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K'vort-ing into the Unknown

Posted on Thu Jul 7th, 2011 @ 6:21am by Khiy Tal'ehrihn & Commander Raven Adams

678 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change


It was almost time to drop out of warp. Raven walked onto the bridge, eager to see what was really in Yerdi space.

She walked up to Khiy who was seated in the command chair. "Anything I can do before we arrive? Kellan should be up here shortly -- if he can find his way to the bridge, that is. He seems to be a little -- obfuscated."

Khiy tilted his head to the side as if trying to decide in his mind whether or not to say anything. With a sigh, he relented to his concerns.

He got up from the command chair and motioned Raven to follow him into the Captain's ready room off the bridge. Once inside he waited for the door to close and sat on the edge of his desk to face his friend.

"I know you told me when I signed up for this that you wouldn't be able to tell me where we were going or what we were going to do once we arrived; and I was okay with that at the time. These coordinates you gave me, however, take us well within Yerdi space. If any of the rumors I've heard are accurate, this is a very dangerous stretch of space right now. You don't have to tell me everything, but I would like to know what we are getting into here."

"A man claiming to be a Yerdi Prophet has asked for asylum. We are here to find out what's going on," Raven told him quietly. "We're to scan the sector and, if possible, check out the planet -- all unofficially."

"This sector is a black hole right now, nothing goes in or out. Regular trade routes have been completely frozen and there is more than a few rumors going around as to the fates of those who were trapped on the wrong side of Yerdi boarders." His eyes squinted slightly as he regarded Raven. "I don't suppose there was a specific reason why we are using my K'vort instead of a B'rel?" He wondered if they were in fact traveling into a war zone."

"Let's just say I wanted to cover my bases," Raven hedged. "Honestly, I have no idea what we'll run into. We need to find out if the "Prophet" is telling the truth. For that, we need to gather information."

"Will you be going planet side?" He asked.

Raven shrugged. "I don't know. It appears they're warp capable, so if we do we won't violate the prime directive." She shook her head. "If things are really that bad, do we want to go down to the planet?"

"No, certainly not." He said while shaking his head. "Just wanted to know if I should prepare the 'you aren't who you used to be' speech to stop you from doing something stupid." He grinned.

"Again?" Raven added with a grin of her own. "I don't think there'd be enough chocolate in Starfleet to fix a stupid that big." She shook her head. "I have no desire to play hero this time."

Just then a chime sounded in the office. Khiy reached back and opened the comm link from a panel on the desk he was sitting. "Go ahead."

"Sir, we are approaching the designated coordinates." Came the response.

Khiy turned to look at Raven. "We are on our way." He hopped off the edge of the desk and walked out of the ready room and on to the bridge.

"Drop out of warp and engage the cloaking device. We are running silent for the duration of this mission." He sat down in his command chair and then turned to look at his comm officer. "Transfer auxiliary power to our sensors and comm channels. I want to know everything that happens in this sector while we are here."

"Where do you want to be?" He asked with a look to Raven.

"Right here," she said, sitting down beside him.


Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Trans Galactic Trading

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon


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