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Smoothing Out Rough Edges

Posted on Wed Jul 6th, 2011 @ 3:24pm by Rear Admiral William Sanders & Captain Jackson Hawkins & Senior Chief Petty Officer Delilah Nethercutt

541 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I
Location: Captain Hawkins' Office

Rear-Admiral William Sanders walked into the outer office of the Command Officer and smiled politely at the woman sitting behind the desk. "Is he in?" Quizzed Sanders pointing at the door.

Delilah stood. "Yes Admiral." An SEC Captain and now what appeared to be an SEC Admiral all in the same day. Hawkins was not likely to be pleased. "Go on in."

Inside the office, Hawkins was sitting at his desk reviewing departmental reports. He decided that he was going to have to have a discussion with Commander Skylar about the engineering staffing situation and perhaps a reminder that ignoring Admirals was Hawk's arena. He looked up to see an Admiral entering his office. Do these guys ever get a hint?

Sanders, walking into the room, extended his hand towards Hawkins. "Captain Hawkins I presume?"

Hawkins nodded, standing and moving towards Sanders, his hand extended as well.

As the two shook hands, Sanders continued. "Rear-Admiral William Sanders of the Starfleet Corps of Engineers. We're here to oversee the Athena Project."

"I see. I just had a visit from a Captain T'Yuna earlier in the day." Hawkins frowned and moved over to the sitting area, indicating with a gesture for the Admiral to have a seat.

Sanders, noting the irritation in Hawkins' voice, took a seat across from the Captain. "She told me as much. You'll understand Captain if I take this opportunity to remind you of the stereotype surrounding engineers. We're a bit..." He paused for a moment. "Forward."

"Forward is one way to describe it. Another is rude." Hawk was not entirely receptive to a dismissal of her attitude.

"Well Captain, I do not expect or require you to understand. However, I did want to make mention of the engineering staffing situation you are currently experiencing. With an influx of engineers working on the Athena Project you should have sufficient coverage to solve your current staffing issues. Consider this a gesture of good will from the SEC to Typhon." Sanders smiled. "You see Captain, this does not have to be an 'us verses them' sort of situation."

Hawk returned the friendly smile. "Well Admiral, perhaps this can be the beginning of productive working relationship."

"A productive working relationship is all we want Captain, unfortunately that may not be exactly how it was communicated." Sanders offered.

Laughing a bit to himself, Hawkins continued. "Not exactly."

"Captain, I understand how it must seem, other Captains and Admirals underfoot is likely the last thing you need. I know it's the last thing you want. But know that I have no interest in subverting your command. As far as I'm concerned this is your station and you run it as you please. I fully intend to stay out of your hair." Sanders stood. "Well Captain, this courtesy call is about over. I have to get started working on Athena."

Hawkins stood as well. "Well thank you for the visit Admiral. I look forward to seeing your progress."

With that, Admiral Sanders exited Hawkins' Office, making a return to his own.


Rear-Admiral William Sanders
Project Manager Starfleet Corps of Engineers
Athena Project

Captain Jackson Hawkins
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Senior Chief Delilah Nethercutt
Captain's Yeoman
Starbase Typhon


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