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Tea shop talk

Posted on Sat Aug 13th, 2011 @ 8:20am by Lieutenant Commander Tara Neniphim & Jana Johnson & Captain Anna Johnson

997 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Location: Aeshia's tea room
Timeline: Current

Tara had had a long day, and the egg on the back of her head was still there. She had accidentally slammed her head off of the ship she had been working on, trying to get it working again. Several had been having problems, and with the shortage of Engineers, she was forced to do the repairs herself.

"I miss Scotty," she said aloud, walking into a tea shop, hoping that they served something harder than tea there.

Anna had been avoiding the tea shop for a while now. She missed talking to Aeshia but their last meeting hadn't been a very pleasant one. She was really in the mood for some of Aeshia's cookies though so with that thought in mind she slipped into the tea room.

Tara looked behind her as a single bell chimed and nodded. "Captain," she said rigidly.

Anna nodded in return, "How are you today Commander?" She asked.

"I'm alright Captain," Tara said with a nod. "There are departmental problems that I'm taking care of but that's about it."

A few moments later Jana stepped in behind Anna carrying her bag from school. "Have you ordered yet?" she asked.

"No I just got here about a minute ago." Anna answered.

Tara looked back and nodded to the new comer. "Greetings Ma'am," she said straight, feeling no emotions. Looking down, she realised that she had forgotten her velvet rabbit and cursed in her head. Her life line was most likely in the last fighter she had been working on.

"You don't have to call me ma'am I'm only sixteen." Jana said smiling.

"This is my sister Jana," Anna said, "This is Commander Neniphim." She added in introduction.

"You're related to the Captain, and a civilian, therefore you're Ma'am," Tara said matter of factly. "But it is nice to meet you. If you don't mind me asking, what besides tea do they serve here?"

"Some oriental food, and some cookies. The vegetable egg rolls here are really good as is the lo mein." Anna said.

"I'm guessing no meat," Tara said looking at the menu. "Or alchohol..."

"She serves alcohol but only if you are off duty and no she doesn't serve meat at least she didn't the last time I was here. She doesn't believe in it." Anna said.

"To contrary, Anna lady." Aeshia said, with a scowl. "Evil Witch of Callisto, primary shareholder, states meat be served now. Authentic Japanese Teppanyaki chef arrive this morning. We have steak, seafoods, and sushis."

Anna raised an eyebrow, "If I had known you were looking for a business partner I would have offered to help." Anna said, "At least then you could serve what you wanted at your own place." she added.

"I not look for partner." Aeshia said. She looked down. "Creditors Sold 51 percent of company."

"I'm sorry to hear that." Anna said. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

Aeshia shook her head. "T'Yuna lady did that already."

Anna raised an eyebrow, "How?" She asked.

"Something about remote activation thing. Made Wicked Witch very mad." Aeshia said, with a peaceful smile on.

"Ahhhh," Anna said, "She was drafted to help with the engineering shortage I'm guessing. Anyway," Anna said looking at Tara, "I do highly recommend the egg rolls and the lo mein." She said then turned back to Aeshia, "Jana and I would both like an order of both and some hot tea please."

"I think I'll take two orders of California Spring Rolls, and some vegetable lo-mein. Maybe I need to kick back some of the meat I've been eating." Tara looked at the menu again and smiled. "And a pot of Olong Tea if you could."

Aeshia nodded. She headed off to the kitchen, to make the orders, and pass the meat orders along to her new 'assistant'.

Anna and Jana moved over to a table and took a seat as they waited for their orders.

Tara sat in the table next to them and looked over. "Jana, what do you do here? You don't look like the starbase type."

"I'm still in school." Jana answered, "I plan on going to the academy next year." She added.

"Ah, school is always... well the same," Tara said. "Learn as much as you can, some day, it'll help. You never know when, but it'll help."

"That is the plan." Jana said with a smile. "Do you like it here?" She asked.

"Its like every other base I've been on, both on land, sea air, and in space." Tara said with a noncommittal shrug. "They all tend to blend together after a while."

"You don't look old enough to have served on a base on land or sea." Jana said knowing that there were a few around but not many.

"If I may Captain?" Tara asked looking over.

"Of course please join us." Anna answered pointing to an empty seat.

"Not what I ment," Tara muttered, staying in her seat. "Captain, you've read my file, how old does it say I am?"

"Oh," Anna said, "Two hundred and thirty nine if I remember correctly." She answered.

"That's about right, give or take a decade," Tara said with a shrug. "They tend to get lost in the ether after a while." Looking over at Jana, Tara didn't smile. "I'm still learning. Just because I don't look a day over sixteen doesn't mean I don't feel every day, and it doesn't mean that I have to stop learning." Something on her hip beeped and she took out a micro padd. Scanning the message, she stiffled a curse and stood. "If you'll excuse me, my father has done something stupid again."

"What about your food." Anna asked, "Would you like us to bring it to you?"

Aeshia walked up, deposited the tray of food, and left, to serve other customers.

Captain Anna Johnson
Executive Officer,
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Tara Neniphem
Wing Commander
Starbase Typhon

Jana Johnson

Aeshia Dew
Tea Lady


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