep an eye out for Lieutenant Kellan. He tends to get a bit ... distracted." She briefly told Khiy about the scientist's arrival at the briefing. "If it comes right down to it, we may have to transport him onto the ship -- providing you get the clearance first." Raven was being extra careful not to run afoul of Krang and his eagerness to follow every law to the letter.

Emmett approached the gain-way to the Khellian Board shorts, a blue based Hawaiian shirt and flip flops, he also whore a rather ridiculous Grey fedora with a brown band and a white feather on it, It was a prop replica from an Indiana Jones movie, on his head behind him he was dragging a trunk on wheels the sound emanating from the trunk left no mistaking it was filled with test tubes and viles.

Emmett had already been to six docking ports looking for the Khellian he was beginning to wish he had decided to go together with Commander Adams, as he approached the men all in black that were guarding the entrance to the ship at this docking port, the strange looks he was receiving were disheartening. "I am looking for the Khellian, I need to report in to Raven Adams." he said. "Please tell me this is the Khellian I don't think I can stand looking for her any longer."

"Who are you?" one of the workers asked.

"Professor Kellan, didn't you know." Emmett replied as if it were obvious.

The worker looked at the man beside him and rolled his eyes. "No, sir, it wasn't obvious. You're at the right place. Captain Tal'ehrihn and Commander Adams are already on the bridge. Can I help you with your ... case?"

"Oh, no.. no.. no.. Very delicate and volatile. Just some experiments I can't leave unattended." Emmett said, "Wouldn't want the station to go Boom now, would we?" he said as he stumbled and shuffled on-board his case clinking loudly with is cargo.

The worker looked at his companion with shock. If that stuff was volatile, why was it coming on the ship?

As soon as the scientist was on board, the worker notified Captain Tal'ehrihn.

Kellan made his way to the bridge still dragging his clinking trunk, "Ah, Ms. Adams I have found you, Is there a place I can set up?"

Raven turned to look at Kellan. "Set up?"

Khiy looked sceptically at the both the officer and his luggage. "I should warn you that this ship doesn't have a science lab." His brow rose as he tried to speculate what he was carrying.

Oh anywhere will do so long as it can achieve Zero G environment there are some very volatile Elements in my case and it is critical research for the federation and I just could not leave it behind unsupervised, that would have been catastrophic." Emmett said conspiratorially, "But really any corner will do."

His response did little to ease Khiy's mind, but he was used to uncertainty. "I supose we could lockdown one of storage bays for you."

"Stupendous," Emmett said, "Most helpful thank you. now then what is the plan for the super secret mission?" he asked Commander Adams sounding like a school boy.

"Exploration, Lieutenant. We're simply mapping a system." Raven looked at Khiy and gave him a wry look. "Shall I show you to your temporary lab?"

"Please, Commander."

Raven led Emmett to a small, well-shielded storage bay in the safest part of the ship. "You should be fine here for now."

"This should do nicely, Yes commander." Emmett said "I will get setup up, call me if you need anything."

"I will," Raven assured him. She double-checked the security and safety protocols, then headed back to the bridge.

Once Raven returned to the bridge Khiy signaled his communications officer to open a link with the station. "Starbase Typhon, this is the starship Khellian. Requesting permission to dissembark from the station."

There was a pause for several seconds before the response came, "Permission granted."

He gave a quick nod to his helsman to move off. "Be sure to do follow the rules and regulations for the next few minutes." He said to the man. He next looked over to Raven. "Last thing I want is your chief security officer to hijack a shuttle, fly over here, and hand me a speeding ticket."

"I hear he's mellowed out, but I agree with you. No reason to be stopped before we even get started."

Khiy nodded knowingly and then spoke to his helmsman again "Take her out to the designated coordinates and then wait for instructions."

"We will warp to an area outside of Typhon's sensor range and then wait for your instructions." Khiy still had no idea where he and his ship was heading.

"I have a data rod from the Captain. I'll be able to access it then," Raven assured Khiy. She was as much in the dark about exactly where they were going as he was, but the Captain had his reasons for keeping their destination a secret for now.


Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Trans Galactic Trading

Lieutenant Emmett Kellan
Chief Science Officer
Starbase Typhon

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon


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