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Posted on Mon Oct 17th, 2011 @ 1:07am by Lieutenant Commander Tara Neniphim & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

660 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Location: Marine Country
Timeline: Current


Tara, forgetting about the food as she moved down the walk way, seeing preparations for a battle was confused. Something didn't seem right, and she knew exactly where to get the best intel anywhere in the fleet. Walking quickly, she was soon in what she always called Marine Country, looking around. "Colonel?"

Wilhelm was lectoring some butter-bar lieutenants on the finer points of maneuver warfare in an urban setting when he seen a familiar Fleetie go storming past the classroom door calling for him. Poking his head out the door after excusing himself from the class he called out, "Commander! Welcome back Tara. What can I help you with?" Wilhelm said while going into a and adjacent empty office. Wilhelm also made a mental note to give the officer this office belonged to a good chewing on for the pure chaos evident.

Tara spun around and saw the Colonel flash into another office. Looking in the open door, she leaned against the frame and looked around. "Glorious chaos. This one'd be a great pilot, I think." Smiling she looked at the Colonel and shook her head. "I've been gone for a bit, and I was wondering what I was needed for right about now? My men are asleep, so I don't get to play around right now."

"Well.." Wilhelm said then continued. "Not much in my area but I do know pilots have been assigned for patrols of the new shipyards. Also, the Yerdi have been making themselves a pain and we need eyes on the border with them. Scuttlebutt has it there's warships already on their way here." Wilhelm keys in a code into a computer, fills a PADD with info and hands it to Tara. "Here's all the information we have available on Yerdi craft, civilian and military."

Tara looked at the system readouts and gave a low whistle. "I can take some time on the Border. Are my crews already patrolling the ship yards?"

"I honestly dont know. The Marine Wing is because they are under my indirect control and they are starting to get a little ragged from constant flight operations around the shipyards and runs to the Border. I'm sure they are starting to see me as the Devil himself." Wilhelm said with a laugh.

Tara chuckled and nodded. "Let them know I'll have two or three birds of mine out there to help them, and they'll be able to take a rest if they want one." Smiling, she had heard someone out side yell out "OH THANK GOD SHE'S BACK!"

Wilhelm got a brief flicker of fire in his eyes after the shout and the break in disclipline then shrugged it off and chuckled. "That'll work just nicely. I'm sure their birds need some much needed maintenance as well. Oh well, it'll buff out. Anything else Tara?"

"Yea, how does dinner sound?" Tara said with a laugh. "Nothing too fancy, just some Lo-Mein or something of the like."

"Well....I actually have plans. However, how about a game of darts or billiards at the Semper Fi Lounge a bit later?" Wilhelm asked. "I heard Otto and some of the boys are having a little celebration of the Exeter vets. Casual of course."

"I'll be there, do you know if Sergeant Deal will be there as well? Be nice to see someone else I tried to blow up a time or two." Smiling she waved to the CO, leaving him to his thoughts and his own actions. It was time to get her birds in the air, and see what she could do to help. But first, it was time for a party.

"Unfortunately Sergeant Deal got transfered to Training Command. I got the impression he would rather cuddle up with one of Sergeant Krupp's 'care packages'." Wilhelm said with a laugh.


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
CO, 21st Marines
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Tara Misu Neniphim
Flight Leader
Starbase Typhon


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