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Egos and Such

Posted on Wed Jul 6th, 2011 @ 1:01pm by Rear Admiral William Sanders
Edited on on Wed Jul 6th, 2011 @ 1:02pm

994 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I
Location: Project Commander's Temporary Office - Typhon

William stood looking out into the vast area where Athena would stand. He fully intended on having this project up and running and was not interested in further delays. He would requisition an entire army of engineers if it took it. William paused to take a drink of coffee and grinned as he looked out. Slowly, his mind began to construct a visual representation of what would soon appear outside his office window.

"Sanders to T'yuna, please stop by my office at your earliest convenience." William continued to grin as he sat down his coffee and pulled off his uniform jacket.

"Of course, Admiral." Came the clipped voice of the Vulcan SCE Captain.

A short time later, she arrived at the door, and pressed the chime, surprised that the Admiral, unlike Captain Hawkins, did not seem to have a guard-receptionist on duty. She did not, of course, permit this surprise to show, instead, logging it for further uses.

"Enter." William called as he turned to greet the incoming Captain.

"Admiral Sanders." T'yuna said, nodding. "Admiral Ongaku-chi instructed me to send you her regards. She also noted a discomfort with the current timetable, compared to the one that was originally drafted with the project."

William smiled and extended his hand. "Good to meet you Captain. I feel better knowing that Admiral Ongaku-chi has had her hands in this project. The Engineering Division has sent me out here to help get the project off the ground and to hopefully help rectify personnel issues we've been having aboard Typhon."

"Indeed. I was only recently..." T'Yuna drifted off, briefly. "...made aware of them, by Lieutenant Commander Skylar. I believe we are expecting a small SCE compliment. Perhaps a request for a larger force would be appropriate, given such issues, unless the Station's own Engineering staff will be receiving new staff, as well."

"I have planned on discussing the issue with Captain Hawkins, but I'm sure he already has the situation under review. Or at least I hope he has." William glanced back out towards the Athena staging area. "I feel it will be a fine project Captain. One worthy of our talents."

T'Yuna nodded. "As do I." She said, with an impassive expression. "Though I must admit to being both curious, and slightly worried, as to some members of the Station's Engineering staff. A Lieutenant Junior Grade Walsh, is apparently of such incompetence that she requires supervision to work on anything potentially explosive. I strongly recommend a project-policy banning this woman from any work shifts."

William's eyes opened wide. "Categorically granted. I don't want someone like that working on this project. She could get us all killed." He paused for a moment. "To be honest Captain, I'm not so sure that we will want to utilize any of Typhon's staff until we have coordinated with Captain Hawkins. Hawkins might have his hands full if he's stuck with staff as you describe."

"I have already met with Captain Hawkins." T'Yuna said, with an impassive face. "I do not believe he will have sufficient staff available for assistance, either."

"In that case Captain, I believe that we should use some influence and help him out. As a good will gesture. It has been my experience that Commanding Officers are generally suspicious of brass, even SEC brass, traipsing around in their back yard." William picked up his coffee and took a drink. "I want you to..." And he was lost, looking out into the Athena staging area.

"I have already committed to assisting the Chief Engineer with non-SCE related station matters, however I do not believe I made a favorable opinion on Captain Hawkins, or his assistant." T'Yuna said, flatly.

Sanders regained his focus. "What?" He paused. "Oh yes. Yes Captain. Not good. Not good at all." He frowned a bit. "Perhaps I should smooth things over."

"Likely a wise precaution, yes. I got the impression that my particular manner of speaking, and being blunt, and to the point offended him, in some manner, or reason, possibly involving the mysterious human ego, which, from personal observation, is a dangerous, and fragile thing." T'Yuna said, dryly. It was probably the best attempt at a joke she had made this month.

"Okay Captain. Well," William paused to gather the thoughts he wanted to communicate to T'Yuna. "Get with Commander Rhodes. Find a way to get the needed personnel. I want to be well underway by the end of the week." He sat his mug down again and adjusted his uniform, pulling the jacket he had removed and put on the back of the chair, and slipping it back on. "I have to go up and smooth things over with Captain Hawkins." He began to walk towards the door. "Oh and Captain, one more thing..."

"Yes, Admiral?" T'Yuna asked, pondering how many more people would have to be harassed before she could make a spa appointment. Inwardly, she had screamed like a little school girl, when she heard about a spa on the station. Outwardly, she refrained from commenting on it.

"In the future, leave the fragile human egos to me." William grinned. He knew from being an engineer for so long that many lacked personality and even more were down right abrasive. Combine that with Vulcan traits and he could see a riot on his hands from Captain Hawkins on down. "That's what I'm here for Captain, to make sure that all of our efforts are unimpeded by the egos of the rest of the fleet."

"Appreciated, sir." T'Yuna said, nodding. "They are such a heavy burden on efficiency."

Sanders smiled as he exited his office, going to make peace with Captain Hawkins.

T'Yuna exited immediately after, glad to have one fewer item on her to-do list, prior to the pampering of her human vanities.

Rear-Admiral William Sanders
Project Manager
Athena I

Captain T'Yuna
Athena Project Executive Officer
Starfleet Corps of Engineers, Typhon Dispatch
NPC'd by Lieutenant Commander Skylar


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