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In the Thick of Things, part 1

Posted on Tue Aug 30th, 2011 @ 1:03am by Commander Raven Adams & Khiy Tal'ehrihn & Captain Jackson Hawkins

1,062 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I
Location: Khellian


The rebel ship made it safely out of the system. Raven hoped it would make its way to Typhon. Captain Hawkins could learn a lot about the system from them and their ship.

Now, they were back in the thick of things, monitoring Yerdi ships.

"Have you been monitoring the comm channels?" Khiy asked Raven who remained at the station offered to her. "I'm sure by now that military cruiser has regained control and is really pissed about getting hacked." He was clearly still unhappy about her involvement.

"Yes, I am. From what I can tell, the cruiser thinks we're one of the Regent's flagships and doesn't want to cause any further trouble so isn't doing anything to find us," Raven replied. She was still defiant and a little upset with Khiy, but this was not the time or place to talk to him.


"Communications?!" Yelled the commander as she leaned forward in her command chair.

The officer at the communications station looked forward after checking her console. "We've got short and mid range communications only."

The commander slammed the armrest. "Send out a distress signal all channels and frequencies. Rally the troops!"

"Understood!" The communications officer sent out the signal. Soon, other Yerdi warships began moving into the area, patrolling around doing intensive scans and making sure that their decloaked ship wasn't attacked.

After a few moments passed, three significantly larger ships decloaked as they approached the area. This is the first time the Intimidation class of warship had been deployed by the Yerdi. The ship was composed of a large bowed vertical wing in the rear of the ship approximately twenty decks high with an intersecting bowed horizontal wing of equal length. From the intersection of the wings protruded a small neck type structure of approximately four decks and at the head was a bowed command module.


"By the Prophets," Raven muttered. "Khiy, they've sent out a distress signal. A number of larger ships are responding. Looks like they've sent out the big guns. But, by all i can see, they're still no match for us. Do you wnat me to hack into any of them?"

Khiy looked over the information scrolling on the panel beside his seat. He was keenly interested in this new class of warship. "Strange." He said as he scrutinised the data. "Those ships haven't given off any anti-proton radiation. Who the hell are they buying their technology from?" The list of powers who create "clean" cloaking devices was a remarkably short one.

He looked at Raven. "Hack them?" He asked about her query. "Might not be a bad idea, I'm sure the Federation would love to get their hands on information about a new warship class." They might also be interested on who is selling them advanced technology, he mused...that is if it wasn't the Federation to begin with.

"Take us closer." He ordered the helmsman. "Watch out for high intensity scans. We may have one of the most advanced systems out there but it won't help against sensor ghosts if they get too close."

Raven nodded and began to work on the new ship. She was a little more careful with this one, as they were likely to be at heightened security.

"Forgive my late arrival, I seem to have taken a unintentional detour to nacelle control." Kellan said, "There appears to be no making sense of these Klingon designs."

Raven looked away so he wouldn't see her grin. "Welcome, Lieutenant. What can you make sense of?" It was a serious question as Raven honestly wanted to know how she could make use of the science officer.


Commander Travara of the lead Yerdi ship perched herself on the edge of her seat. "Begin active scans. There is something out there..."


The helmsman on board the Khellian was busy dodging the cloaked ships that seemed to be swarming all over the place.

He was young and cocky; musing that he could out manoeuvre these warships all day long.

His overconfidence got the better of him when he began buzzing over cloaked warships; some within a kilometre of colliding. He knew the boss told him to keep his distance, but Mr. Tal'ehrihn didn't have the same sensor information as he did at the moment. What h didn't know wouldn't hurt him. Besides playing around was keeping him sharp.

His confident smile suddenly evaporated when one of the ships he was shadowing suddenly put out an active scan. His eyes widened, they were only 1.2 kilometres away from them, there was no way their scans wouldn't be alerted to a large gaping hole in there sensor data.

"Uh...Ah, Sir?" He choked out. "A ship just came out of nowhere. There is a good chance they spotted us somehow. They are scanning our position."

Khiy leaned forward in his chair and swore. "Alert the crew to battle stations. If ships start decloaking I want our shields and weapons up before they start firing." He looked at Raven. "If we are spotted..." He let the words drop off. He knew he didn't have to comment on how difficult getting out of the system would be.

Raven met his gaze for a moment. She understood completely what their situation was -- and how much trouble they'd be in if they got caught. She pulled out a data rod, inserted it into the computer and initiated the programs she'd need to get into the other ship's computer. She wouldn't be able to stop it from detecting them, it was too late for that, but she could do some damage if it tried to attack. Well, as backup if Khiy needed it. She knew he was itching to see what his new ship could do. He wouldn't appreciate her interference if he could handle the situation.

On the other hand, there was nothing wrong in gathering more Intel. Then, if things went south, she'd already be in the computer system. With a grin Raven began to work.


The Ervasa slowed its approach as it closed in on the Khellian.

"Weapons!" Yelled Commander Travara.

The weapons officer nodded as she prepared the weapons. "Commander, I cannot guarantee a hit. We're speculating on their location."

(To be continued...)

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon

Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Trans Galactic Tarding

Various NPCs


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