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Getting the Proper Personnel

Posted on Mon Jul 11th, 2011 @ 10:47am by Rear Admiral William Sanders & Commander Billy Jo Rhodes

944 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I
Location: Athena Office Complex - Starbase Typhon

Sanders stood, looking out his window at the empty space where Athena would be constructed. He watched as shuttles placed navigational buoys in the vicinity so that incoming ships may avoid the construction area. The shuttles gliding across the emptiness of space, buoys in tow, brought a smile the mans face. Despite the setbacks and false starts, Athena was about to consume his life. There was only one mistress in his life; his work.

"Sanders to Rhodes, please stop by my office when you get a chance. I've been thinking." For Sanders, 'I've been thinking' was always code for 'change of plans'.

Billy Jo was busy putting everyone on Project Athena into one database. It would make it easier to track hours, work done and time off. She sighed when her combadge chirped. "Another hour and I'd be done with this," she said to the room at large. Her Southern accent was pronounced and cheerful.

She tapped her combadge."On my way, Admiral."

She saved her work, made two backups, just in case, and closed out the file. Then, carefully adjusting her turquoise jumpsuit, she made her way to the Admiral's office.

She rang the door chime and waited for him to admit her.

"Enter." Sanders called, still looking out into the staging area.

Billy Jo walked in and paused to look at the Admiral. "Enjoying the view or seeing the final project?" she asked.

"I am." Sanders spoke softly as he turned to greet Commander Rhodes. "Commander Rhodes, it's a pleasure." He walked in a glide over to her location and extended his hand.

Billy Jo shook his hand and laughed. "You say that now. Wait until I start pestering you for work rotations and proper shift management. You'll change your tune faster than a chameleon changes its color."

"I'm sure I will Commander." Sanders smiled pleasantly. "Please, have a seat. Can I get you anything?"

Billy Jo sat down and smiled back. "A glass of sarsaparilla would be nice, thank you."

"Sarsaparilla? Interesting. Computer, two sarsaparillas." The Admiral pulled the drinks from the replicator and walked over to Billy Jo, handing her one. After handing her the drink, he took his drink and sat across from her. "Have you had the opportunity to meet the project XO?"

"Not yet. I only just arrived and went straight to my office to make sure everything was in order," she said, taking a sip of her soda. "I always like putting my ducks in a row before I start meeting people. My Momma had a sign on the wall in her office that said eschew obfuscation. To me that says I need to have my database right as rain before I do anything else."

Sanders almost laughed at her folksy nature. He himself had grown up in rural parts, but had lost contact with that part of himself years ago. "My mother had a similar phrase but I'm not sure it's appropriate for mixed company." He grinned.

"Sounds like most of what my daddy said. When you grow up around animals, you tend to have a more -- earthy -- view of things. Why, I could ell you stories that would make you turn blue," her eyes twinkled mischievously, "but not on duty. Sets a bead precedent. So, Admiral, what did you want to talk about, besides things you shouldn't say on duty."

"Frankly Commander, I want to solve some problems both in the Athena Project and Typhon. Captain Hawkins hasn't been successful in getting staff and I want to see that he is no longer blocked in that area. If we pull extra people, then we should be able to share with Typhon."

"Pulling extra people shouldn't be a problem as long as they have proper rotations. Double shifts will drive people away, and we don't want that," Billy Jo said pensively. "I've read about Hawkins. I like to know all about the people I work with. I read about you, too," she added without elucidating. "If we promote the project and the opportunity to create something special, we'll get crew lining up to help."

Sanders smiled. "What exactly did you read about me Commander?"

"Now that would be telling," Billy Jo said, chuckling. "It wasn't to bad 'cause I'm here, aren't i?"

"Well there is that." Sanders wasn't a big fan of the sarsaparilla, and let the drink sat idol. "As far as promoting the project Commander, can I leave that to your capable hands?"

Billy Jo smiled brightly. "Well, of course you can. Is there anything in particular you'd like me to do? An area you'd like me to focus on? Or just promote the heck out of the little porker?"

Sanders giggled to himself softly. "Just promoting the heck out of the little porker is fine by me."

"Yes, sir. I'll put that near the top of my To Do list. Right under getting more workers on the project," Billy JO said with a decisive nod. "And hog-tying a few reporters and dragging 'em on over here." She giggled at the thought. SHe wouldn't actually hog tie them. She much preferred gentle bullying.

"Excellent. I won't keep you Commander. Thank you for your assistance." Sanders stood, the pleasant smile still plastered across his face.

"Yeah, I know. You're a busy man, you've had your say and now you want me to go." Billy Jo chuckled. "It was a pleasure to meet you, sir. See you later." Still chuckling she turned and walked back to her office.

Rear-Admiral William Sanders
Project Manager
Project Athena
Starbase Typhon

Commander Billy Jo Rhodes
Personnel Coordinator
Project Athena
Starbase Typhon


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