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In the Thick of Things, part 4

Posted on Mon Sep 12th, 2011 @ 2:04am by Commander Raven Adams & Captain Jackson Hawkins & Lieutenant Emmett Arjax Sc.D / D.A.S. & Khiy Tal'ehrihn

693 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Location: Yerdi Space



"Left wing mount disrupter is inoperable." The weapons officer replied immediately. "Point defence weapons also inoperable for the most part. Weapon strength down to 30%."


"Raven. How bad are we off?" By now he knew the damage report would be coming in.

"All stations reporting heavy damage," she said. "Rerouting shields to compensate for hull breaches on decks 7 through 9. We'll lose shields entirely if we take another hit."

Khiy shook his head at the prognosis. It wasn't looking too good, they would have to limp home. If they survived the next few minutes at all.

"Fire on the lead ship, clear a path for us. We need to get out of here now!" Khiy ordered. He didn't care where the shots would land this time so long as the ship would be disabled. He then turned the ship and lined up for a strafing run.

Raven's station was still operational. And her programs were still running. There was no time for subtlety. She targeted the farthest battlecruiser and jammed its sensors, effectively blinding it.


The weapons officer aboard the Yarsiad shook her head. "Targeting sensors are down. Switching to visual."

The CO of the Yarsiad nodded as she continued to look out the main view screen. "Continue firing until we can reestablish contact with the Ervasa. I'm not going to sit back and allow some alien to enter our space and start toying with our systems without repercussions."

Green and yellow streaks pulsed from the Yarsiad as it continued it's assault.


The first shot missed the Khellian, but not by much.

"Sir, My volatile experiments are destabilizing. Internal senors indicate a building cascade failure is imminent in the containment field generators." Lt. Kellan said, "I recommend we evacuate those compounds to a safe distance from the ship before they explode. Perhaps inside the hull of one of those ships?"

Raven turned to Khiy, alarmed. "We need to get those chemicals off the ship immediately."

"Sir, I have transporter lock on the experiments," a young man said. "Ready to beam them out on your order."

"Put them right in their captains chair," Khiy growled

The young man nodded and engaged the transporters. Three minutes later, one of the Yerdi ships exploded. "Sir, I believe the chemicals were more volatile than we thought."

At this point Khiy stopped caring. He had to think very seriously about getting his crew home alive and that meant everyone else was of secondary concern.

Raven finished downloading the data from the other ships and put her data rod back in her pocket. At least she had plenty of information to sort through when she got back to Typhon. "Let's get out of here."

Khiy shook his head. ~No !@#$~ he thought 'loudly'. "Engineering. Is the cloaking device operational?" He blinked away some acrid smoke that rose from the side of his console.

A static filled response filled the bridge. "Yes Sir, barely. We are leaking plasma, though, so even if we do get ourselves cloaked we will be bleeding a trail right to us.

Khiy looked over to Raven and nodded. He knew she would work on solving their sensor use immediately.

"It's a hail Mary, but it's our only option. This crippled, we can't fight our way out. Do it." He ordered.

"I can ignite the plasma so that it follows the trail back to the other ships before exploding," Raven said, beginning to work. "If I do it just right, we'll be fine. I just have to wait until we're far enough away..."

Because of the nature of the plasma trail, it wasn't too hard to make it work like a fuse, carrying the fire back to the other ships. In moments, the plasma exploded, taking out the other ships in the group.

With the other ships gone for now, the Khellian limped back to Typhon.


Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Emmett Kellan Sc.D / D.A.S.
Chief Science Officer
Starbase Typhon

Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Trans Galactic Trading

Yerdi NPCs by
Captain jackson Hawkins
Starbase Typhon


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