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Tomatoes Are Now Contraband

Posted on Tue Aug 16th, 2011 @ 6:21pm by Lieutenant Commander Selith Vi'ir & Commander Krang Darkmoon

859 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Location: Various
Timeline: Before the launch of the Runnymead

Selith shook his head at the report in front of him. Some shop owner had decided he was exempt from the rule. He knew it was going to happen, but he hadn't guessed this soon, or this blatantly.

Selith turned his chair and called up the comm panel. He quickly placed a call to Commander Darkmoon, having expected to be needing his help sooner or later.

Krang answered a bit frustrated, "Darkmoon here, what do you need?"

Selith responded as if he'd been expecting a frosty response. "Help. I've been trying to get this stations operations in order, and some people are not cooperating. A shipment is about to be moved without authorization, and will cause disruptions. I plan on taking it into custody, and might need a bit of help."

"I'll send a security team. When and where?" Krang replied.

"Cargo bay 15. One hour." Selith replied. "I was hoping to meet you. This could be an opportunity, if you are available."

"I guess I can fit you in." Krang grumbled.

"Great! See you then, Commander." Selith said, closing the channel.

=One hour later=

Selith stood around the corner from cargo bay 15 with a few operations staff, waiting for the security team. A group of tradesmen were inside, preparing to move a shipment of tomatoes to one of the restaurants on the promenade. While seemingly normal, Selith was suspicious of the quantity of tomatoes being shipped. Never mind the route of transport would cause problems for the engineering staff moving equipment to the Arboretum.

"OK. So where is the crime of the century going down?" Krang grumbled.

"Cargo bay 15. A shop owner is getting a rather large movement of tomatoes, and it's being moved through some back channels, that would disrupt some of engineering's projects. Thought I might correct that problem, and take a look. Two snakes with one phaser, I think." Selith said, wondering if he wanted to be right or wrong at the moment.

"I'm ready when you. I'll wait for you to pull the trigger on this operation."

"Got it. We'll wait for them to start moving, then stop them for an inspection." Selith said.

After a few more minutes of waiting, the cargo bay doors opened and two men walked out. They checked the hallway, then motioned to someone inside. Moments latter, a anti-grav lift was moved out, carrying several containers.

"That looks like your shipment." Krang whispered.

Selith simply nodded, then walked around the corner. "Please stop. I need to inspect your cargo."

The men all stopped, then one of them stepped forward. "I'm sorry, but we are in a bit of a hurry."

"This will only take a few moments." Selith replied, motioning some of his staff to look at the containers. Selith also stepped forward, lifting the top on one of the containers. Inside, there were a bunch of tomatoes.

"See, just tomatoes. Can we go now?" The man said.

Selith was just about to reply, then a crash came from behind him. When he turned around, a container was on the floor, and smashed tomatoes around it. As he looked closer, there were also small electronic devices.

Selith looked back at the man, just as the man turned and bolted. The other three men followed suit.

Krang turned to the security officers that were with him. "Don't let them get away!" he shouted.

Selith tapped his commbadge as he took of after the leader, who ducked back into the cargo bay. "Selith to Ops. Security Alert, deck 61, section 38. Please seal all entrances to cargo bay 15 except the main door."

Krang's men came back with a group of men that had caught. "Go ahead and escort them back to the holding cells and I'm go in and help Selith."

Selith rounded the corner at a sprint, and went sprawling as he got hit. He was still recovering when the leader started to run past. Selith grabbed his leg, causing him to topple over. Selith started to get up, then blocked another punch from the man, and countered with one of his own.

Krang arrived a moment later. He pulled his phaser, set it to a mild stun setting and fired.

Selith watched as the leader fell to the ground, then turned to Commander Krang. "Thank you, Commander," he said, wiping a bit of blood from his head where he hit his head.

Krang directed his staff to gather up the suspects and move them to the brig and he contacted medical to come look at Selith's head.

"All in all I guess that could have gone worse. We got the folks and there were only minor injuries to either side."

"True. Do we know what they were smuggling?" Selith asked, hoping this was for something.

"Looks like it was some sort of electronic equipment and a few hundred slips of latinum. Pretty high value cargo. It's no wonder that they tried so hard to not get caught."

"Well, thank you for your help." Selith said, letting the medic who had shown up take a look at his injury.

"Any time." Krang said as he gathered up his team and departed.


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