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Guard Duty

Posted on Thu Aug 25th, 2011 @ 9:21am by Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp [Wilhelm] & Commander Billy Jo Rhodes

498 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I

After a having a little bit of a send off for Master Sergeant Deal, Otto found himself stuck with Deal's workload. One of these duties included the new guard assignments for the Athena. Making his way through the bowels of the station Otto arrives at the door for the Project's personnel coordinator. Hitting the chime Otto awaited a response.

Billy Jo was humming to herself as hse tidied up her office. Her paperwork was done for now and she was enjoying a momentary respite. "Come in," she called cheerfully when she heard the door.

Otto walked in and stood at attention.

"Well, hello there Staff Sergeant. How can I help you?" she asked.

"Well sir., you had an appointment with Master Sergeant Deal about setting up the guard rotations for your supplie. However, the Sergeant has been reassigned at short notice. I'm his temporary replacement."

"First of all, I ain't no 'sir'," she said with a laugh. "I'm a 'ma'am'. That, or Commander Rhodes. Where's Sergeant Deal?"

"Sorry ma'am, force of habit. Every officer is a 'sir' in the Marines. Sergeant Deal was reassigned to Training Command to make up for some shortfall. I know he was very unhappy with it." Otto said.

"I would be, too, in his shoes," Billy Jo said. "Well then, set down a spell and tell me what you've got. Can I offer you a drink of something?" she added as she walked to the replicator.

"No thank you ma'am I'm fine." Otto said as he took a seat in front of Billy Jo's desk. "What will be available so far is the Artificer Company for actual work on the project along with a few others with similar civilian experience. For other duties will be about one and a half companies per shift as we have other obligations on the station and our incessant obsession over training." Otto said with a smile.

"Excellent. Do you have a list of who will be available when so I can set up a rotation?" Billy Jo asked.

"Yes I do." Otto said taking a PADD out of a pocket and handing it to Billy Jo. "This is the troop schedule for the next month. It will vary of course if any emergency or other matter pops up."

"Of course. I do appreciate the loan, though. It'll make things go a lot smoother." She loaded the data into her computer and added it to her roster. After a moment she copied data back onto the PADD and handed it back. "And here's the complete schedule. Is there anything else you need?"

Otto looked over the PADD quickly and didn't notice any discrepencies. "No that should do it for me ma'am." Otto stood up at attention, threw a quick salute and said. "Till the next time Commander." Otto said with a curt nod then exited.


Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp
Acting First Sergeant
32 Squad, 181st Marine Raiders (attached)
SB Typhon

Commander BIlly Jo Rhodes
Personnel Coordinator
Starbase Typhon


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