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Garrison Duty

Posted on Sat Jun 25th, 2011 @ 5:56am by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Master Sergeant John Deal

736 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Location: Marine CO's Office
Timeline: curren


Wilhelm looked around his office making sure everything was in it's place. Baker muzzle-loaded rifle on the wall, replica of his families' sword on the wall, Regimental colors in a corner, etc. Wilhelm realized everything was in it's place when he left. Taking a seat behind his desk he started going through his stack of PADDs and waited for his Regiment First Sergeant to arrive.

John hadn't even been able to shower yet, and he was already being called into the Colonel's office. Grabbing a straight razor from the collection he had, John started walking briskly down the hall, shaving his growing beard with the razor, no lotion or water to assist him with it. Stepping up to the Colonels door it slid open before he could hit the chime. "Colonel, you called?"

"Yes...Damn John you look like hell." Wilhelm said with a chuckle. "How is your experience on the base so far. Not very far into it by the looks of it...."

"I saw my inadequate room for about a half a second before I got the call to some down here Sir. Did you know they have me rooming with that fire happy Sergeant Otto?"

"Ohh Otto?!? Uhhh ohh....I'll see if we can square away something more adequate for someone of your position but you'll have to live with it for now. Hell I got a two bedroom suite I hardly see.... but anyways." Wilhelm hands John a PADD, "Here is your brief guide to the station with emphasis on our section, Decks 101-105 exclusively for Marines, except for the Semper Fi Lounge which is open to the public on 101. We police ourselves with the MPs and provide support to station security, among other things." Wilhelm paused for a second for a second then continued. "After you get settled in then cleaned up I want you to organize the Marine Roving Patrol for the critical areas of the station along with assigned guards where needed. Also make the guard on the Captain's Ready Room...." Wilhelm glanced upwards, "...A punishment detail." Wilhelm said with a smile.

"Thats easy enough to do Colonel, and I don't mind staying in the same room with Sergeant Firebug. I'm just a First Shirt, nothing too exciting. But I'll have the patrols set up and started tonight. Some of those men got a lot more sleep then we did Sir." Scrapping down more hair, he cussed, dabbing a finger to a cut on his chin. "Oh well, not the first time."

Wilhelm smiled, "Same here." Wilhelm said then continued, "Over the next few days we will be having some Yerdi guests. If anything pops up that is out of the ordinary relay it directly to me and security. Of course the standard return fire if fired upon is in effect. Also one other thing..." Wilhelm said reaching for another PADD to hand to John. "Here is a 24 hour pass for you and one quarter of the Regiment. I do believe the drink special at the Semper Fi Lounge is Breen Screwdrivers, whatever the hell that is." Wilhelm said with a smile.

"I think I'll pass, but I'll send some of the men on leave for a time. I have far too much work to do Colonel." John looked over the padd and started randomly picking out names. "Here's the men I've decided deserve leave more than anyone else."

"Alright then John..." Wilhelm said with a shrug, "Well you can't say I didn't try to give you a day off. If you could also make sure we have our MPs watching the Semper Fi, no need for station security to put our men in the brig when we have our own!" Wilhelm said with a chuckle. "Go get some triple S then get to work, you look like hell." Wilhelm said looking at a nearby mirror, "I should probably do the same... On your way out can you yell at the Quartermaster and have him drag his lazy carcass in here. He needs a good chewing on."

John chuckled and stood, then turned and started walking out. "Hey! Quartermaster!" he yelled as he stepped out of the office. "Get in the Colonels office! Ten, three One!" As he yelled one, a Staff Sergeant rushed into the office breathing hard. "Good man."


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
CO, 21st Marines

Master Sergeant John Deal
First Sergeant, 21st Marines


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