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Meeting of Minds

Posted on Fri Jul 8th, 2011 @ 4:10pm by Captain Anna Johnson & Lieutenant Commander Selith Vi'ir

843 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Location: Main Operations

Anna stepped out of her office and walked over to the new chief of operations. A few of the staff watched as she approached having been use to reporting to her. "Commander do you have a moment?" Anna asked.

Seith turned, and smiled. "For my new boss, always. How can I help you Captain?" He'd been a bit taken aback by her age, but that showed a level of competence Selith was sure he'd enjoy.

"There is a small ship coming in with some cargo I've ordered." She handed him the PADD to show him that everything was in order. "They will just be a quick layover long enough to leave my cargo but I want know when it arrives so I can pick it up and move it out of the way. I don't want to use up any space unnecessarily," Anna stated.

"Certainly. I'm assuming the cargo is to large for transporters to handle?" Selith said, looking over the PADD.

"No it could be handled by transporters if needed assuming they don't need any resupply themselves." Anna said. "Just a couple of crates that I'm expecting. If you do want to simply transport it then you can have it put in my quarters."

"That sounds preferable. I've been trying to straighten out some of the docking queues. It'll cost a bit more energy, but we can handle that. My biggest concern on energy is the under-staffing of the engineering department. If a main generator goes down, it'll start causing some big problems. I'm putting some plans together if that happens, but none of them are pretty." Selith sighed.

"There are a few people in your department that can handle minor repairs as well if that is needed though I don't want you to short hand yourself too much either." Anna answered.

"True, although my whole department is pretty busy trying to get people used to the new procedures. My biggest concern isn't so much generation, as it is consumption. The normal extra capacity has been used, so if we were to have a major crisis or emergency, life would get very uncomfortable quickly." Selith replied, pulling up a screen on his computer. "See? Normally, Starfleet recommends a 60% power use-to-generation ratio. We are currently at 84%. Romulan standards are around 40%, but that is due to the nature of our power cores and the consequences of running them at full power. In the case of stations, an increase of 15% is common if weapons and shields are brought online. That brings us uncomfortably close to our maximum generating capacity."

"Do you have any suggestions to get them back down to standard levels?" Anna asked.

"A lot of upset shop-owners." Selith grinned. "A lot of the consumption is from upgrades the shops have put in. There are so many holodecks, I'm not even sure this office is real. An option I'm weighing currently is a.) force shop owners to shut down and remove excessively consuming systems, b.) install new generators in place of some existing starbase facilities, or c.) ask shops running additional systems to install auxiliary generators, at their cost to put in, to cover the increased consumption, and we would maintain them."

"I think options b and c are the most feasible. I will discuss getting some axillary generators with Captain Hawkins. We don't want to have a power failure of any kind if it can be avoided." Anna said.

"Of course. I've also been putting together a modified procedure for a power emergency. It places all systems on a priority list, and would automatically shut down lower-priority items if we lose any generating capacity or need to bring other systems online. I have a preliminary list if you'd care to take a look." Selith said, bringing up another screen.

Anna moved over to look at the list. "It looks like you have it well planed out. I would still feel better if we can get some more generators in place though. Especially since we have the shipyard to worry about as well."

"I was looking over that too. I think the shipyard will be ok. The designs are made to be self-sustaining. But I would like expanded generating capacity, as well." Selith said. "I'll see if i can't send a request up the chains, along with a supporting opinion that we need more staff in engineering. I'll also send this list up to the Captain for approval."

"Send it to me first and I'll make sure he gets it." Anna said. "Is there anything else that needs my attention?"

"Will do. I think that's all I need. Thank you." Selith said, smiling.

"Let me know when my shipment arrives please. I am in need of some of my coffee beans." Anna said returning the smile.

"Yes, ma'am." Selith said, turning back to the screen with a smile.

Anna turned and left to write up a status report on operations while the data was fresh on her mind.

Captain Anna Johnson
Executive Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Selith Vi'ir
Chief Operations Officer
Starbase Typhon


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